Published at 27th of April 2021 12:37:41 PM

Chapter 336: 336

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Recently, Mordu University often has a senior girl hitchhiking.

For the first time because she was about to be late for an interview, Ye Chen was racing wildly and helped her successfully catch up with the interview.

Later, the girl was very grateful to Ye Chen and added Ye Chen's WeChat.

Later, the girl would ask Ye Chen if she was free if she was free.

Today, Ye Chen happened to be near the Magic City University, so he drove there directly.

At this time, at the gate of Magic City University.

Two girls in formal attire were waiting for the bus at the school gate.

The girl is very beautiful, with a 98-point appearance and a very pure appearance.

The other girl glanced sideways: "Are you dating that handsome Didi again?"

The girl blushed and hammered her girlfriend with her fist: "What are you talking about, stinky girl?"

The girlfriend laughed and said: "Haha, it's a pity, he is a little brother Didi, otherwise I want to chase him."

"What's wrong with little brother Didi? People don't steal or snatch, but they also rely on labor to make money." The girl argued.

"Well, you haven't become a boyfriend or girlfriend yet, so you can protect them first."

"See you in the same place, it feels like dating." My girlfriend teased.

The girl's face is getting redder.

In fact, the first time I saw this little brother Didi, she fell in love with him.

Especially the look of his drag racing, super handsome.

The only thing that made her feel a little regretful was that the other party was just a little brother Didi.

But, what's the matter, if you find a good job, it won't be a problem to raise the other person.

You know, it's really hard to find a boy who is so handsome, has such a good personality, and is so humorous.

Qin Yao is a schoolgirl at Magic University, and there are many boys who like her.

But Qin Yao didn't like any of the boys who pursued her.

I don't know why, the figure of Didi always appeared in her mind.

She is a little skeptical, can it be said that this is the feeling of love.

Therefore, Qin Yao often finds opportunities to beep, just want to be able to see Ye Chen more.

Qin Yao and her girlfriend teased a few words, and looked nervously at the direction of the car.

I'm going to see him again soon, why is there a little nervousness in my heart!

"Yaoyao, are you going out?"

Seeing the person coming, Qin Yao frowned.

The person who came is called Wu Shuang, and has been chasing her recently.

Although Qin Yao had already rejected the other party, he clung to her like a gum.

Qin Yao didn't speak, but her girlfriend nodded aside: "Yes, let's go for an interview?"

Wu Shuang smiled awkwardly: "By the way, where are you going, take my BMW."

"Wow, Wu Shuang is so amazing. You have driven BMW cars before you graduate from college." My girlfriend said.

Wu Shuang looked smug, this is a very good opportunity to act.

"Haha, this car is a gift from my mother for my college graduation. It's actually a 740, more than one million yuan."

While speaking, Wu Shuang looked at Qin Yao.

Qin Yao still looked at the traffic, as if he used his pretending words as air.

Wu Shuang was very upset when he failed to act.

"Qin Yao, look, it's almost time, don't wait for the dick, how about I drive you in my BMW?"

"No, I like to sit dick." Qin Yao said coldly.

Wu Shuang was choked by Qin Yao and went back, and his plan to use a BMW to pretend also fell through.

At this moment, a Geely car stopped.

Qin Yao got into the car with joy on her face.

Seeing that familiar profile, Qin Yao's pretty face turned red when she remembered what her girlfriend had just said.

"Go to the Financial Building." Qin Yao said.

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard this familiar name: "What are you going there for?"

The Financial Building is its own territory.

Qin Yao said, "I went there for an interview today, and I may work there in the future."

Ye Chen listened and nodded: "So it's like this."

Wu Shuang also got into the car cheeky at this time.

Qin Yao frowned and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"It just so happens that I also went to the Financial Building."

Qin Yao said coldly: "Don't you have a BMW?"

"BMW, just limited the number." Wu Shuang said shamelessly.

Ye Chen glanced at BMW's license plate road: "Today is Monday, the limit number is 5 and 0, you should be 8 if it is no problem."

Wu Shuang: "..."

What do you do with such a wide brother?

Wu Shuang awkwardly said, "Well, something happened to my car. Yaoyao, let me take a ride."

Qin Yao snorted coldly, without speaking.

A girlfriend said: "Okay, let's drive the master."

Ye Chen started the car.

Wu Shuang sat in the car.

"Hey, my big BMW is still comfortable to sit on. The space in this car is too small. Hey, the noise is also loud, and the seat is uncomfortable.

Along the way, this guy was beeping there.

Blow his big BMW.

After talking for a long time, Wu Shuang sadly discovered that Qin Yao had been looking at Ye Chen without listening to him at all.

My girlfriend smiled and said: "Handsome guy, we Yaoyao miss you every day, and we take your car every time we take a ride."

Qin Yao's pretty face blushed: "What are you talking about? Believe it or not, I'll hit you."

Ye Chen smiled faintly when he heard it, and he also saw that Qin Yao seemed to be interesting to him.

Last time I took the car, I bought him a vacuum flask, saying that Ye Chen always drinks cold water bad.

Is the average passenger so caring?

When Wu Shuang heard it on the side, his heart suddenly tightened.

what? Did Qin Yao like this little brother Didi?

Suddenly, Wu Shuang was angry.

How can I say that I am also a rich second-generation, and my mother is the director of the personnel department of a top 500 company. With such a strong background, is it not comparable to a little brother Didi?

A little brother Didi and I grab a woman, are you worthy?

Ye Chen was thirsty and took a thermos cup to drink.

My girlfriend suddenly exclaimed: "Wow, I know this thermos cup. Did Yaoyao give it to you? Okay, Yaoyao has given me a token of love. The cup is meant for a lifetime."

Wu Shuang: "..."

I wiped it and gave gifts.

Wu Shuang felt that the sense of crisis was getting bigger and bigger.

He felt green on his head.

Nima, he has given Qin Yao a lot of gifts over the years, but the other party returned them to him.

Qin Yao never gave him any gifts, and even gave a cup to a little brother Didi.

How can this make him bear.

How could he lose to the little brother Didi.

Wu Shuang gritted his teeth and decided to take out his killer in advance.

"Qin Yao, I heard that you are going to the Luyuan Group for an interview."

Qin Yao nodded: "Yes!"

"But I heard that Luyuan Group is one of the top 500 companies, and students from many prestigious schools prefer it there. There are also many graduate students and doctors who are very competitive."

Qin Yao said: "Well, the competition is indeed fierce."

"Yaoyao tells you a secret. My mother is the head of the personnel department of Luyuan Group. Whoever she wants to hire is a matter of one sentence."

"What? Your mother is in charge of recruiting?" The girlfriend exclaimed.

Wu Shuang looked smug: "Man, is it useful to be handsome? It depends on ability. This society doesn't look at face but money and background."

After finally pretending to be forced, Wu Shuang was finally cool.

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