Published at 27th of April 2021 12:51:00 PM

Chapter 35: 35

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Ye Chen gave Li Lianjie the bruise injury medicine.

"Brother Li, this medicine for traumatic injuries is a remedy given by an old Chinese doctor. You can try it."


Li Lianjie took the potion and applied it on his body, and instantly felt that all the pain on his body disappeared.

"Oh my God, it's amazing." Li Lianjie was often injured during filming these years.

I have used a lot of medicine, and I have never been so powerful.

Xu Ke walked over and smiled: "Xiao Ye, the film is good. By the way, what did you do before?"

Everyone looked at Ye Chen.

They are also very curious.

Kung fu is so good and acting is so good, even if you are not an actor, you must be in a related profession.

"I used to be a beep."


Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Brother Didi? How could it be possible to have such good acting skills?"

"Is the current Didi brother so talented?"

"The acting skills are so good, and you can play so well. It's just too violent."

Everyone was shocked by Ye Chen's answer.

Xu Ke patted Ye Chen on the shoulder.

"It doesn't matter what you did before, but from now on, you won't have to beep anymore."

With Ye Chen's appearance, acting skills, and kung fu, Xu Ke wanted to hold Hong Ye Chen too easily.

Envy also appeared in everyone's eyes.

Being able to be favored by Director Xu, Ye Chen wouldn't be difficult for him in the future.

"No, playing didi is my profession, acting is just a hobby." Ye Chen said seriously.

"What the hell?"

"Open didi is a profession, acting is a hobby?"

If an actor has hundreds of millions of fans, every day in the spotlight, a film can earn tens of millions, which is so much face.

Didi drivers are, at best, a job for the bottom of the society to eat food. How much money can they earn in a year?

"Ye Chen, you are so humorous." Zhong Lili said with a smile.

Li Lianjie also smiled, apparently many people took Ye Chen's remarks as a joke.

"By the way, Ye Chen, there is a charity auction in the evening, you go with us." Xu Ke said suddenly.

Xu Ke has now cultivated Ye Chen as a star, otherwise he would not let Ye Chen participate in such an important auction.

Ye Chen nodded: "Okay, I can just take my car."

In the envious eyes of everyone, Ye Chen, Xu Ke, Li Lianjie, and Zhong Lili got into the car and went straight to the Art Center.

After getting on the bus, Zhong Lili smiled and said, "Ye Chen, I will submit an order and give you a favor."

"Okay!" Ye Chen smiled.

After half an hour, the car drove to the Kyoto Art Center.

Zhong Lili submitted the order and gave Ye Chen a five-star praise.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting five-star praise, activating the second praise star (25), and rewarding 10 billion cash (only available for charity)]

10 billion can only be used for charity?

In previous lives, many celebrities liked to do public welfare undertakings, such as Principal Gu, who built hundreds of Hope Primary Schools in China.

Ye Chen originally wanted to do some charity, but seeing this reward happened to fulfill his wish.

The four people walked into the venue and Zhong Lili whispered: "The people who came to participate in this charity auction are all famous Chinese tycoons and some international superstars. Just look at them. It doesn't matter if you don't shoot. You are here to give you a long experience."

"I see, Sister Lili." Ye Chen smiled and nodded.

Four people came to the auction site.

This auction was also broadcast live.

The auction items include calligraphy and painting, antiques, and some precious acting props.

Whether it’s those Chinese tycoons or big stars who come to the auction, some are for real love, and some are for prestige.

Therefore, the entire auction was extremely hot. In just one hour, more than 100 million funds have been raised.

Xu Ke and Li Lianjie also shot one million each, giving their love.

Ye Chen has never made a move because he doesn't want to be too ostentatious in this kind of occasion. After all, he is a newcomer in film and television, and it would not be great if he surpassed Xu Ke and Li Lianjie.

On the stage, the host He Jiong said with a smile: "Everyone, the next link is a live talent auction. We all know that Miss Zhong Lili writes a good handwriting, and Li Yaoyao is also very good at painting. The next two people will write a calligraphy and painting on the spot. , Please auction."

Zhong Lili frowned. Li Yaoyao and she both graduated from the Kyoto Film Academy.

But Zhong Lili relies on acting skills, one step at a time.

Although Li Yaoyao's acting skills are not good, she has been scandalized because of her long charm.

In recent years, Li Yaoyao has made several bad dramas, but the popularity is much higher than Zhong Lili.

The original talent show in this auction was only Zhong Lili's, but it was obvious that Li Yaoyao used the relationship before adding it.

Before Li Yaoyao took the stage, she said to a handsome guy wearing an international brand next to him: "Brother Zhang, you are going to cheer me up this time."

Zhang Shuai smiled: "Don't worry, with me, your paintings will definitely be the highest price."

"The handsome guy is really nice, the auction is over, I invite you to dinner." Li Yaoyao smiled charmingly and walked onto the stage.

Li Yaoyao looked at Zhong Lili on the side with a playful smile on her face.

This time, Zhong Lili just served as a foil for her.

Her paintings will surely be sold at sky-high prices, because she is favored by others.

Although Zhong Lili writes well, so what, no one will praise it, it would be good to sell it.

In recent years, Li Yaoyao doesn't know how many times she has stepped on other artists to get to the top.

She even thought of the headline of tomorrow's news.

"Ms. Li Yaoyao paid sky-high prices for her paintings on the spot, showing her love for charity."

Two people walked onto the stage, Zhong Lili began to write, and Li Yaoyao painted.

The two artists show their talents together, so it's a bit of PK interest.

Soon, Zhong Lili's handwriting was finished.

Zhong Lili's father was a calligrapher, influenced by the family, Zhong Lili also wrote good handwriting.

This handwriting is magnificent and magnificent, very good.

On the live broadcast platform, many netizens were amazed.

"Lili's writing is great!"

"It's the level of a calligrapher."

On the other hand, Li Yaoyao's paintings are too amateurish.

She turned out to be a picture of a chicken eating rice.


Barely able to see that it was a chicken.

"I rub, is this the level of kindergarten?"

"What is this painting? It's the chicken eating rice similar to what my daughter painted."


Two ceremonial ladies in cheongsam showed the two works to everyone.

He Jiong smiled and said: "Okay, now I invite you to auction the two works. The starting price is 100,000 yuan. The proceeds from the auction will be donated to the children in the mountainous area."

Li Lianjie raised his hand: "I will make a million for Lili's painting."

After all, they are actors working together, and Li Lianjie will definitely join in.

"Mr. Li gave one million, thank you for your love!" He Jiong smiled.

Zhong Lili also bowed to Li Lianjie to express her gratitude.

"I pay 10 million, Yaoyao's chicken eats rice map." Zhang Shuai said arrogantly.

"Ten million?"

The scene was in an uproar.

After all, Zhong Lili and Li Yaoyao are both first-line stars, but the price difference between the prices of their works is such a big difference.

Li Yaoyao smugly ridiculed: "Sister Lili, although your writing is good, it is not as popular as my paintings."

Originally, you stepped on others and blatantly provoked. Li Yaoyao's doing so was a bit too much!

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