Published at 27th of April 2021 12:39:18 PM

Chapter 304: 304

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Parents sent their children to school, stayed for a while, and then left.

Without parents, the campus becomes the world of students.

The students quickly became acquainted with each other.

Everyone found that each other has a special attribute, scumbag.

"How many points did you score on the college entrance examination?"

"210 points."

"It's so awesome, I only got 180 points on the test."

"I rub, you are all tyrants, I got 130 points."


The students soon discovered a strange thing.

Except for a few teachers at the school gate, the students never saw other teachers.

Not even a counselor teacher.

Where did the teachers go?

After all, universities generally have counselors who are responsible for the daily management of students. After everyone has been in the school for so long, the counselors should have appeared long ago?

what's going on.

In the dormitory, after packing up the luggage, the students started their hobbies.

For example, some students are singing while holding a guitar, some are drawing, and some are building buildings with building blocks, and some even bring their evening dinner back to the dormitory to study food recipes.

School registration is over.

A total of 2,118 students, all of them reported on time.

These students have poor academic performance, but each of them has special skills.

Unlike students in other schools, their ability to go to university is a hard-won opportunity, so they will cherish it even more.

The school dormitory, playground, teaching building, horns sounded.

[At seven o'clock in the evening, all students gather in the conference hall on the first floor of the teaching building. 】

The students let out a sigh of relief when they heard the broadcast.

The teacher did not show up for so long, and the students were very guilty.

After all, there are no teachers in the university, which is so strange.

At seven o'clock, the conference hall on the first floor of the school was full of students.

This conference hall can hold 7,000 people for a meeting at the same time, but because the school is not well-known, it only recruited more than 2,000 students.

The students are looking forward to meeting the teachers and principals of the school.

At seven o'clock, Lin Shiyin first stepped onto the podium.

"Everyone, welcome everyone to Star University. Starting today, you will start your dream journey here."

Lin Shiyin's voice is very nice, and it feels as comfortable as massaging his ears.

"Next, invite the principal of the school, Mr. Ye Chen, to speak for everyone."

There was thunderous applause, and all the students looked towards the backstage exit.

In their perception, the principal should be a very old or even bald grandfather.

But when Ye Chen walked out, everyone was shocked.

Ye Chen turned out to be a super handsome young man in his twenties.

"Oh my God, our principal is so handsome." A girl exclaimed in disbelief, covering her mouth.

"Yeah, I feel in love with this handsome principal." Another girl said.

Perhaps Ye Chen is the first principal in history who just took the stage to speak and fascinated all the girls in the school.

Ye Chen stood on the podium, looking at the immature faces, and seemed to be back when he was in college.

Unfortunately, he is not as lucky as these students. Because of this, he will not let his regret happen to these children.

"Dear students, first of all thank you for choosing Star University. After a day's time, you should have been familiar with our campus. How great is it? President Ye didn't fool you, right."

There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

Yes, the campus environment of Star University is so good that it even surpasses many famous universities in China.

Ye Chen continued: "The mission of Star University is to dream and freedom. This is also the teaching philosophy of our school. This will be a stage for you to realize your dreams. No matter what dreams are in your heart, the school will give you the greatest support. Realize your dreams."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, thunderous applause rang out on the scene.

These are exactly what these students have always wanted to pursue.

Yes, their grades are indeed not good, but each of them has dreams and is even willing to fight for them.

But when they were in high school, mathematics, physics, chemistry, English... These knowledges were like huge mountains weighing on them, and they had to give up their dreams and do things they didn't like.

Some of them resisted, and some chose to compromise, but they never gave up their dreams.

Seeing the students' longing eyes, Ye Chen's mouth raised.

This is exactly what he wants most.

At this moment, their eyes looking at Ye Chen were also full of respect.

Ye Chen is not only their principal, but also a guide for each of them.

Their dreams have been suppressed for too long, and now they are finally released.

There was warm applause at the scene.

Ye Chen continued: "Okay, you can ask me if you have any questions."

At the opening ceremony of Ye Chen University, the principal's tirade almost didn't tell him to fall asleep.

So today it is his turn to speak as the principal, so naturally he won't say a bunch of useless words.

Succinctly and concisely, and then everyone's speech.

At this time, a male student raised his hand to ask a question.

"Principal Ye, we have been in school for so long, why didn't we see the counselor or other teaching teachers?"

Other students are also full of doubts about this issue.

Ye Chen said, "One thing I want to tell you is that there are no teachers at Star University."

Suddenly, the meeting room was silent.

Everyone was stunned.

No teacher?

There is no teacher in the school, is it still called a school?

Seeing the bewildered expressions of his classmates, Ye Chen faintly smiled: "Xingchen University will give everyone absolute freedom. There are no teachers and no timetables. The teachers are you."

"What?" Hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone was stunned.

Be your own teacher?

You know, the students who come to Star University are all scumbags.

Isn't it a joke to let them be teachers themselves?

Ye Chen continued: "I know that many of the classmates here may not score very well in the college entrance examination, but you all have your own specialties, and those specialties have made you good enough to become a qualified teacher."

Is this also OK?

The students were completely stunned.

Ye Chen continued: "You can post the major you want to study on the school's website, and we will assign majors according to your choice."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the students all showed ecstatic eyes.

Oh my god, is this true?

You can choose your favorite major and do what you like, which is too cool.

Many people have had this kind of dream. It would be great if they could do what they like.

However, dreams often lose to reality, and are finally extinguished a little bit by life. This is the trajectory of many people's lives.

Now that Ye Chen gave them the opportunity to choose their dreams, how could the students not be excited!

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