Published at 27th of April 2021 12:38:57 PM

Chapter 312: 312

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Song Dong said coldly: "Whatever my cousin said, what she said is only the truth, but Ding Bo's beating is wrong. If you want to make this happen today, Ding Bo must obediently slap himself twice."

Arrogant and domineering, there is no room for maneuver, Song Dong's attitude is very arrogant.

Ye Chen's eyes were cold, and they collided with Song Dong's cold eyes.

"Since this is the case, there is nothing to say. I will take care of this matter for Ding Bo. Let's rely on our strength to speak."

Song Dong sneered: "Okay, I like to use strength to crush opponents."

Ye Chen nodded: "At this point, our hobbies seem to be similar."

Seeing Ye Chen so arrogant, Song Dong's eyes sank.

I don't know why, the confidence in Ye Chen made him a little jealous.

Who is Ye Chen? Why does Ding Bo stand up like a little brother? Could it be that he is a bigger man than Ding Bo?

But the youngest brother of Demon Capital, he knew him, Ye Chen had never heard of this.

The most important thing is that everyone with a bit of power knows his identity.

Knowing that he is so awesome and so arrogant with him, this kid must also have a background.

Song Dong's heart was slightly cold.

However, soon, he returned to calm.

Niubi, there are a few people who are better than me.

No matter how awesome you are, you will be better than me.

Blind self-confidence made Song Dong lose his reason.

Song Dongyin looked at Ye Chen coldly: "Boy, since you are going to carry this matter, you must be prepared to pay the price."

On the side, Song Jia looked smug: "Boy, you are dead. Brother Dong will not let you go. I promise you will die miserably."

Ye Chen just smiled slightly at the mouth of the two brothers and sisters.

With a cold snort, Song Dong left with his sister.

Everyone at the scene took a breath of air-conditioning when they saw Song Dong walk away impulsively.

Those who are familiar with Song Dong know that Ye Chen really provoke Song Dong this time.

And Song Dong will never let it go.

Song Dong's strength is known to everyone with a bit of identity.

But there were not many people who heard about Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is usually low-key, and those who can know Ye Chen's identity are all top bosses, how could they know the horror of Ye Chen's identity.

"Hey, this kid, I'm really asking for trouble. I guess he'll be dead this time."

"Ding Bo is afraid of Song Dong, isn't Ye Chen looking for death in his early days?"

"This is just pretending to be slapped in the face. Let's wait for a good show."

Almost everyone thought that Ye Chen had offended Song Dong and was dead.

Ye Tao was very embarrassed.

After all, this matter started because of the Ye family.

The bride Li Rou sighed, "Xiao Tao, it's okay. I will ask my father to come forward and ask your cousin to apologize. It should be fine."

Ye Tao nodded: "My wife, you are so kind."

But at this moment, Wang Dali walked into the banquet hall with the top of the Hilton Hotel.

Seeing Wang Dali, everyone was shocked.

Why is Wang Dali here?

As the manager of the Hilton Hotel, Wang Dali has a distinguished status in the magic city.

Just saw someone mocking Ye's family, Wang Dali immediately summoned all the senior executives of the company.

The boss's face, anyway, is to find it back.

Seeing this big scene, Li Ruanhuang and Ye Tao looked silly.

what's going on?

At this time, Wang Dali walked in front of Ye Chen.

Everyone stood in a row: "Ye Donghao."

Ye Dong!

There was a dead silence at the scene.

Everyone was stunned.

Ye Chen also froze for a moment: "You are?"

Wang Dali smiled and said: "Ye Dong, we have received the news that you are already the second largest shareholder of Hilton Hotel. I brought the company’s executives to visit you. At the same time, I heard that your cousin had a wedding in our hotel. Come and congratulate."

"Oh, that's it." Ye Chen nodded.

Hear the conversation between both parties.

Ye Tao was stunned.

Li Rou was stunned.

Ding Bo was stunned.

The guests at the scene were all stunned.

There were even a few cups that were not held firmly and fell to the ground.

Ye Dong!

Hilton Hotel's second largest shareholder.

Especially Ding Bo is already stupid.

He already knew a few of Ye Chen's identities, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to have a new identity now.

The second largest shareholder of Hilton Hotels pays tens of billions of dividends a year.

Before, everyone was not optimistic about Ye Chen, thinking that Ye Chen was swollen and fat.

Now that he knew Ye Chen's true identity, everyone was stupid.

Wang Dali said respectfully in front of Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye, I didn’t know that Ye Tao was your brother. I heard that they actually charged your brother at full price. I have already scolded the deputy manager for all your brother’s expenses. 50% off."


Hearing Wang Dali's words, everyone gasped in air.

Hilton is a first-class hotel in the magic capital, and there are some newlyweds who want to come here to get married every year.

Therefore, the hotel does not have any discounts at all. If you do not come, some people want to get married here.

At a 50% discount, this is simply impossible.

Ye Chen listened and nodded: "Then I will thank you for my brother."

Wang Dali said to Ye Tao and Li Juu again: "Mr. Ye, Miss Li, this wedding we did not do well, so please invite two Duohaihan."

Li Ruanhuang and Ye Tao are here to run a hotel. They don't know how much they have used. They naturally understand how good the Hilton Hotel is.

Now the general manager of the family talked to himself in a low tone, and the two of them were simply flattered.

"You are too polite, we feel very good." Ye Tao said crampedly.

"That's good. I wish the two newcomers a good relationship for a hundred years. If you have any requirements, even if you ask Manager Ma, we must follow the ideas of the two newcomers."

"No, they are all fine." Ye Tao said hurriedly.

Just now, those guests who said that the Ye family was poor were all blushing at the moment.

Poor, Ye Chen's assets are hundreds of times that of those people co-authored. It turns out that Ye family is not poor, they are low-key.

The family members of those women were very embarrassed with their old faces flushed.

Because of Ye Chen's face, Ye Tao and Li Rou saved more than 700,000 yuan, which is simply ridiculous.

Now no one dares to say that the Ye family is poor, no one dares to say that Ye Tao eats soft food.

Many people even thought that Li Rou had climbed the Ye family.

"By the way, in order to congratulate the two newcomers, tonight the Emperor Presidential Suite will be given to the two newcomers for free." Wang Dali continued.

Hearing Wang Dali's words, the scene was in an uproar.

The price of the imperial presidential suite is 200,000 yuan a night, and it may not be possible to book it if you have money.

Now Wang Dali even gave it to the couple for free.

Ye Tao was also very excited when he heard that, the presidential suite in the Imperial Hall could overlook the entire magic capital.

At the beginning, Ye Tao wanted to order it too, but after asking, he knew that he didn't have the qualifications at all.

Now because of Ye Chen's reasons, Wang Dali even directly rented himself the Presidential Suite of the Emperor's Hall for free.

This is strength, this is status.

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