Published at 27th of April 2021 12:37:17 PM

Chapter 348: 348

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Looking at the dazzling array of rich feasts, the diners next to them all drooled with envy.

"Hey, they are the real bosses."

"It's incomparable, it's incomparable."

All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Especially Ye Chen and the two beauties, the fragrant they ate.

Only Zhang Shuai, his face pale and embarrassed.

Obviously the expression of meat cutting.

Everyone also saw that Zhang Shuai was distressed, secretly funny.

"This is forcibly pretending to be coercion, this time you are a stupid coercion."

"Hey, why bother, this Nima looked at her expression, and her heart was bleeding."

"I thought it was a gangster, but it turned out to be a two-hundred-and-five hundred."

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Shuai said to Song Wen who was standing aside with a smile on his face: "Manager, how much is our table?"

Song Wen gave the bill to Zhang Shuai.

When Zhang Shuai saw the bill, he felt like he was about to vomit blood.

Nima was 280,000, which was too cruel to be slaughtered.

"Your dishes are so expensive, this table of dishes cost 280,000 Chinese yuan?"

Song Wen looked at Zhang Shuai with a strange expression: "Mr. Zhang, please take a closer look. It is M Yuan."

"What?" Seeing the M yuan sign at the back, Zhang Shuai almost fainted.

Is this Nima for dinner?

It is simply eating gold.

Zhang Shuai almost went crazy watching the three people who cleaned the tabletop food.

This is all my hard-earned money.

"You almost got it, Nima, are there any dishes that I haven't served in the future? I can't serve it anymore."

Zhang Shuai finally couldn't help it.

If it is 280,000 Chinese currency, he can still accept it.

This is especially M yuan.

Everyone around looked in the direction of their table.

"Haha, look at this pretending to be overturned."

"I thought it was a king, but it turned out to be bronze."

"Just want to be a beautiful girl?"

Zhang Shuai was brilliant as soon as he came in, but in fact, many people didn't look pleasing to the eye.

Now that he was pretending to overturn the car, everyone couldn't help but ridicule.

Ye Chen looked at Zhang Shuai with a turkey leg in his hand and said, "Mr. Zhang, why don't you eat such a delicious thing?"

Qin Yao smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, you really don't need to lose weight if you are so thin."

Tian Ling's mouth is full of oil: "Mr. Zhang, people in the company say you are stingy, and I have to rehabilitate you this time when I go back. Why are you stingy? It's too domineering."

Qin Yao looked at Ye Chen with a smirk, always holding back the urge to laugh.

Ye Chen is really deceptive.

From beginning to end, he was digging a hole for Zhang Shuai.

But this handsome guy even jumped in by himself.

Looking at Zhang Shuai who was almost furious, Qin Yao deliberately approached Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was eating turkey legs, but he felt a burst of aroma.

I rub, is this girl taking advantage of me?

At this time, Tian Ling, another beauty sitting beside Ye Chen, also leaned on Ye Chen's shoulder.

"Hey, I have eaten up, Ye Ge's shoulders let me lean on."

Qin Yao and Tian Ling are both big beauties of more than ninety points. Everyone looked silly when they saw this scene.

"I'll rub, awesome, these two beauties turned out to be the girlfriends of this buddy?"

"But wasn't the man paying the bill?"

"Looking at people picking up girls, he pays, this buddy is stupid."


Zhang Shuai was going crazy, and he acted for a long time, but instead of buying his own account, the two beautiful women leaned on Ye Chen's shoulders instead.

Zhang Shuai was trembling all over the picture.

I rub, when I'm an idiot, I pay the bill, do you pick up girls?

He spent 280,000 M gold on this meal.

What am I doing?

Song Wen said with a very steady smile, "Sir, I've finished reading the menu, let's check out."

Zhang Shuai: "..."

Nima, Zhang Shuai's heart is bleeding at this moment.

Stealing chickens is not an eclipse, and spending money to watch people pick up girls is too much of a failure.

He just left if he wanted to, but the security had blocked the way.

Song Wen seemed to be smiling, but Zhang Shuai knew that as long as he dared to say a word, this guy would definitely turn his face right away.

Look at Ye Chen again, with a look of happiness nestled by the two beauties.

Zhang Shuai feels like a fool.

"Okay, I'll pay."

Zhang Shuai gritted his teeth and took out his credit card.

Soon, Song Wen returned with the card: "Sir, your quota is not enough."


Zhang Shuai took a deep breath and took out another card.

The result was maxed out again soon.

In the end, Zhang Shuai maxed out three cards in a row before paying off more than 1.8 million meals.

Zhang Shuai looked at the bill and was about to cry.

The legendary most luxurious hotel really deserves its reputation.

Zhang Shuai was holding three maxed out cards, and his hands were shaking.

He pretended to be forced, and he had never failed so much.

But since the money is spent, it must be loaded back.

Zhang Shuai snorted coldly: "Boy, I spent 1.5 million to eat a meal. Can you eat a little brother Didi? Can you make 1.5 million after driving a car for a lifetime?"

He vented all the anger in his heart to Ye Chen.

Seeing Zhang Shuai satirizing Ye Chen, both Qin Yao and Tian Ling's expressions were ashen.

At this time, Song Wen came over with a bill.

"Boss, this is the running water of our hotel this month, please take a look."

Suddenly there was silence in the restaurant.

What the boss?

Qin Yao: "..."

Tian Ling: "..."

The crowd onlookers: "..."

Zhang Shuai was even more confused.

What? He originally wanted to pick up a cup of Lafite from 1982 to fight the fire, but when he heard Song Wen's address to Ye Chen, the cup in his hand fell to the ground.

Everyone's eyes focused on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen picked his teeth with a toothpick and glanced at the menu.

"Well, today is not bad, the sales actually passed the five million mark."

Song Wen respectfully said: "In fact, this still depends on this local tyrant Zhang, who has increased our turnover by 1.8 million in one breath."

Zhang Shuai: "..."

At this moment, Zhang Shuai felt his chest tight, and he almost didn't spray a mouthful of old blood.

Those diners were also completely shocked.

"Damn, it turns out this is the boss of the legendary Bauhinia Hotel."

"No wonder two beauties choose this young man."

"Nyma, you stupid man, invite the restaurant owner to eat at your own house?"

"Haha, this buddy felt like he had been routine from the beginning."


Qin Yao and Tian Ling knew that Ye Chen's identities were all stupid.

Zhang Shuai pointed at Ye Chen with a trembling hand: "Just now, didn't you say that you were a dick."

Ye Chen inserted the toothpick in his hand into the ashtray and smiled faintly: "That's right, opening didi is my main business, and opening restaurants is just my hobby."

"Hobby?" Zhang Shuai was completely confused.

Zhang Shuai understood that he had kicked the iron this time.

Although he is a gold-collar worker, after all, he is a part-time worker.

But Ye Chen is a real white-collar worker.

How could he have robbed Ye Chen by stealing a woman?

And he knew how terrifying Ye Chen's background was to become the owner of the Bauhinia Hotel.

Seeing Zhang Shuai wanted to leave, Ye Chen smiled coldly: "Zhang, by the way, I have one more thing to announce, you are fired!"

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