Published at 27th of April 2021 12:50:59 PM

Chapter 36: 36

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Li Lianjie also frowned. The other party was nine million more than him, which obviously didn't give him face.

But he glanced at each other and had no choice but to bear it.

Zhang Shuai, one of the four youngest in Kyoto, has tens of billions of fortunes in his family, and he is richer than him.

He Jiong smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, Miss Yaoyao's painting is so popular, thank you Mr. Zhang Shuai for your love."

Zhang Shuai looked smug, and it was worth ten million to buy a beauty.

Zhong Lili sighed.

There is no way, someone will praise it, but she doesn't like the rich second generation, so she can only swallow her anger.

He Jiong looked at the audience, did anyone pay a higher price?

Ye Chen saw Li Lianjie's unhappy face and the helplessness in Zhong Lili's eyes. He suddenly raised his hand: "I will write 100 million shots of Miss Lili's words."

"One hundred million!" The scene was silent.

No one thought that someone would be so proud to give out 100 million beats for charity.

Li Lianjie and Xu Ke were all stunned when they looked at the bidders.

Ye Chen!

How could it be him?

In Xu Ke and Li Lianjie's eyes, Ye Chen is just a newcomer who just debuted.

And just now Ye Chen also said that he used to be little brother Didi.

How could he make a bid of 100 million with such a grandiose.

The eyes of everyone on the scene also focused on Ye Chen.

"I am! What a handsome little brother."

"The shot is 100 million. It must be the son of some rich man."

"Loved, Duo Jin is handsome, he is mine."

The female stars and ladies on the scene looked at Ye Chen with bright eyes.

Zhong Lili was also stunned. She never dreamed that Ye Chen would suddenly bid, and she would make one hundred million.

But she knew that Ye Chen was just a little brother Didi, how could it be possible to have so much money.

On the stage, He Jiong also froze for a moment and looked at Ye Chen.

Who is this young man? Too rich!

There was another sensation at the scene.

He Jiong smiled and said, "Thank you Mr. Ye for his love of over 100 million yuan. On behalf of the poor children in the mountainous area, I thank you."

Li Yaoyao's face was extremely ugly.

Because only the people who raise the most funds can make tomorrow's headlines.

Recently, Li Yaoyao is hitting superstars, so popularity is very important to her.

That's why she pleased Zhang Shuai in every possible way, let him spend a lot of money at this auction, and put her on the headlines.

The original plan was foolproof, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to pop out.

She looked anxiously at Zhang Shuai in the audience.

Zhang Shuai's face was extremely ugly.

Originally, he wanted to pretend to be forceful at this auction, but he didn't expect that Ye Chen would pop up to steal his limelight.

After gritting his teeth, Zhang Shuai said, "One hundred and fifty million, Miss Yaoyao's painting!"

The scene was in an uproar again.

As expected to be the eldest son of the Zhang family in Kyoto, his shot is awesome!

In the live video broadcast, the audience also felt so cool.

Two giants and immortals fight, and the shot is hundreds of millions, which is too awesome!

Zhang Shuai looked at Ye Chen with provocation in his eyes.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "One billion!"

Anyway, the money will be donated sooner or later, so it's better to pretend to be forced.

At this time, someone recognized Ye Chen in front of the video.

"Isn't this Mr. Ye who donated one billion at the charity party last time?"

"It's him, I watched the video."

"Fuck, this guy is so rich that he donated a billion."

There was no sound at the auction.

There is no shortage of rich bosses at the scene.

But let them spend tens of millions of dollars, not a few people over 100 million.

Ye Chen directly drew out one billion in one breath.

This almost stunned them.

The most important thing is that this young man is very eye-catching and does not seem to be in their upper-class circles.

Where did the local tyrants come from?

Zhong Lili was stupid standing on the stage!

Ye Chen is just a handsome newcomer in her eyes, he turned out to be a big brother after a long time!

Li Lianjie and Xu Ke were also completely stunned.

Ye Chen's acting skills impressed them, but they didn't expect to be so rich!

Now they believe Ye Chen's words, acting is indeed a hobby.

As for Kaididi, people are just experiencing life.

Zhang Shuai's face was pale, one billion was beyond his ability.

Although Li Yaoyao kept winking, he pretended not to see it.

Is it crazy to donate a billion? Dad will strip him when he comes home.

"Mr. Ye, would you please come on stage?" He Jiong said to the audience.

Ye Chen came to the stage.

Zhang Shuai in the audience was almost mad.

He should have been on the stage, but after all, Ye Chen donated one billion, which is not what he can do.

"Mr. Ye, thank you for your love? Donate so much money in one go. What do you do?" He Jiong smiled.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I'm just a didi driver."

"Didi driver?"

Everyone was stunned.

What's a joke, a didi driver donated one billion in one go?

"Mr. Ye can really make a joke." He Jiong said embarrassedly.

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious, look at my didi uniform."

Everyone noticed that Ye Chen was actually wearing Didi's work uniform.

"As a Didi driver, I hope that children in poverty-stricken areas can also have brand-new teaching buildings and brand-new desks. In the future, I will build one thousand Hope primary schools across the country. Although I am not very rich, I also I hope to contribute my modest contribution to China’s Hope Project."

The scene was dead again.

What's the matter, aren't you very rich?

Donate one billion in one go to build a thousand Hope Primary Schools. You are so embarrassed to say that you have no money.

In particular, Ye Chen said that he contributed his meager strength to make the big guys in the audience blush.

Many of them have hundreds of millions of fortunes, but like Ye Chen put out a billion, they really can't do it.

There was thunderous applause.

On the live video, the barrage is full of screens.

"Does little brother Didi make money like this? I want to be a little brother Didi too."

"It must be a rich second-generation experience of life when people open didi."

"I don't have much money, I'm just a didi brother!"

Instantly become the most powerful pretend sentence on the Internet.

At the end of the auction, Zhong Lili sat in the passenger seat and looked at Ye Chen madly.

"Ye Chen, I didn't expect you to be the legendary rich second generation."

"Who said I am the rich second generation? I am the rich generation, OK?"

Ye Chen corrected.

"Thank you, if it weren't for you today, I would be ashamed."

"Haha, nothing? I also want to do something for poor children."

Ye Chen drove the car and came to Zhong Lili's door.

Zhong Lili suddenly remembered something: "By the way, the light bulb in my bedroom is broken. Can you fix it for me?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Okay."

After parking the car, Ye Chen and Zhong Lili came to the house.

Ye Chen took the ladder, climbed up, and replaced the light bulb.

Just about to get off the ladder, Ye Chen fell off the ladder and slipped under his feet.

Fortunately, Ye Chen had the king of kung fu supernatural skills, turned around in the air, and fell down toward the direction of the bed.

But Zhong Lili was sitting on the bed watching Ye Chen repair the lamp.

It's too late to hide.


Ye Chen's body was heavily pressed on Zhong Lili's body.

Almost at the same time, the bedroom door was pushed open.

Then, a woman in her fifties stared at Ye Chen and Zhong Lili on the bed in a daze.

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