Published at 27th of April 2021 12:38:26 PM

Chapter 323: 323

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Of the three options, the last one is the most profitable.

Sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, he can get 50% of the shares of the two companies.

That is hundreds of billions of assets.

But Ye Chen is not the kind of person who forgets justice.

After all, this matter started because of himself, and Ye Chen could not use this as a means of profit.

As for the second option, Ye Chen would not even consider it.

Zheng Xiaojun is indeed very beautiful. He wears an OL uniform and gold-wire glasses, revealing an elegant beauty.

Her temperament is different from the girl Ye Chen knew.

With intelligence and scheming, Ye Chen didn't like such a woman, but he knew that if such a woman wants to conquer, she must rely on strong strength.

So Ye Chen had only the first option, helping the Su family defeat the Zhu family.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring the stock **** skills and receiving system rewards, 21% of Morgan Group rewards. 】

Morgan Group, the largest financial institution on Wall Street.

The annual profit is more than 170 billion.

Ye Chen's shares are already Morgan's third largest shareholder.

After getting in the car, Zheng Xiaojun flipped through the Zhu family's information: "Miss Wanyi, the enemy we are facing this time is very powerful. Even if I come forward, I am not sure of winning."

Su Wanyi's expression also condensed slightly after listening.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "It's just a Zhu family, I have the confidence to defeat him."

Zheng Xiaojun snorted coldly when he heard Ye Chen's words: "Why are you?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I am a stock god."

"Are you a stock god?" Zheng Xiaojun gave Ye Chen a white look.

However, Su Wanyi had doubts about Ye Chen's words.

Ye Chen gave her too many surprises.

Ye Chen drove the car, and the three of them went directly to the Hilton Hotel.

Of course, the three people did not come here to do that kind of shame, but this is the headquarters of their battle.

At this time, there are several staff members in the suite, all of whom are the financial elites of the Su Group.

They also did this to conceal their eyes.

After all, the strength of the Zhu family is stronger than that of the Su family, and no one would have thought that the Su family would preemptively.

Zhu Zhi is still making arrangements, and the Su family has already begun to take action.

This time the traders are mainly Ye Chen and Zheng Xiaojun, while Su Wanyi is responsible for the communication and collection of information.

Ye Chen was in front of a big screen, analyzing the situation of both sides.

Zhu's family is a huge business network, and its industries involve real estate, medical care, finance, electronics, chemicals, and logistics.

These industries are like a spider web, woven into a huge commercial network.

The Zhu family's industry is called Henghua Group. This group is like an aircraft carrier in the business world, with a market value of hundreds of billions, and it is a high-performance stock with a very stable performance.

The Zhu family is using this aircraft carrier to continuously expand its commercial territory and continue to finance acquisitions of enterprises.

If you want to sink this aircraft carrier directly, it is simply impossible.

And if you rush to make a move, you may be hit by a stormy counterattack from the opponent.

Ye Chen said, pointing his finger at a G-share with good grades.

"So the target of our attack this time is not Henghua Group, but this stock, Wanda Pharmaceutical." Ye Chen said loudly.

Hearing Ye Chen's analysis, Zheng Xiaojun was also taken aback.

To be honest, she had read Ye Chen's information, but she was just an undergraduate.

So he didn't hold much hope for Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen's analysis completely surprised her.

Ye Chen found the weakness of Henghua Group so quickly.

Yes, if this aircraft carrier is defective, Wanda Pharmaceuticals is the fatal injury of this aircraft carrier.

The reason why Ye Chen's analysis was so thorough was precisely because of Ye Chen's stock **** skills.

Although the result of his analysis was from Ye Chen's mouth, it was the result of a systematic calculation, and the accuracy rate was 100%.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Our strategy is called Shengdongqixisi, first find his weakness, and directly use this as a breakthrough to penetrate the aircraft carrier."

At this moment, Ye Chen's appearance was like Zhuge Liang who pointed the country, and he was very handsome.

Even Zheng Xiaojun was stunned.

Ye Chen continued: "This time, how much funds have you prepared?"

Su Wanyi said: "Our Yashi Group can use about one billion funds."

Ye Chen nodded: "Adding about two billion of mine is enough."

This time, Ye Chen decided to take advantage of this opportunity to make a good profit.

After all, with the skills of the stock god, it is too bad if you have money.

"Let's make a good profit this time, first earn your dowry money."

Su Wanyi blushed when she heard Ye Chen's words.

On the side, Zheng Xiaojun said, "Cut, you are confident, so you can win if you are so confident?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I am a stock god, how can I lose?"

This time, they are going to crack down on Wanda Pharmaceutical.

This pharmaceutical industry is a subsidiary of the Zhu family.

This company has been very contentious in the industry.

Many people say that it is more like an MLM company, with many companies in China, mainly selling health products.

There is a lot of black material about it on the Internet, but this company has gained the attention of several international investment banks.

It has been listed for less than three years, and its market value has now reached tens of billions.

In that year, in order to get Wanda Pharmaceutical to go public, the Zhu family did not lose money, and the shares of the entire Zhu family also reached 40%.

Zheng Xiaojun said: "Although Wanda Pharmaceutical has a lot of negative news, several major investment banks like it very much. Although there are many negative news, the stock price has been rising. Unless Wanda Pharmaceutical has a bigger shady, otherwise It’s hard to break it."

Ye Chen smiled: "I dare to do it, there is a natural reason, just follow the operation I said."

Zheng Xiaojun looked at Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi nodded, Zheng Xiaojun began to organize personnel and began to short Wanda Pharmaceutical.

This time, the battle between the Su family and the Zhu family was equivalent to a battle between two aircraft carriers.

Therefore, both parties have gathered a lot of funds.

The current amount reached more than tens of billions.

Therefore, Ye Chen did not touch the Su Group's money, but only asked Su Wanyi to take out the funds of the Ya Shi Group.

The confrontation between the two sides on the frontal battlefield is actually evenly matched, and it is very difficult for one to eat the other.

So if you want to defeat the other side, unless one side has a killer.

Both sides are looking for each other's culprit.

Ye Chen was able to find the Zhu Family's dead spot, Wan Da Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. very accurately through the skills of the God of Stock.

Su Wanyi trusts Ye Chen very much, and directly invests one billion in funds to short Wanda Pharmaceutical.

Ye Chen also put out one billion funds, so that the total funds reached two billion.

Sure enough, as soon as the funds appeared, the stock price of Wanda Group, which had been on the rise, was knocked down by -6%.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised slightly, and the drama was finally about to begin.

Zhu Zhi, are you ready?

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