Published at 27th of April 2021 12:39:31 PM

Chapter 297: 297

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Yang Xiaomi is a little confused.

She originally thought she would miss this opportunity.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen's hereditary stubbornness caused her to regain this role.

This character is a bit weird.

On the side, Mimi Entertainment's manager Bai Ming looked excited.

"Xiaomi is so good. I didn't expect you to be so lucky to get this role. This year's queen you are stable."

Yu Lili on the side was going crazy.

For this role, she even gave her body, but she still lost to Yang Xiaomi.

She was unwilling.

It's all that bastard, if it wasn't for him, things couldn't be reversed.

Where did that **** stick come from?

Bai Ming also asked curiously: "Xiaomi, is that young man your friend just now?"

After all, Ding Bo is known for his short temper in the circle.

If others dared to oppose his opinion, Ding Bo would have slapped the table.

However, Ding Bo not only listened to this young man's words, but also listened to it, which was surprising.

Yang Xiaomi is also a little speechless, she said embarrassingly: "He is actually a little brother Didi."

Didi brother?

On the side of Yu Lili hearing Ye Chen's identity, she almost stunned.

Yu Lili never dreamed that she would actually fall into the hands of Little Brother Didi this time.

Ding Bo quietly walked to Ye Chen's side at this time and smiled to please: "Uncle Ye, are you satisfied with my performance?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, not bad."

After speaking, Ye Chen left Xingyu.

At this time, Yang Xiaomi ran out.

"Ye Chen, thank you."

"Haha, do you want to take a ride?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

Originally, Yang Xiaomi was about to return to the company. If she had previously refused, she would definitely refuse.

But this time, Ye Chen helped her after all.

Yang Xiaomi nodded and got on Ye Chen's Jili car.

"Do you know Ding Shao?" Yang Xiaomi asked curiously in the car.

"I'm a didi driver, how can I know this kind of young man." Ye Chen smiled.

Yang Xiaomi thought for a while, Ye Chen also made sense.

"By the way, do you really know how to take pictures?" Yang Xiaomi asked again.

"No, but I often read novels, so it's okay to fool people."

Yang Xiaomi: "..."

Yang Xiaomi didn't believe it at first, but this time she really believed that Ding Bo was fooled by Ye Chen.

These rich second generations are more superstitious, so maybe Ye Chen's fate theory moved Ding Bo.

Ye Chen drove Yang Mimi to the company. Before getting off the car, Yang Mimi gave Ye Chen another five-star praise.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the five-star praise, activating the third praise star, and winning the system rewards 35% of Tiffany shares. 】

Tiffany is the world's largest jewelry company.

Known as the queen of the jewelry world, famous for diamonds and jewelry watches

There are branches in all major first-tier cities in China.

At this moment, Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

The call was from Brother Teng.

"Mr. Ye, this is Brother Teng. By the way, we have a jewellery party tonight. Are you interested in participating?"

Jewelry party?

Ye Chen wanted to refuse, but he remembered that Su Wanyi seemed to like jewelry very much.

"Okay." Ye Chen agreed.

"By the way, we are all green leaves this time. You have to take your girlfriend and the most gorgeous jewelry."

"Well, no problem." Ye Chen nodded.

Later, Ye Chen dialed Su Wanyi's phone.

"Wanyi, are you free tonight? My friend invited me to the jewellery party, and I need to bring a female companion."

"Okay! But I still have a job, so I don't have time to go back and get jewelry."

"It's okay, I'll pick you up later, let's buy one directly."

In the evening, Ye Chen drove to the door of Ya Shi Group.

Su Wanyi walked out of the Yashi Group.

Seeing Su Wanyi walking out, Ye Chen's eyes lit up.

Su Wanyi is a typical classical beauty type.

The slim figure, with a black evening dress, is all over the country and the city is breathtaking.

Many people looked at the beauties walking out, all with a dull expression.

This is simply a goddess who does not eat fireworks in the world.

"I don't know which rich second-generation girlfriend this beauty is."

"Well, the car that picked her up must be a luxury car."

However, to everyone's disbelief, Su Wanyi actually walked towards a Geely car.

"I will wipe it, no way, such a beautiful girl, his boyfriend actually drives Jili?"

"Fuck, my BMW 740 doesn't have the confidence to chase it, then buddy is too awesome."

Su Wanyi smiled faintly after getting in the car: "Do I like this body today?"

"It's so beautiful, it's just a beautiful piece of jewelry. I'll take you to buy it."

Ye Chen drove the car and drove Su Wanyi straight to the jewelry store.

The two held hands and walked into a jewelry store.

At this time, a man's arrogant voice came from the jewelry store.

"My dear, as long as you like me, I will give you anything, two hundred thousand trifling."

"Husband, you are so kind."

Seeing the two people in the store, Ye Chen was taken aback.

These two are Ye Chen's old neighbors, the girl's name is Gao Qian, and the boy's name is Ma Wei.

In fact, Gao Qian and Ye Chen had always had a very good relationship. From elementary school to junior high school, the two were also childhood sweethearts.

But when she arrived in high school, Gao Qian grew up and her thoughts were not simple.

At that time, Ye Chen's family conditions were not good, and Ma Wei's family was engaged in real estate.

After Ma Wei's sugar-coated shells, Gao Qian surrendered directly, and broke up with Ye Chen and fell into Ma Wei's embrace.

It's been several years since this flash, but unexpectedly, the two people are still together.

"Ye Chen, do you know them?" Looking at Ye Chen in a daze, Su Wanyi asked.

Ye Chen smiled: "Oh, it's nothing, but I ran into an old neighbor from before."

After all, it was still young at that time, so many years have passed, and things at that time have long been forgotten.

And the relationship with Gao Qian was originally a young childhood memory, but now he doesn't care anymore.

What's more, Gao Qian's appearance is only 80 points, but the beauty of Ye Chen below 95 points can't be seen by him.

Although Gao Qian is regarded as a goddess-level beauty in the eyes of many men.

But in Ye Chen's eyes, ha ha...

Can't see it at all.

"Hello, welcome to Tiffany."

The beauty shopping guide saw customers coming in and greeted them with a smile.

Gao Qian and Ma Wei turned their heads habitually when they saw someone coming in.

"Ye Chen!"

Gao Qian was stunned when she saw the man coming.

Ye Chen is now more mature and handsome than before.

Although Gao Qian has been dealing with Ma Wei, she still thinks of that handsome little brother from time to time.

Now that I met again, the past bit by bit came to my heart again.

Ma Wei frowned when he saw Gao Qian's somewhat blurred eyes, with an unhappy expression on his face.

Ye Chen saw that now that he was recognized, there was no need to hide and smile and said, "Hey, it's been a long time."

Gao Qian smiled awkwardly; "Yeah, long time no see, I didn't expect you to be handsome again."

I don't know why, when he saw such a handsome Ye Chen, Gao Qian felt a little regretful.

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