Published at 27th of April 2021 12:37:36 PM

Chapter 339: 339

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Wu Shuang’s horrible operation seemed to be awesome, but it was actually a pitfall.

Qin Yao and Tian Ling were admitted according to their normal results.

But it's not bad now. Not only was it abolished, but it was also blacklisted.

How could Qin Yao accept such a result?

She is the most innocent.

Qin Yao cried, she was aggrieved and helpless.

It's all this Wu Shuang.

Now Qin Yao hates Wu Shuang to death.

Wu Shuang's face was also ugly: "Sorry, I really don't know that things will turn out to be like this?"

Originally, he just wanted to pretend to be forced in front of Qin Yao.

Unexpectedly, things turned out to be like this.

If you can't pretend to be a force, you become a fool instead.

"Hey, the current female college students can do everything."

"That's it, I was embarrassed by going through the back door to get a job."

"I don't know what's going on yet? Or else they can find jobs for them?"

Listening to the people around him, Qin Yao couldn't wait to get in.

She has been a top student since she was a child.

When has been such an insult and been pointed out.

Qin Yao gritted her teeth and prepared to leave.

But at this time, a familiar voice sounded.

"I think this is not fair."


Hearing this sentence, the interviewees were all fried.

"Who says it's unfair, it's fair for them to cheat?"

"That's right, even going through the back door, such a person deserves to be disqualified."

"People's general manager has decided, which onion are you."

Seeing the speaker, Qin Yao was stunned, it turned out to be Ye Chen.

Qin Yao warmed her heart when she saw Ye Chen come forward for her, but there was a bit of bitterness on her face.

She understood that Ye Chen was kind, but what's the use?

This kind of thing, a little brother Didi, said nothing at all.

Wu Shuang was afraid that Ye Chen would annoy general manager Chen Guang, and his mother quickly said: "What is the fun of your little brother Didi, President Chen is already angry, you don't want to go away."

"The voice is so loud, I thought it was some awesome person, it turned out to be a little brother Didi."

"It's so funny, a little brother Didi, what qualifications do you have to speak."

"Nima, this year, little brother Didi also came out to pretend to be forceful."

However, Chen Guang's expression suddenly changed when he saw Ye Chen.

Chen Guang once visited Ye Chen and knew him naturally.

Moreover, Chen Guang just received news from the headquarters that Ye Chen is now the second largest shareholder of the group.

How can he afford such a big man?

He did not expect that the well-known Ye Chen would suddenly stand up and speak quickly: "What is the unfair handling of this matter? How should it be handled?"

In fact, Chen Guang just wanted to come over to say hello, but Ye Chen winked at him.

Chen Guang understands Ye Chen's character, likes low-key but not publicity, so he can only act with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen pointed at Chen Cui: "This woman is using power for personal gain. It is not suitable to stay in the company, so let's be fired."

After speaking, Ye Chen looked at Qin Yao and Tian Ling: "These two girls are innocent. It is Chen Cui's son wishful thinking to walk through the back door, so disqualifying them is unfair to them. They are too wronged."

Upon hearing Ye Chen's words, the applicants burst into laughter.

Chen Guang solicits Ye Chen's opinion. Many people think that Chen Guang is teasing this little brother Didi.

One is the general manager of a Fortune 500 company, and the other is Didi Xiaoge. How can people listen to Didi Xiaoge?

"I'll rub, a little brother Didi, talking nonsense here, is there a place for you to talk here?"

"That's right, who do you think you are, and still stand up for others, do you have any pressure in your heart?"

A group of job seekers can't wait for Qin Yao and Tian Ling to be disqualified, so they have a chance.

So one by one began to mock Ye Chen.

Wu Shuang also looked disdainful: "What are you, expelling my mother? Do you know how many years my mother has been in the company? It's up to you?"

Although Qin Yao and Tian Ling were very grateful for Ye Chen's emergence, they both knew that there was no turning point in the matter.

A didi didi driver, what's the use of talking in this kind of situation?

He is the general manager of a Fortune 500 company, how could he buy his account?

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Chen Guang nodded seriously: "I think what this little brother said is very reasonable."

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Wu Shuang was stunned.

Qin Yao was stunned.

Tian Ling also looked incredible.

Everyone: "..."

Especially Qin Yao couldn't believe her ears at all.

Ye Chen is just a didi driver, and what he said, General Manager Chen actually listened to him!

This is impossible.

Chen Guangyi said rightly: "Everyone, this little brother is right. Just do what he said. This matter has nothing to do with the two girls. I have seen the results. The interviewer signed the test and the written examination papers are all No problem, it’s because our staff and his son discussed privately, causing everyone’s misunderstanding. As the person responsible for this matter, Chen Cui of the Ministry of Personnel, I announce that you have been expelled, Qin Yao and Tian Ling, you Was officially hired by our company."

The scene was in an uproar.

No one thought that things would turn around so much.

And the one who caused this reversal turned out to be a little brother Didi.

Qin Yao and Tian Ling were completely stupid.

They didn't expect that things would really turn around.

The two of them held each other in excitement, and burst into tears.

Wu Shuang's face was pale, completely stupid.

His mother Chen Cui also looked dull.

"Mr. Chen, I..."

"Chen Cui, you were fired for allegedly cheating for personal gains during the interview."

"No, President Chen, I know I was wrong. Give me another chance."


"Opportunity? I have given it to you, but you have wasted it."

In fact, Chen Cui was pretty good in terms of work ability, and even Chen Guang was planning to promote her, but this kind of thing happened.

Chen Cui said unwillingly: "Mr. Chen, I have been working hard for the company for so many years. I am not convinced that I fired me because of this matter."

Chen Guang's expression became cold: "I'm not satisfied? Don't blame me for this, I don't want to, but I dare not listen to what he said."

"What? Him?"

At this time, Ye Chen had already accomplished what he had done and left.

Chen Guang came to Chen Cui and said, "He is the boss of the Financial Building and the second largest shareholder of our Luyuan Group. Are you convinced now?"

Chen Cui woke up and slapped Wu Shuang's face with a slap.

"It's your prodigal son who killed my old lady."

Wu Shuang was also dumbfounded.

He had only wanted to pretend to be coercive, but now, his mother's annual salary of one million has been pretended to be lost.

The girl she likes has turned against herself again, it's just like a chicken fly.

Wu Shuang also heard Chen Guang's words, and he never dreamed that this little brother Didi turned out to be the legendary big brother.

It's all him, it's all the little brother Didi.

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