Published at 27th of April 2021 12:38:35 PM

Chapter 320: 320

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Ye Chen snorted coldly: "I was driving on the bike lane, and you hit me, and you hit me behind. Of course the responsibility is you. There are cameras at the intersection. You can't help it."

Hua Guo is now full of cameras, Ye Chen just raised his head and glanced, there was one in front of the intersection.

So if you adjust the video, it's natural to see who is responsible.

Li Zhe didn't panic at all, and said, "Haha, sorry, the camera at this intersection has been broken for half a month. Okay, call the traffic police, don't you ask me to call for you."

The traffic police came over and understood what happened and said, “The monitoring of this intersection broke down some time ago and has not been repaired. Therefore, the monitoring cannot be adjusted, and the responsibility can only be judged based on the actual situation.”

Li Zhe looked smug: "Boy, be silly, I drive normally on the motorway, so it's your full responsibility."

Just now, Li Zhe rammed Ye Chen's car into the bicycle lane, and he deliberately stepped back, the car happened to be on the motor lane.

So the whole scene was an electric car riding on the motorway, causing an accident.

The traffic police frowned and said to Li Zhe: "Does your car have a driving recorder? Call it out and have a look."

Li Zhe smiled: "Comrade traffic police, sorry, my driving recorder is broken, so I didn't turn it on at all."

This time the traffic police are also embarrassed.

The traffic police sighed: "Little brother, without a recorder, I can only judge who is responsible from the current situation. From the current situation, you should be fully responsible."

Ye Chen smiled, "Comrade traffic police, it doesn't matter that my electric car has a driving recorder, and it is 360 degrees without dead ends."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, everyone was stunned.

I wiped it, is there any mistake, the electric car also has a driving recorder.

Damn it, I heard it right, there is no dead angle at 360 degrees, this is so advanced.

Look at the brand of this electric car, and I will buy one later.

Aside, Li Zhe finally panicked.

He never dreamed that Ye Chen's broken electric car had a driving recorder.

This is too nonsense.

In general, who would press the driving recorder for an electric car?

Is this Nima sick?

Ye Chen came to the electric car and took down what looked like a recorder, and then scanned the QR code.

The video footage just now appeared in front of everyone.

"Fuck, so awesome."

Everyone looked stupid.

You know, even BMW's driving recorder is not so smart.

"The young man is simply too smart. Our electric cars have to protect themselves, and the province will be touched by luxury cars."

"Yes, I will install one in my car when I look back."

"Young man, what kind of car is this? Five or six thousand."

"Five or six thousand, I guess this car is worth tens of thousands."


The traffic police watched the video in the recorder.

In the video, Ye Chen rode an electric bike on the bike lanes, and the BMW deliberately turned the front of the bike and ran into the electric bike.

And after the collision, the BMW retreated half a meter back into the motorway.

Throughout the process, the driving recorder recorded clearly.

At this time, Li Zhe was completely dumb.

In the face of evidence, any sophistry is useless.

At this time, the surrounding people criticized one after another.

"Too shameless, driving a BMW car and hitting a porcelain electric car."

"Yeah, it's really a black heart."

"People nowadays, driving a luxury car even hitting porcelain, it is too wicked to pit us poor people."

"Nima, he looks like a bad guy at first glance, but he looks like a good guy with a handsome appearance."


When the surrounding people learned the truth, they all accused Li Zhe of lacking quality.

Li Zheqi's face was green.

"Nima, you are cruel."

With that, Li Zhe took out his wallet, then took out two thousand yuan and threw it on the ground.

"Two thousand yuan, buy you a new one."

With that said, Li Zhe was about to turn into the car.

"Wait a minute, your two thousand yuan is really not enough." Ye Chen said jokingly.

Li Zhe was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Boy, don't open your mouth. The rear wheel of your car is broken. Two thousand yuan is enough to repair the car. Buying a new one is enough."

Other people also said: "Young man, that's fine, you can buy a good car for two thousand dollars."

"I don't think your electric car is damaged. Can't it be repaired and it can be driven?"

"Boy, it's wrong for you to be a scumbag, isn't this the same as the scumbag?"

"Hey, I thought this young man was very upright, but he also corrupted others."

The traffic policeman said: "Young man, your car is almost worth two thousand."

Ye Chen heard that, instead of arguing with everyone, he took out his mobile phone: "Hey, is it an insurance company? I applied for insurance, and my electric car was hit..."

Everyone was stunned when Ye Chen called to find the insurance company.

Special talent, an electric car, you should claim insurance.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen like a monster.

Li Zhe was completely defeated by Ye Chen.

This guy is really weird.

For an electric car for two or three thousand, you must also apply for insurance.

How could Su Wanyi find such a wonderful flower.

The onlookers were also a little speechless.

This operation, an electric car with more than two thousand to buy insurance, this is too awesome.


When Li Zhe saw Ye Chen call, he smiled contemptuously and dialed the insurance company's number.

After all, he is now solely responsible, and he has to report to insurance for repairs if the lights and bumpers are broken.

Soon, the two insurance companies all came to the scene.

Ye Chen's insurance company is a young employee.

Hearing the report that the electric car had been hit, his face was speechless.

This was the first time he heard about the insurance of an electric car.

Seeing that the insurance company really came, the onlookers were also stunned.

"I wipe it, it's true."

"Nima, this insurance company is 2,000 yuan, which is not enough for one year's insurance premium."

"This buddy, there is a problem with your head."

"Yes, a broken electric car reports insurance, right? His head is sick."

"I just don't want two thousand dollars. I guess it won't be enough if you take insurance."

The crowd onlookers did not understand Ye Chen's behavior.

Even many people felt that Ye Chen was too stupid.

Later, the insurance company staff checked the policy, but the young man's face became more serious as he looked at it.

The look in Ye Chen's eyes also completely changed.

Not only that, the staff of the two insurance companies also kept calling and communicating with the headquarters.

Everyone was stunned, isn't it just a broken electric car? As for the trouble?

However, some people feel that this seems to be something wrong.

Finally, the communication was over, and the attitude of the staff of the two insurance companies towards Ye Chen also took a 180-degree turn.

The staff of the BMW insurance company came to Li Zhe: "Mr. Li, according to the traffic police's appraisal, you have to be fully responsible for this car, so you have to pay for it."

Li Zhe waved his hand and said disdainfully: "If you pay, you can pay, isn't it a matter of one or two thousand?"

The staff looked weird and said: "One or two thousand, Mr. Li, you have a big deal this time."

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