Published at 27th of April 2021 12:37:11 PM

Chapter 352: 352

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Zheng Chao looked at Ye Chen eagerly and said, "Okay, Ye Chen, who is a famous brand, has he hit five million?"

Although it seemed like a joke, Zheng Chao had a playful expression on his face.

Even Zheng Chao has already calculated that Ye Chen's clothes must be fakes.

The reason why Su Wanyi followed Ye Chen was definitely because she was deceived by Ye Chen. (The name of the person in the previous chapter was wrong. It should be a friend who has seen Su Wanyi, please know!)

Ye Chen said lightly: "It's okay."

From the other party's tone, Ye Chen already felt that the other party was not at ease.

But Ye Chen didn't bother to care about each other.

After all, I used to be just neighbors and not very familiar.

After saying hello, Ye Chen continued to look at his watch with Su Wanyi.

Zheng Chao was immediately angry when he saw that Ye Chen's attitude towards him was so indifferent.

He snorted coldly: "Ye Chen, you're just a little brother Didi, since you don't have five million in the middle, where can you get the money to buy a famous brand? You can cost hundreds of thousands."

Hundreds of thousands?

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised slightly.

He looked down on himself too much, the clothes and watches on Ye Chen's body totaled tens of millions.

Zheng Chao coldly snorted and said: "There are many beautiful women nowadays, you have to be careful when looking for a boyfriend, don't be deceived. Now there are some poor **** who like to wear fake brand names, rent fake BMWs, come out to cheat money and deceive people. Don't be fooled."

Originally, Ye Chen didn't bother to talk to Zheng Chao at all, but this guy actually got worse and slandered himself endlessly.

Ye Chen's complexion was a little cold.

But Su Wanyi smiled faintly: "Even if I was deceived by Ye Chen, I am willing to do it. I appreciate your kindness, so you should be optimistic about your girlfriend."

As a president, Su Wanyi is very accurate in seeing people. She can tell at a glance that Chen Bing is the kind of watery woman, which Zheng Chao probably has been cuckolded.

Zheng Chao was stunned when he heard Su Wanyi's words. He didn't expect that Su Wanyi would be so devoted to Ye Chen.

It seems that some women in this world are really stupid. Since they can't instigate discord, Zheng Chao decided to use his own means to clean up Ye Chen.

Zheng Chao raised the corner of his mouth and deliberately approached Ye Chen: "Ye Chen, I didn't expect you to have such a good girlfriend. I am really happy for you."

When the two were approaching, Zheng Chao put a Rolex watch into Ye Chen's pocket.

He thought that what he had made was perfect, but Ye Chen knew that this guy suddenly approached him and had no good intentions.

Ye Chen's eyes were slightly cold when he felt his pocket sink.

Ye Chen didn't want to pay attention to Zheng Chao, but this guy actually wanted to plant the blame.

After Zheng Chao finished greeting, Ye Chen pretended that nothing happened and continued to take Su Wanyi to look at his watch.

He wanted to see what Zheng Chao wanted to do.

The two turned around at the counter, and Su Wanyi hit a watch.

This watch has a pink strap and a very beautiful dial, which looks very beautiful.

I took a look at the price, and it turned out to be 3.8 million.

After the last stock war, Su Wanyi was worth more than 100 million yuan, but she was reluctant to think of spending so much money on a watch.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "As long as you like it, money is not a problem."

At this time, the waiter said: "Sir, this watch is a limited edition of this year. A total of 100 yuan is sold worldwide. We only have 10 yuan in China. This lady has really good eyesight."

Ye Chen nodded: "Take out the watch and try it."

The waiter took out his watch and brought it to Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi's slender wrist matched this watch very well, and Ye Chen immediately decided, that's it.

Originally, Su Wanyi was very hesitant, but she was very moved when she heard what Ye Chen said.

Su Wanyi said, "Ye Chen, thank you."

Seeing Ye Chen's grandeur, the waiter was also envious.

Look at the boyfriend you are looking for not only is handsome, but also so generous.

This is simply the prince charming in every girl's heart.

You know, Ye Chen bought the 3.8 million watch directly for his girlfriend.

How atmospheric!

Especially what Ye Chen just said, as long as you like it.

The language is very plain, but it is full of force.

The salesperson said quickly: "Sir, then I'll pretend it for you."

Ye Chen nodded and said, "Okay, by the way, just swipe your card."

The salesperson respectfully accepted the bank card.

After swiping the card, the salesperson respectfully said: "Sir, you have been upgraded to a black gold member of our shop. If there is any problem with the watch, you can come to the shop to repair it at any time."

Ye Chen accepted the black gold card and nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment, Zheng Chao not far away suddenly pretended to be panicked.

"My watch, where is the one hundred thousand yuan watch I just bought?"

Seeing Zheng Chao acting there, the corners of Ye Chen's mouth raised.

"What's the matter with sir?" a staff member walked over and asked.

"I had a Rolex watch worth 100,000 yuan in my pocket, and it suddenly disappeared."

"What?" The salesman was also taken aback.

After all, it is their responsibility to lose something in the store.

Zheng Chao said, "I see, it must be him."

With that, Zheng Chao pointed at Ye Chen with his finger.

"He must have stolen my Rolex watch."

Zheng Chao pointed at Ye Chen with his finger and said coldly.

"Just now, there was no one else around me. He touched me. He must have stolen my watch."

The salesperson was taken aback for a moment and looked at Ye Chen.

Afterwards, the salesperson said coldly: "Sir, please don't slander our customers. He just bought a watch worth 3.8 million yuan. Will you be attracted to one hundred thousand?"

"What?" Zheng Chao was taken aback when he heard it.

Impossible, Ye Chen is just a poor man, how could he buy such an expensive watch.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth was icy: "Zheng Chao, how can I say that we are also neighbors, I didn't expect you to be so insidious."

With that said, Ye Chen took out the Rolex watch from his pocket and said to the staff: "Call the police."

"Call the police?" Everyone was stunned.

The watch was in Ye Chen's pocket, but Ye Chen asked the police to catch him?

Moreover, the sales staff were a little dazed. Ye Chen could afford a 3.8 million watch. How could he fancy a 100,000 Rolex?

Ye Chen said lightly: "Your staff should be able to call out the surveillance in the store. I want to sue him for framing."

Zheng Chao's expression changed abruptly after hearing Ye Chen's words.

He just thought that Ye Chen was just a poor cock. As long as he planted and framed him, no one would doubt that Ye Chen was a thief.

In that case, I would be more generous and threatened Ye Chen to give up his girlfriend, so that this beauty would be his.

But he never dreamed that Ye Chen turned out to be a big man who could afford 3.8 million watches.

Now, people have to adjust the monitoring, so all the things I just did will be exposed.

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