Published at 27th of April 2021 12:36:15 PM

Chapter 373: 373

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Zheng Zhen finally understood that if he wanted to sign this order, he had to talk about Ye Chen.

But thinking about the attitude he and Ye Chen had just now, Zheng Zhen was also a little embarrassed.

He ridiculed Ye Chen just now, how can he beg Ye Chen now?

In any case, he is also a young man in Kyoto, and he really can't help it.

Moreover, Ye Chen is his rival in love, so he can't compliment his rival in love.

Ye Chen took a look at Chen Wan and Wei Ran while eating, and said lightly; "You two don't look at me, I don't care about the money."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Wei Ran and Chen Wan already understood Ye Chen's attitude.

Chen Wan said, "I'm sorry Shao Zheng, if we want to cooperate, we will still sign a contract every two years. This is our company's rules and will not change."

Wei Ran also said: "We are too, signing a contract for two years, as long as your bid is reasonable, we can cooperate."

Zheng Zhen frowned upon hearing Chen Wan and Wei Ran's words.

The bottom line given to him by his family is four years, and he can't even complete the minimum tasks in two years.

Chen Wan and Wei Ran own half of the large shopping malls and supermarkets in the capital. If they do not spit, then the Zheng family's plan to enter the capital will not be completed.

Zheng Zhen is not stupid, he understands that the reason why Chen Wan and Wei Ran's attitude are so firm and even there is no room for relaxation is mainly because of Ye Chen.

Although reluctant, Zheng Zhen took a deep breath and picked up the wine glass: "Mr. Ye, when we meet for the first time, I toast you a glass of wine."

However, Ye Chen's reaction was very cold.

"Sorry, I drove here, so let's just drink."

Zheng Zhen held up his wine glass and his face was hot.

It is generally the honor of the other party that he Zheng Shao toasts, Ye Chen even directly refused, this is simply slap him in the face.

Zheng Zhen's face suddenly became ugly.

Ye Chen, even if he is awesome, can he still beat the Zheng family?

When everyone saw that Ye Chen didn't even give Zheng Zhen's face, they took a breath of air.

What kind of person is Ye Chen, who is so awesome.

Zheng Zhen didn't even give him any face, which is too crazy.

"Ye Chen, don't go too far. I have Zheng Zhen toast and no one can refuse." Zheng Zhen said with a gloomy expression.

"Really? Actually you toast me, the reason why I don't drink is not because I drive." Ye Chen said lightly.

Zheng Zhen was stunned for a moment, and the others also looked at Ye Chen dumbfounded, wondering what he wanted to say.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "The reason I don't drink is because you don't have that qualification."


There was a dead silence at the scene.

Everyone was stunned. The dignified Zheng family was not even qualified to toast him. This is too crazy.

At this time, Zheng Zhen's face was pale.

Everyone also looked at Ye Chen with weird expressions.

It seems that Ye Chen is really going to tear his face with each other!

Ye Chen said lightly: "Okay, I'm full of food, let's go leisurely."

Lin Youyou nodded obediently and stood up.

The two left hand in hand.

Zheng Zhen's face was gloomy as water.

Seeing Ye Chen left, Chen Wan and Wei Ran also stood up.

"Zheng Shao, thank you for your hospitality, we have something to leave this afternoon."

Seeing that Chen Wan and Wei Ran were gone, the others could not sit still and left one after another.

In the blink of an eye, a table of banquets didn't eat much at all, and everyone was gone.

After all, these people didn't want to rent their shops to the Zheng family.

In the past few years, China’s economic development has been getting better and better, and the annual rent has doubled.

One sign every ten years is clearly a bully.

Just in time, Ye Chen came out to disrupt the situation, and everyone also took the opportunity to slip away.

Although many of them didn't know Ye Chen's identity.

But a person who can not even be afraid of the Zheng family, and a person who can make Chen Wan and Wei Ran the two big bosses of the magic capital be honest and obedient, how can they not be afraid.

They didn't dare to fear the Zheng family before, and now there are big men like Ye Chen supporting them, what's so terrible.

Zheng Zhen looked at the empty box with a pale expression on his face.

He overturned the table directly and pointed at Ye Chen and cursed: "Ye Chen, dare to ruin my good deeds. We will never finish this matter."

At this moment, Ye Chen had already left with Lin Youyou.

Young Master Demon, Zheng Zhen and Zhang Shuai are of the same level, and this rich second generation does not pose any threat to Ye Chen at all.

Leaving the hotel, Lin Youyou said, "It doesn't matter if you offend Zheng Zhen."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "What does it matter? It's just a rich second-generation, but his father is here, I don't want to give it any face."

Lin Youyou felt warm after hearing Ye Chen's domineering words.

It is true that the man he fancy is domineering.

Lin Youyou smiled and said, "Thank you for today."

Ye Chen smirked and said, "Why, thank you, just talk and it's over?"

Lin Youyou's pretty face blushed slightly.

From the hotel, Ye Chen drove Lin Youyou to the company.

There will be an important meeting in the afternoon.

When Lin Youyou got out of the car, he directly gave Ye Chen a five-star praise.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the five-star praise, activating the fifth praise star, and rewarding 60% of the shares of Didi Group. 】

I rub, this time, the acquisition turned out to be Didi Company.

With 60% of the shares, Ye Chen is now the largest controlling shareholder of the Didi Group, and it feels very good to work for himself.

After Ye Chen sent Lin Youyou, he was about to run a few beeps to pick up the business. Su Wanyi called. "

"Hani, I'm flying back to the capital from Kyoto. It will take about three hours. You come to the airport to pick me up."

"No problem." Ye Chen nodded.

Looking at the time, there were more than three hours left, Ye Chen decided to run another beep.

Having just collected five stars, Ye Chen can activate a new profession again. He is looking forward to what kind of profession he will activate this time.

Ye Chen drove to the Magic City University.

At this time, a middle-aged man was pushing a wheelchair.

There is also a boy in the wheelchair.

Ye Chen wanted to help the boy get into the car, but the boy stubbornly said, "I can."

"Oh!" Seeing the boy stubbornly propped himself up from the wheelchair and got into the car, Ye Chen also secretly nodded.

Although the boy is disabled, he has a strong heart.

Ye Chen also admired such a boy very much.

The boy said, "Hello, I want to go to Star University."

"Xingchen University?" Ye Chen was stunned, isn't this his own university?

The middle-aged man frowned and said: "Xiao Nan, you can think about it. Mordu University is a key university in China. You transfer to a grassroots university, don't you regret it?"

Chen Xiaonan said seriously: "I work hard to realize my dream, why should I regret it?"

"E-sports, what a mess, Xiaonan, I don't agree with your choice, you should think about it."

Chen Xiaonan shook his head: "I don't have to think about it. You promised that you will respect all my choices, and e-sports is not only my dream, but also my brother's dream."

"You..." The middle-aged man sighed after hearing what Chen Xiaonan said.

"Ding..." There was a systemic voice in his mind, Ye Chen was overjoyed, and he was about to activate his new career again.

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