Published at 27th of April 2021 12:36:19 PM

Chapter 371: 371

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Ye Chen drove away after arranging the things in the school.

There are still three days before the departure, and these competitive teams will stay in the Star University for the final run-in.

As soon as he came out, Ye Chen received a call from Lin Youyou.

"Ye Dong, are you free?"

"Oh, I have to pick up a flight tomorrow afternoon, but I will be free at noon, so why do you miss me."

"Hmph, miss you, you haven't paid attention to me for a long time, you handed over the company to someone but you asked Liu Chunchun."

Ye Chen smiled embarrassedly: "Well, what's the matter, I'll accompany you, OK?"

"The last time I met a person from the Zheng family in Kyoto to talk about business, he was called Zheng Zhen. He was very annoying and kept pestering me."

Ye Chen raised his brows when he heard that Lin Youyou, his woman, was even thought of by other men, so he was naturally upset.

"Well, I'll pick you up at the company in a while."

"Well, you have a conscience."

Lin Youyou is now the president of Star Company and a famous queen in the business world.

Many people are now pursuing Lin Youyou.

But now there is no other man in Lin Youyou's eyes, and only Ye Chen is in her heart.

Therefore, Lin Youyou also has a name in the business world, the Queen of the Iceberg.

Ye Chen drove to the downstairs.

Lin Youyou is usually very cold, but today he is very happy.

I was about to see the man I was thinking about, naturally, I was in a very beautiful mood.

Seeing Lin Youyou out of the company, the employees greeted them one after another.

"Mr. Lin is good."

"Well, Yuanyuan, your clothes look very nice today."

Li Yuanyuan was stunned immediately.

My God, President Lin actually talked to me today.

You must know that Lin Youyou always looks cold in public.

"Hey, have you noticed that President Lin is different today than usual."

"Yes, President Lin seems to be very happy today."

"That's right, Mr. Lin's face is usually cold, and he looks like a smile today."

"Could it be that this is my illusion?"

"I went out with President Lin yesterday to make an appointment with a young man from Kyoto, but President Lin refused."

"Really? Well, that young man even followed President Lin to the magic city, and I heard that he would start a company here."

"Oh my God, I heard it right, this is too exaggerated."

"The rich are willful."

Everyone looked at Lin Youyou's back and talked a lot.

At this time, Ye Chen had already drove to the door of the company.

Lin Youyou smiled and said, "Ye Chen, it's been a long time."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It's not a long time but two or three days."

"Huh, so you don't want me?"

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly: "How dare I miss you?"

Lin You You snorted coldly: "Humph, but someone is chasing me today, you can figure it out."

Ye Chen deliberately pretended to be angry.

"Whoever is so bold, dare to soak my woman, rest assured that this kind of fly must be swatted to death."

Lin Youyou sneered after hearing what Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen drove Cullinan today, and got in the car Ye Chen asked, "Where are we going?"

"The Universe Hotel."

"There!" Ye Chen was stunned.

"Why is there a problem?" Lin You You asked.

"No problem, haha ​​as long as there is something delicious." Ye Chen smiled.

Lin You You snorted coldly: "Huh, I want you to go but as a shield."

Although Lin Youyou looks like an iceberg queen in the company, she is a little woman in front of Ye Chen.

It is estimated that many people will be surprised to see Lin Youyou now.

"By the way, how can you repay me for helping you so much?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Thank you? Huh, if you don't want it, some boys do."

Ye Chen curled his lips: "Okay, then I will follow you to the hotel to expose you and tell that person that you don't have a boyfriend yet."

Lin Youyou glared at Ye Chen: "Do you dare."

The two ridiculed while driving, and soon came to the World Hotel.

After getting out of the car, the two of them walked outside.

"Yoyou, who is the other party?"

Lin Youyou said: "That person is Zheng Zhen, the eldest son of the Zheng family in Kyoto. The Zheng family is mainly in the retail industry. The several large supermarkets and shopping malls in Kyoto are all the properties of the Zheng family. Open up the market."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I'm not here to chase you."

Lin Youyou didn't speak, obviously this was also an important reason.

When the two walked into the hotel, Lin Youyou naturally put his arm on Ye Chen's arm.

Seeing the big beauty next to Ye Chen, the hotel waiter was stunned.

As expected of Ye Dong, the women who come here are different every time, and they are all beautiful women.

Lin Youyou also heard the waiter's comments, and gave Ye Chen a white look: "Fancy carrots."

Ye Chen smiled bitterly: "This Zheng Zhen's appointment is not good, but it's not an appointment at the World Hotel."

At this time, the lobby manager came to Ye Chen and said respectfully: "Lin Dong, do you need me to arrange an emperor's room for you?"

Ye Chen shook his head, "No, this time I am invited by someone else. You are busy and don't care about me."

"Yes, Ye Dong."

Ye Chen and Lin Youyou came to the private room.

At this time, there was a young man standing at the door. He was happy to see Lin You You, but the face of Ye Chen who was carried by her suddenly became cold.

Originally, Zheng Zhen was waiting for Lin Youyou outside, but he didn't expect to see Lin Youyou coming over with another man's arm.

Lin You You clearly knew that she was pursuing her, and even doing so, she was hitting him in the face.

The most important thing is that the man next to Lin Youyou is so handsome, just a few blocks away from him just because of his appearance, which makes him even more unhappy.

Zheng Zhen was a little puzzled. He found someone to investigate. Lin You You didn't have a boyfriend at all. Who is this man who popped up suddenly?

Although he was unhappy in his heart, Zheng Zhen still smiled and said, "Yoyou, you can count on it. I have been waiting for you at the door."

Lin Youyou said indifferently: "Mr. Zheng, we are not so familiar, so please call me by my full name. This will easily cause my boyfriend to misunderstand."

With that, Lin Youyou gave Ye Chen a bright smile.

Zheng Zhen's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this scene.

Lin Youyou was cold when she was with herself.

Now she actually smiles at a man, which is just slap him in the face.

However, his eyes narrowed, Ye Chen's face value was so high, if it was Lin Youyou's boyfriend, it would have been spread in the industry.

No one has heard of this man at all now, it is very likely that Lin Youyou has found a shield.

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhen sneered, and said to Ye Chen without a smile: "Man, what do you call it, where do you get rich?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Oh, my name is Ye Chen, Lin Youyou's boyfriend, I am a didi driver."

Didi driver?

Zheng Zhen was stunned, thinking that the other party was a king, but unexpectedly it was a bronze. A didi driver wanted to steal a woman from him. It was so funny!

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