Published at 27th of April 2021 12:37:51 PM

Chapter 333: 333

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Sun Ze and the others stopped, and the video soon went viral on the Internet.

In a villa in Chengdu, a middle-aged woman was swiping her phone when a dialog box popped up.

"Star University, even indulging students to play games, such a university simply misunderstands the children, such a principal is simply utterly conscience."

Isn't this son's university?

After watching the video, the middle-aged woman was also angry.

Oh my god, it's too much. The school supports children to play games. What kind of university did I let my children go to?

Not only that, many parents have seen this video.

This also includes Sun Ze's parents.

"Old grandson, have you watched the video? The school even allows children to play games in the classroom, and has also established a game competition major. Isn't our children ruined in such a school?"

Especially when they saw their son in the video, they were even more worried.

"Playing games and becoming a professional is a mess in this school." Sun Fei also slapped the table angrily.

They sent Sun Ze to school to integrate him into college life, so that at least he could play less games and live a normal life.

But they unexpectedly discovered that their son went to school to study a game major.

This is simply too much.

"No, we can't let the school be like this. We must go to the school and go to the principal."

Not only Sun Ze’s parents, but also parents of other game sports majors learned that their children’s major is games.

In their perception, playing games is a waste of youth.

Shouldn’t you learn knowledge on a university campus? What is the reason for playing games.

Even if you graduate with a major in gaming, can you find a job? Will anyone want it?

Therefore, they must not allow this to happen, they must find the school for an explanation.

As a result, the parents of these children came to Star University one after another.

Sun Kai has been hiding near the school.

He waited for his parents to make trouble.

As long as there is trouble, then this matter will definitely be the Kyoto Education Department.

The Star University is definitely over.

Video is spreading more and more on the Internet.

It can be said that the comments are almost overwhelming, and they all scold the Star University for wasting student youth.

Ye Chen stood in front of the window, feeling a little nervous.

After all, my own ideas are too avant-garde, can these parents accept it?

Moreover, his teaching philosophy is completely contrary to the educational philosophy of Tsing Yi Hua Guo, which is destined to be on the cusp of Star University.

Looking at the cars listening at the school gate, Ye Chen took a deep breath.

It's time to come.

Sun Kai had been in ambush at the door long ago, and when he saw his parents had found him, Sun Kai sneered.

I'm going to make the biggest trouble in this matter. As long as the matter becomes big and the education department pays attention, it will be sooner or later that Star University closes.

Soon, dozens of parents gathered in the office of the president of Star University.

Not only that, but behind the parents, I followed a group of reporters.

The reporters have a good sense of news.

This news has become a hot search on the Internet, and they will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Lin Shiyin smiled at the school gate and said: "Everyone, our principal already knows your demands. Now he is waiting for everyone in the principal's office. Don't worry, principal Ye will give you a reasonable explanation."

These parents still have quality, and the school's attitude is also good, so they did not directly scold them.

When I arrived at the principal's office, I saw Ye Chen.

When the principal was so young, these parents finally couldn't hold back.

"Principal Ye, we watched the video on the Internet, and you openly let your children play games in class. Isn't this a nonsense?"

"Yes, we send our children to school to learn knowledge, not to let them play games. You must give us a reasonable explanation for this matter."

"Are you educating students like this? It's simply a delay for our children to send you to your school."


Ye Chen didn't argue with them but said: "Well, let's go and see the children's training."

With that, Ye Chen got up and took the parents to the training room.

Upon entering the training room, the parents were stunned.

They found that their children's mental outlook had completely changed in the past few days when they entered school.

In the past, their children had dark circles under the eyes and were very sloppy.

But now, the children's faces are full of smiles, and they look neat and tidy.

Sun Kai's parents were completely shocked to see their son.

Is this still their son?

Sun Kai used to look dull, and his whole person was very dumb, but now, with a sunny face, even as the captain, he still has the kingly spirit of sub-manager.

Every parent sees a flash of light from their children.

how can that be?

In order to make the children change their personality, they don't know how much effort it took.

See a psychiatrist and ask a counselor, but it has no effect at all.

But now, the son has really changed.

Become better, sunshine, this is what they dream of a child.

At this time, Sun Kai was explaining tactics on the blackboard.

Sun Kai didn't speak at all before, but now he is calm and confident, even joking with his teammates.

I am completely inferior and withdrawn from the past.

Sun Kai's parents were completely shocked.

They didn't expect that in just a few days, such a big change would happen to their son.

All the parents were originally angrily.

But when I saw the appearance of my child, there was a smile on his face.

Yes, the children are playing games, but these children, they used to play games in a completely different state than they are now.

Ye Chen invited the parents back to the meeting room again.

"Parents, I am Ye Chen, president of Star University."

The parents looked at Ye Chen curiously.

In their memory, shouldn't the principals be in their 50s or 60s, even bald?

How can you be so young?

At this time, the reporters all aimed their cameras at Ye Chen.

After all, it was the first time that such a young and handsome principal even saw them.

Ye Chen said lightly: "Parents, I know why you are here. It must be the video on the Internet."

The expressions of many parents have eased a lot, but their eyes are still worried.

Ye Chen continued: "You may think that games are just playthings and even affect the future, but I can tell everyone that they are now preparing for the future. They are learning when they play games. In the future, they will have a very Bright job, professional game player."


"Playing games is learning?"

"Being a competitive player in the future?"

Everyone was stunned.

Ye Chen's words are too informative, and these parents can't digest them at all.

"Principal, what's the future after playing games, and what do you say about game players? Playing games can become a professional, but I have never heard of it before." Sun Ze's father said.

This is the doubt in the minds of all parents.

Playing games can become a profession, which in their eyes is simply a fantasy.

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