Published at 27th of April 2021 12:38:54 PM

Chapter 313: 313

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Ye Tao knew that all of this was because of Ye Chen.

"Cousin thank you so much for allowing me and Xiaorou to have such a perfect wedding." Ye Tao said moved.

Ye Chen smiled: "Such a good presidential suite can't be wasted, how can I get a grandson for the uncle."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, there was a lot of laughter, and Li Rou's pretty face flushed.

Seeing Ye Chen's hearty smile, Wang Dali let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I was witty, and it seemed that Ye Dong was very satisfied.

Ye Chen is the second largest shareholder, and he speaks a lot at the shareholder meeting.

Even a word can determine his future destiny.

I am pleased with Ye Chen, and I will not worry about getting to the next level in the company.

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "Well, the wedding has been delayed for so long, so go ahead."

With the episode just now, the atmosphere of the wedding was revived.

But the woman's family, no one dared to despise the Ye family anymore, and they came over respectfully to toast Ye Chen.

The elders of the Ye family kept admiring them when they saw Ye Chen's talent.

The uncle excitedly said: "Our Ye family finally came out of a promising child."

"That's right, I was so angry just now, but fortunately, Ye Chen gave us face."


At this time, Ye Chen called Wang Dali aside and asked, "Do you understand Song Dong's situation?"

Wang Dali listened and said, "I know something, so, Mr. Ye, wait for me for a few minutes, and I will check it for you."

After all, Ye Chen is his own boss.

Being able to do things for the boss is his opportunity and honor. How could he refuse.

No matter how awesome Song Dong is, Ye Chen is also his own boss.

At this time, Song Dongzheng drove home with his cousin.

At this time, the phone rang: "Brother Song, the boss of the Hilton Hotel brought someone here personally just now."

"Oh, it's normal. Wang Dali and I know each other. He should have come to visit me."

Song Dong’s characteristic is that he feels good about himself at all times.

Song Jia on the side said: "Cousin has a wide network of contacts. Even the general manager of Hilton will have to toast you. That fool dare to offend you, I don't know how he died."

The little brother’s voice was a little awkward: "Brother Dong, they are not looking for you, they are looking for Ye Chen."

Song Dong was stunned. The car twisted on the road and almost hit the guardrail.

The younger brother said: "Not only did he toast Ye Chen, he also announced an amazing news that he is the second largest shareholder of the Hilton Hotel."

"What?" Song Dong frowned, his face suddenly becoming hard to look.

Hilton Hotel is an internationally renowned hotel with a market value of 100 billion yuan, and the annual salary of the second largest shareholder is 10 billion yuan.

Song Dong's face became a little stiff.

After all, Song Dong has worked hard in the mall for so many years.

How could the second largest shareholder of Hilton Hotels be ordinary people.

Such opponents must not be taken lightly.

Don't know why, Song Dong regrets a little, and shouldn't offend Ye Chen.

But he had put down his cruel words in front of everyone, and he opened his bow without turning his head back.

Song Dong took a deep breath and said to the younger brother: "You can check Ye Chen for me now, I want all his information."

Before, Song Dong thought that Ye Chen was just a stupid stupid, but now he must pay attention to it.

However, although Ye Chen is the second largest shareholder of Hilton Hotel, he is not very panicked about his identity.

What about the second largest shareholder, the Hilton Hotel, is an international enterprise, and their Song family is the head of the magic capital.

Even if Ye Chen is the second largest shareholder, if there is no other background, he is not his opponent.

At the same time, Ye Chen was also using the relationship to check Songdong's situation.

"Brother Marco helped me find a person named Song Dong."

"Song Dong from the Song family of Brother Teng, help me check it out."

"Mr. Zhao, Huadu Law Firm, I'm Ye Chen, please check Song Dong for me."

"Long Dun Chen Fei? Help me look up the person named Song Dong."

Ye Chen also used his own network to check Song Dong's information.

After all, Song Dong's strength is stronger than Ding Bo, so he doesn't want to capsize in the gutter.

Soon, Ye Chen's phone rang.

Long Dun Chen Fei: "Mr. Ye, I have sent Song Dong's message to your WeChat."

Huadu Zhao Qidong: "Mr. Ye, I have found out about Song Dong..."

Brother Ma, Brother Teng called back.

Ye Chen's network is very strong.

Soon Song Dong's family was checked by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's contacts are very scary, and they are all big names in the Chinese business community.

Therefore, it is too easy to find a Song Dong.

Ye Chen already had a pile of Song Dong's black material in his hand.

Song Dong is really unclean. Although he is a business elite, he has a lot of business problems.

Tax evasion, making fake goods, and even forced a female college student to jump off the building.

In foreign countries, this guy is even worse.

The bribery officials used illegal means to purchase land to build factories, and even made false accounts abroad to exempt them from tariffs.

If Ye Chen broke the news to Song Dong about these things, it is estimated that this guy would have to sit and wear it.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised, he directly looked for a laptop, and started crackling a bunch of codes on the computer.


Song Dong also returned news of Ye Chen.

"Boss, I checked the bottom of that kid, and he is a didi driver."

"What, didi driver? How could it be possible?" Song Dong didn't believe it, a driver would have the confidence to pretend to be awesome.

As a result, his little brothers investigated for a long time, and the news they got was that Ye Chen was a didi driver.

Song Dong frowned, how could a little brother Didi become a major shareholder of Hilton Hotel.

Song Jia smiled and said, "It is estimated that this guy must have gone by chance to become a shareholder of Hilton by chance."

Song Dong nodded: "It's very possible."

There was a coldness at the corners of his mouth.

If Ye Chen is really just this identity.

Then he wanted to kill Ye Chen easily.

He wanted to let Ye Chen know what would happen if he provoked himself.

Even Song Dong had already seen Ye Chen kneeling in front of him begging for mercy.

Just then, Song Dong's phone rang.

"It's OK, don't hit me, I know that kid is just a little brother Didi?" Song Dong said angrily.

The person on the opposite side looked dumbfounded, what the **** was Brother Didi.

"Something happened to the boss. The news that we changed the false accounts has been followed by the taxation department of country M. Now the other party has the evidence and has seized all our factories in country M."

"What?" Song Dong's expression suddenly changed.

The nature of this matter is too bad.

Tax evasion in country M is a felony. Now he may be on the wanted list of country M. Once he goes to the allies of country M, he may be caught and extradited to go to prison in country M.

"Damn, don't your evidence say that this matter is foolproof? How could this get into the hands of the taxation department of country M." Song Dong roared.

The other party took a deep breath: "I don't know, but I know from insiders that the other party sent all the information through an email. Did you offend someone, Mr. Song?"

Song Dong's expression changed: "Could it be him."

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