Published at 27th of April 2021 12:51:06 PM

Chapter 30: 30

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At the entrance of the Mirage Bar, Tong Xiaoya saw Hu Lili approaching.

The two old classmates hadn't seen each other for several years, and they hugged each other when they met.

Ye Chen drove to the parking lot.

Seeing Ye Chen leaving, Hu Lili said to Tong Xiaoya: "Xiaoya, why did you find a Didi driver to be your boyfriend?"

"What's wrong with the didi driver, I think it's pretty good."

"You... what do I say to you?"

At this time, Ye Chen stopped the car and walked over. Hu Lili couldn't say anything, and the three of them walked into the bar.

The Mirage Bar is different from ordinary bars.

This bar adopts the VIP system, and the annual membership fee is only 200,000.

Therefore, the people who can come to this bar are social elites.

The reason why Mirage Bar is so good is because of their bartender Bacchus.

Bacchus, also known as Chen Jiu, has first-class bartending skills in China.

Every week, Chen Jiu mixes a different type of wine, and seven glasses are auctioned at the bar every week.

Many people come here admiringly.

Every day the glass of wine will be auctioned at sky-high prices.

Ye Chen and the three walked into the bar. At this moment, there was a man and a woman sitting on a bar.

One of the coquettish girls saw Tong Xiaoya's eyes obviously a little uncomfortable.

The girls named Li Na and Tong Xiaoya both graduated from the Kyoto Film Academy, but she has always been tepid, but Tong Xiaoya is confused.

The only thing she was proud of was that she found a rich man, Li Tian, ​​one of the four youngest in Kyoto.

"Xiaoya, why are you here? Today's auction is about to begin."

"A Tian, ​​today I must drink wine made with Dionysus." Li Na acted like a baby with a man wearing a brand name.

Li Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely photograph this glass of wine for you."

"A Tian, ​​you are so kind."

Li Na noticed Ye Chen next to Tong Xiaoya.

She is handsome, even a few grades better than Li Tian, ​​but when she sees Ye Chen's clothes, Li Na has a playful expression on her face.

"Xiaoya, this handsome guy is your boyfriend, why don't you introduce him?"

Tong Xiaoya just prepared to introduce, Hu Lili quickly said: "He is not Xiaoya's boyfriend, but her driver."

"No, Ye Chen is indeed my boyfriend." Tong Xiaoya frowned and retorted directly.

Hearing the disagreement between the two people, Li Na's face showed a playful smile.

She had already noticed something. It must be that Tong Xiaoya's boyfriend couldn't get on the stage, and Hu Lili had covered it for her.

Li Na has been stepped under by Tong Xiaoya all these years, and finally had the opportunity to be shameful, how could she miss it.

"Xiaoya, what does your boyfriend do, tell me about it!" Li Na asked knowingly.

Ye Chen looked at Li Na's yin and yang expression, and the corners of his mouth raised.

"I did it." Ye Chen said directly without waiting for Tong Xiaoya's response.

"Deep dick?" Several people were stunned for an instant.

Li Na immediately showed a playful smile on her face.

"It's a good drive, Xiaoya, you will save your nanny car in the future."

As she said, she put her arms around Li Tian and said with a smug expression: "Our A Tian's father is the chairman of Tianfang Real Estate Company, and his family has more than one billion yuan."

Seeing Li Na showing off her wealth, Hu Lili snorted, and whispered to Tong Xiaoya: "Xiaoya, you are so true. Look at Li Na, her face is not as good as you, and her temperament is also ten thousand miles away from you. You can find it. A rich second-generation, but you found a Didi driver."

Tong Xiaoya smiled bitterly: "Didi driver? Have you ever seen a Didi driver driving a Pagani Bentley? Have you ever seen a Didi driver owning a Gulfstream G550 private jet? Have you ever seen a Didi driver owning a royal mansion under the roots of the imperial city?"

However, Tong Xiaoya knew Ye Chen and didn't like publicity, so she just smiled faintly.

Li Tian also smiled slightly: "It turned out to be Xiaoya's friend. There will be activities in our company in the future. I will definitely support and let the employees take your car. After all, it is not easy for Didi drivers."

"Husband, your heart is too kind." Li Na looked happy on the side.

Seeing the two singing and playing together, Ye Chen felt like watching a monkey.

At this time, accompanied by a burst of loud music, the auction finally began.

The spotlights all converged on the stage.

On the crystal-clear wine table, there is a glass of colorful cocktails.

The colorful colors make people fascinated, and many girls screamed in excitement.

The host smiled and said: "Everyone, the name of the wine we are auctioning today is Mandala. It is a new product just prepared by our Bacchus. The starting price is 30,000!"

"Thirty-five thousand!"

"forty thousand!"

"fifty thousand!"


Prices continue to soar amidst the hustle and bustle.

Li Tian stretched out his hand and said very domineeringly: "One hundred thousand!"

Hearing the bid price of 100,000 yuan, the bar was quiet instantly.

Everyone looked at Li Tian.

A glass of wine is 100,000 yuan, which is not worth it, so no one continues to increase the price for a while.

Li Tian looked at everyone's envious eyes and felt very refreshed.

Li Na was even more excited, and even kissed Li Tian on the cheek.

"Thank you, Tian!"

"Ye Chen, don't you want to take a glass of wine for Xiaoya? Do you know how many girls dream of drinking a glass of Bacchus." Hu Lili looked at Li Na's complacent expression a little uncomfortable.

Tong Xiaoya said: "No, I don't like drinking."

Li Na sneered: "Haha, I'm also a Didi brother, can I earn 100,000 yuan a year? How can I give you a drink?"

At this time, the waiter had brought the cup of mandala to Tong Xiaoya.

"Xiaoya, do you want to drink?" Ye Chen asked suddenly.

Hu Nana said on the side: "What if you want to drink, people only make seven glasses of Dionysus a week, this is the last one."

Li Na picked up the cocktail from the waiter's glass and shook it.

The colors in the cup are like a kaleidoscope, more gorgeous.

Although Tong Xiaoya didn't say anything, she still had some envy in her eyes.

They are all girls, who don't want to be the center of attention.

But Tong Xiaoya knew that Ye Chen could promise to be her boyfriend, it was good enough, how could she be embarrassed to let Ye Chen take such expensive wine for herself.

Li Na jokingly looked at Tong Xiaoya and said proudly: "Xiaoya, have you ever heard a word? It's better to be married than to be good-looking, and to drink a cocktail of Dionysus, so happy!"

With that said, Li Na carefully held the glass, tasting the cocktail in the glass proudly.

All eyes are on Li Na, she feels like the queen of the bar tonight.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise from the bar, and a handsome young man walked out of the backstage.


Everyone was stunned when they saw the people walking out.

Bacchus will only come out for bartending on weekends every week. This is an unchanging law. Today is Friday. Why did he come?

Ye Chen whispered in Tong Xiaoya's ear: "If you want to drink, I will let the **** of wine make you the most beautiful wine for you to drink!"

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