Published at 27th of April 2021 12:39:09 PM

Chapter 307: 307

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The news of the three-day carnival of Star University was immediately on the hot search.

Criticism is everywhere on the Internet.

"University should be a place to study, isn't this a mess?"

"I don't know what the president of Star University thinks."

"This is irresponsible to the students, and it is strongly recommended that the principal be expelled."


Ye Chen didn't respond to the comments on the Internet at all.

He wants to speak with facts and tell those people that he is right.

The next day, the students were still very happy.

Everyone has been playing until late at night until the news.

The carnival video of Star University is circulated in major colleges and universities.

Looking at the happy students of Star University, the proud students of those colleges and universities are extremely envious.

This is actually the life they want.

The next day, the school began military training.

On the Fuda training ground, it was discovered that the number of people had dropped a lot.

"Where are people?" The instructor frowned.

As a result, after counting, it was reduced by one-third.

The same thing happens in every class.

Soon, the matter was reported back to the principal.

After investigation, these students all went to one place, Star University.

President Zhou Sheng frowned: "Star University is nothing but Pheasant University. What are our students going to do there?"

The dean of the Academic Affairs Office gave a wry smile: "Did you not watch the Internet? The Stars University had a carnival for three days, and the students ran to the carnival."

"Slap!" The principal slapped the table sharply.

"Naughty, students just start school to keep their minds, carnival for three days, are they crazy?"

But the principal snorted coldly: "Let them do it, I believe there will be no students in their school next year."

After all, the original intention of parents to send their children to school is to learn.

No parent wants to see children playing crazy in school.

The principal believes that such a school will not have a future in the future.

On the campus of Star University, the carnival continues.

Ye Chen was in the office, observing everything that happened on the campus through the surveillance screen.

Those students from other schools were discovered by Ye Chen as soon as they entered the campus.

But Ye Chen didn't stop it. Ye Chen's belief is freedom. Since you are willing to come, we will naturally not stop.

And being able to communicate with students from other schools is not a bad thing for the students of Star University.

The Fuda students walked into the campus completely dumbfounded.

In their perception, this kind of pheasant university must be messy, with dilapidated school buildings.

But walking in is like entering the kingdom of dreams.

Whether it is the campus environment or the dormitory of the teaching building, it is far better than them.

Even when they walked into the campus, they were reluctant to leave.

The classmates carnival in the playground, and there are students who like football playing on the football field.

Basketball courts, badminton courts, and volleyball courts are all scenes of intense competition.

Compared with their hard-pressed military training, these students from prestigious schools are almost crying.

This is the university, this is the real university life.

Even if they were given a chance to choose, they would definitely choose Star University instead of those famous schools.

However, in the enthusiastic atmosphere of the Stars University students, they quickly blended in.

Military training? Let those devil's instructors stay cool.

For these students back to school, Fuda has issued an announcement that students are not allowed to go to Star University, otherwise they will be punished directly.

The students returned to the hard-fought military training on the playground.

Standing under the cool sun, standing in a military posture, and wanting to eat at the gourmet barbecue, football field, and basketball court of Star University, these students really regretted why they didn't choose Star University.

And these students are also telling their classmates what they have seen and heard about Star University.

Everyone was stunned.

Oh my God, is there really such a university?

In the past, many people thought that Star University was nothing more than Pheasant University, but now they are full of longing for this university.

The three-day carnival is over.

The campus has regained tranquility.

Early the next morning, the students got up early, without even urging them, some were running exercises, and some were reading books on campus.

But on this day, the school conducted a test.

Based on the test results, teachers of various subjects were selected.

Of course these teachers are all students.

For example, Mo Xiaoxiao, his course is computer.

The course Luo Jingshan wants to teach is music.

Bai Yang is a small god-level author of online novels. He teaches literature.


Under the allocation of the system, all resources are allocated.

As teachers, these students are very serious and immediately go back to prepare lessons.

Even the school has established many interest groups.

For example, Chen Jian, his dream is to build a rocket that can fly into the sky.

So he gathered a few students with the same hobbies and soaked in the laboratory day and night to study rocket launches.

There is also Zhang Mo. He likes nuclear power. He took the interest group into the laboratory.

Ye Chen didn't say a word, but the hearts of these classmates had already recovered.

They are all back on track to pursue their dreams.

Seeing the orderly appearance on the campus, Ye Chen also took a sigh of relief.

I have been soaking in the school these days, and now that the school is back to normal, Ye Chen handed over the school affairs to Lin Shiyin, and he continued to dig.

I ran a few deals, but unfortunately none of them activated the five-star praise.

At this time, Ye Chen received a call from his mother.

"Xiaochen, I introduced you a girlfriend."

"Mom, you don't have to worry about my affairs." Ye Chen said silently.

"Why don't you worry about it? Look at Xiaotao and everyone is married, but you don't have a girlfriend yet."

Ye Chen didn't tell his mother about his girlfriend.

After all, with so many women in himself, he was afraid that his mother's heart would not be able to stand it.

"I don't care about it. You must meet, at the Venetian Café at 7:30."

"Okay, I see." Ye Chen reluctantly hung up the phone.

See you if you forget.

Ye Chen drove towards the Venice Café.

Ye Chen walked into the cafe, found an empty seat and sat down.

He was lowering his head and playing with his mobile phone, and a surprised voice sounded: "Ye Chen is you?"

Ye Chen raised his head and was taken aback for a moment.

Gao Qian?

Did Ye Chen remember that his mother said that the blind date was not Lu Feifei?

"Oh, hello." Ye Chen said lightly.

Gao Qian sat directly opposite Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, I broke up with Ma Wei."

"Oh!" Ye Chen's expression was very plain.

Gao Qian came because she was to find the way for her best friend.

The two agreed that if the target of the blind date is Gao Fushuai, the next time the girlfriend will take the initiative to meet the blind date.

If the blind date is ugly and has no money, then just dump the other party and get a blacklist directly.

"Ye Chen is a coincidence. In fact, I came to the blind date for my friend. She has something to do. Let me see how the blind date is for her."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Gao Qian was very excited. Last time Ye Chen left, she broke up with Ma Wei directly.

Think about how her former first love boyfriend turned out to be a super rich man, how could she be an ugly mistress.

She also wanted to send Ye Chen a WeChat message, but found that Ye Chen had already pulled her into the blacklist.

Unexpectedly, she went on a blind date for her best friend, and the object turned out to be Ye Chen.

what does this mean? Ye Chen doesn't have a girlfriend yet! Then her chance came.

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