Published at 27th of April 2021 12:39:28 PM

Chapter 300: 300

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Flying a helicopter?

Su Wanyi was stunned.

Ye Chen drove the car and came directly to the Rose Manor.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he was stopped.

Ye Chen lowered the car window and saw Ye Chen's security guard hurriedly saluting.

The property manager has already sent Ye Chen's photos to every employee, just to prevent any indifferent employee from offending Ye Chen.

"Oh, it turns out that Mr. Ye, you have changed cars again, this car..."

The security guard wanted to flatter, but looked at the car very familiar.

Isn't this Jili?

Now the rich are so good at playing?

There is a luxury car that does not drive, but drives an ordinary diaosi car.

Ye Chen smiled: "This car is cool, right?"

The security nodded awkwardly: "Cool, Mr. Ye is cool when driving any car."

Ye Chen drove to the villa.

Su Wanyi was stunned.

"You bought a villa here again?"

"Yeah, I have some spare money recently, so I bought 20 buildings, whichever you like, pick one. If you don't, the two will not work. We have to demolish and build a golf course."

Su Wanyi: "..."

This guy is really rich and willful.

If you buy a villa, you can buy twenty houses in one go. This is too prodigal.

The two entered the villa and took the elevator directly to the roof platform.

When she got out of the platform, Su Wanyi was stunned when she looked at the helicopter parked in front of her.

"Oh my God, you actually have a helicopter."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "How is it? This helicopter is cool, right?"

Su Wanyi said, "What about the helicopter driver?"

Ye Chen said, "You don't need a driver, because I am the driver."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi was completely confused.

Su Wanyi has also seen the world.

In general, some big bosses do have helicopters, but they usually hire people to fly them.

Ye Chen could actually drive by himself, when did this guy learn to drive a helicopter?

Su Wanyi felt that her boyfriend was omnipotent.

"Let's go, let's get on the plane." Ye Chen smiled.

Su Wanyi nodded and got on the helicopter with Ye Chen's support.

To be honest, Su Wanyi often takes a plane, but this is the first time to fly by helicopter.

Ye Chen started the helicopter.

With the rotation of the propeller, the plane took off slowly.

The huge air current set off a heat wave, and the roar of the plane made many big men who lived in Rose Manor leaned out the window and watched the helicopter taking off.

"Hey, Ye Chen is the real boss. He travels by helicopter."

"I thought it would be awesome to ride a Rolls Royce, but now I understand that you have to use a helicopter to pretend to be a force."

The helicopter flies in the air.

Seeing the bright night scene, Su Wanyi was very happy.

Below, there is a long queue of cars, and if you drive there, you will be late.

But it's different with a helicopter.

In the past, Su Wanyi was thinking when she was driving in a traffic jam, if it would be great to have a helicopter, now Ye Chen has realized her dream for her.

Since there is no traffic jam, there is no need to worry about the traffic lights, a half-hour drive, the helicopter will arrive in ten minutes.

The Hilton Hotel is a five-star hotel with a wide square just in front of it.

At this time, many VIPs were approaching and saw a helicopter slowly descending.

Everyone stopped.

I rub, which big guy is this, who drove a helicopter to attend the jewelry party.

Accompanied by a strong air current, the helicopter slowly descended.

Everyone covered their eyes with their hands, the helicopter stopped, and a handsome guy took a beautiful woman and walked off the plane.

The man wore a suit, handsome, and the beauty beside him in a black evening dress was equally beautiful and suffocating.

Handsome guy, there was a cool helicopter behind the pretty girl, everyone was stunned.

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man came out and said excitedly: "Brother Ye, your appearance is always different."

It was not someone else who came out, but Brother Teng.

Brother Teng glanced at Su Wanyi and asked, "This one is?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "This is my girlfriend Su Wanyi."

"Oh, oh." Brother Teng understood.

As expected of Ye Daye, the women around me are different every time I meet.

The most important thing is that every woman around Ye Chen is bubbling beautifully, and it is still young people who are energetic and energetic.

The three of Brother Teng walked into the venue.

Those who attended the jewellery party today are all the elites of the magic capital, people who like jewelry.

All of them are jeweled and precious.

Especially today's women are very beautiful, with at least millions of jewelry on each person.

Compared with other girls, the little rabbit pendant on Su Wanyi's neck looks a little shabby.

But Su Wanyi didn't care at all. Compared with those million-dollar jewelry, she preferred the little rabbit on her neck.

Because that little rabbit represents Ye Chen.

The two walked around the hall for a while, admiring the jewelry on display.

At this time, a man stared at Su Wanyi coldly and said: "This lady, please leave here, we don't welcome you."

Ye Chen was holding Su Wanyi's hand and admiring a diamond, frowning when he heard the sound.

Looking up, I saw a middle-aged man staring at the pendant on Su Wanyi's neck with an angry expression.

Ye Chen said, "Why let my girlfriend go out?"

The man pointed to the rabbit pendant on Su Wanyi’s neck and said with disdain: "Our jewelry party, ladies must wear precious jewelry, but what is your girlfriend wearing? This thing is only a few thousand dollars, she will let it here. Our jewellery party will drop one grade."

The man said to the security guard, "The security guard, blast these two men out for me."

Ye Chen raised his brows and stood in front of Su Wanyi: "I think who dares to do it today?"

A few security guards just stepped forward, feeling the aura on Ye Chen's body, their expressions changed slightly.

At this moment, everyone was attracted by the situation here and looked in Ye Chen's direction.

"What's going on, Old Chen seems to have a dispute with someone."

"This kid is unlucky and provokes Chen Yuan. It is estimated that he will be blacklisted by the Jewelry Association."

"This young man, too, dare to participate in such a high-level jewellery party without money. Look at the pendant on his girlfriend's neck, it's only a few thousand dollars."


Everyone talked a lot, and Chen Yuan said coldly: "As the vice president of the Jewelry Association, I have the right to let you leave."

Ye Chen said coldly: "Rights, who gave you the rights, what if I don't leave today?"

"Huh, I am embarrassed to show up at the jewelry party with a pendant worth thousands of dollars. Shouldn't this kind of person be expelled?" Chen Yuan pointed to Su Wanyi and said coldly.

"She is my girlfriend. Does what she wears has something to do with your old thing? At least I am my girlfriend beside you? A person in her fifties, a female partner in her twenties, I It's your junior, he's obviously a nasty belly, and he's still pretending to be high-minded here."

"You, dare you to curse." Chen Yuan flushed with Ye Chen's anger.

Since he became the vice president of the Jewelry Association, no one has dared to speak to him like this.

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