Published at 27th of April 2021 12:36:55 PM

Chapter 357: 357

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At the beginning, everyone thought it was Ye Shen who made another 888 treasure maps.

A treasure map of five thousand, 888 is more than four million!

This simply killed Wang Congcong.

Wang Congcong was triumphant, but saw that there were all treasure maps on the screen.

Then I saw that Ye Chen actually brushed 888 treasure maps.

"Nima, who is this so special, is this hard to carry with Laozi?"

You know, Wang Congcong is known as the king of **.

Now there are people who are pretending to be more forceful than him.

"I really don't believe it, you have more money than me?"

After all, Wang Congcong is a rich second generation, so he doesn't have much money in his hands.

This time, seeing someone fighting with him to make money, he also had a temper.

"Father, I have been a little tight recently, can you transfer me another 50 million?"

Wang Congcong's father is also the top richest man in China and the chairman of Yida Group. Fifty million is nothing to him.

Wang Daming just recently gave Wang Congcong 500 million yuan to achieve his small goal, and he frowned when he saw that he asked himself for money again.

But since the son wants to start a business, the father must support it.

So Wang Daming gave Wang Congcong another 50 million.

With money, Wang Congcong is like a chicken blood.

Directly charged 20 million.

Humph, isn't it just 888 treasure maps?

I'm afraid of you?

I will let you know what Hao Heng is.

After filling up the money, Wang Congcong directly scanned 1,888 treasure maps.

Sure enough, the live broadcast room was a sensation again.

Xiao Daji was also scared silly.

She has never seen such a brush before.

And she could feel that whether Wang Congcong or the mysterious rich man was a big-time figure.

If things go wrong, it will be hard for her little anchor to be caught in the middle.

"Two big brothers, don't do it anymore." Xiao Daji was almost crying.

At this time, the live broadcast room was completely sensational.

"Great 1888 Treasure Map!"

"This Nima is really a local tyrant, just rich."

"Did I earn 1,888 treasure maps in my life? Obviously not."

"This is the world of the rich."


There was a wailing in the live broadcast room.

Wang Congcong was proud.

"Don't stop, buddy, aren't you able to pretend to be forced? Continue pretending?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I am embarrassed to take out this little money?"

Wang Congcong originally thought Ye Chen would admit counsel.

But I didn't expect that the other party not only denied the counseling but also mocked himself.

Seeing Ye Chen's reply, the fans in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

"I will wipe it, no way, 1888 treasure maps are already close to ten million. Listening to Ye Shen's tone, do you want to brush it?"

At this time, the live broadcast room has been completely sensational.

The number soared directly to 3 million.

There was even an explosive piece of news on major websites.

", Wang Congcong fought against the mysterious local tyrants, and Wang Congcong brushed 10 million in anger."

At this time, those fans thought that Ye Chen was just talking about Wang Congcong's side.

"Man, don't just say hi, you can do it if you have the ability."

"If you can't, just admit it, brother, ten million, do you think you also have a small goal of 500 million?"

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised.

"Hey, the live broadcast room will need to be reformed in the future. A treasure map of only five thousand is too hard to paint."

Ye Chen has 5888 treasure maps.

The screen is full of gifts.

Ye Chen is not afraid. After all, Maoyawang is his own. He just enters the right pocket from his left pocket.

Wang Congcong is different, he is really good money.

Seeing that Ye Chen once again scanned 5888 treasure maps, Wang Congcong was immediately silly.

"Let me wipe, which local tyrant this buddy is."

"Too rich, this is the legendary arrogance."

"It's over, Cong Cong is about to plant after kicking on the iron plate this time."

"Spending so much money at hand, this big guy is so rich."


At this time, Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

Looking at the phone, it turned out to remind Wang Daming, chairman of Yida Group.

Ye Chen is brushing gifts with his son, why did Wang Congcong's phone call?

The phone was connected, and Wang Daming's voice came from inside.

"What's up with Brother Ye?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Are you playing gifts with your son?"

"Huh? Gifts?" Wang Daming was taken aback.

"By the way, does Wang Dong have anything to do with me?" Ye Chen asked.

"You are the company's second largest shareholder, so there was a general meeting of shareholders recently. Do you have time to attend?"

"This, I'm a bit busy lately, so I won't participate. The company will leave it to you. I'm very relieved."

"Oh, then let's have a meal together?"

"no problem."

When the phone hung up, the more Wang Daming thought about things, the more things went wrong.

Brush gifts?

At this time, a dialog box suddenly appeared on Wang Daming's computer.

"Maoya live broadcast platform, Wang Congcong and the mysterious boss brushed gifts, brushed 10 million in anger..."

I rub!

I gave you money to start a business, so you went to buy gifts with someone else?

The live broadcast room was in an uproar.

After Ye Chen finished brushing his gifts, the number of people online in the live broadcast room had reached 10 million.

Even set a record in the live broadcast room.

The technicians were also confused when they saw the data.

how can that be.

You know, since the Maoya live broadcast platform was founded, no one has ever spent so much money.

General Manager Lin Ming: "Check if there is a problem with the other party's recharge."

Wang Congcong’s money will certainly not be a problem, but this mysterious boss brushed 30 million in one go, which is too exaggerated.

You know, those top dudes who usually have so much money won't be able to use it in the live broadcast room.

This wallet can support a first-line celebrity.

Soon the technical staff came to the general manager Lin Ming: "Mr. Lin, I checked it and the recharge has been paid."

"I'm rubbing, someone really charged 30 million for a reward?" The manager was also a little confused.

"Immediately notify the propaganda department to promote on major websites."

Lin Ming knows that this is a good opportunity to broaden the popularity of Maoya's live broadcast.

Soon, a piece of news appeared on major websites.

" is shocked to find that a mysterious boss has brushed 30 million in anger, pressing Wang Congcong."

After reading the comments on the Internet, Wang Congcong was in his throat.

The so-so-so I spent so much money, but in the end he was pressured by others.

This is too frustrated.

No, when did I, Wang Congcong, be so aggrieved, I have to continue to brush.

However, Wang Congcong's head became hot and he swiped out the remaining 40 million.

At this time, Wang Daming's brain hurts.

He dialed Wang Congcong's phone, but the line on the other side was always busy.

Especially Wang Daming just got the news that Ye Chen is the boss of Maoya live broadcast platform, isn't this Nima's money smashed by others?

They used money for their own company, but Wang Congcong used his hard-earned money.

At this time, Wang Congcong had red eyes.

Seeing the old man call, he felt a little guilty.

After all, the result of his father giving him 50 million to start a business was turned out to be an anchor by him.

Daddy must have seen the news.

So this phone cannot be answered.

Seeing Wang Congcong not answering the phone, Wang Daming had the urge to curse.

At this time, a message came from the live broadcast room: "Wang Congcong is angrily brushed 40 million, the total has been brushed 50 million, and once again turned defeat into victory."

Seeing this news, Wang Daming almost didn't vomit blood, so my 50 million is gone?

"Little rabbit dare not answer my call, secretary, register me a Maoya live account." Wang Daming angrily said.

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