Published at 27th of April 2021 12:36:05 PM

Chapter 377: 377

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Before Li Shan's hand touched Su Wanyi, he was caught by Ye Chen from the air.

"Boy, tell you, my father is a major shareholder of Didi Group. If you dare to stop me, you will die." Li Shan said arrogantly.

Ye Chen's face was cold.

This guy actually dared to do something with his own woman, and had already touched Ye Chen's Niqin.

Ye Chen pressed his hand, Li Shan felt a pain in his wrist and grinned straight.

"It hurts, it hurts, you let me go."

Ye Chen's eyes were cold, and he kicked Li Shan's stomach directly.

Li Shan's body flew directly out like a ball.


Li Shan fell to the ground, rolled on the ground a few times, and then groaned in pain.

"You dare to hit me, you are dead."

Li Shan gritted his teeth and dialed a number.

Soon, the phone was connected.

"My dear son, are you back?" A middle-aged man's voice rang on the phone.

Li Shan actually took the phone and cried: "Dad, I was beaten."

"What? Who would dare to beat my Li Min's son? Where are you now?" Li Min's expression changed.

"I'm at the airport, Dad, bring someone here soon." Li Shan cried.

"Okay, I'll go over now, son, wait, no matter who it is, I will never let him go."

Li Min was an old man, and finally had such a son, he loved him very much since he was a child.

He can settle anything his son has committed outside.

Ever since I was young, I have never touched it before, but today I let someone else beat him. How could Li Min just let it go.

Hanging up the phone, Li Min's eyes flashed cold.

"Daring to beat Lao Tzu's son is really looking for death."

Li Min hurried straight to the airport with his bodyguards.

Li Shan at the airport pointed to Ye Chen and said, "Boy, don't go if there is a kind of thing."

Ye Chen looked jokingly: "Don't worry, I won't leave, just wait for your father to come over."

Li Shan sneered: "Boy, my father is the majority shareholder of Didi, you are dead, you don't have to do your Didi car, and I promise you are dead."

Ye Chen suddenly laughed: "I want to open dick, no one can stop me, as for letting me die, your father probably doesn't have the qualifications."

"Huh, boy, not only you are finished today, but this **** is also finished. I will settle this account with you."

Ye Chen saw that Li Shan's mouth was not clean, his eyes were cold, and he walked towards Li Shan.

Seeing that Ye Chen was about to do something again, Li Shan took four or five steps back in shock.

At this time, a cold voice sounded: "Let me see who dares to move my son."

Li Shan saw the middle-aged man rushing over with five bodyguards and his expression was happy: "Dad, you are here, did you see that, this kid, he has to do something to me."

Li Min saw his son's red and swollen face, and his expression became more gloomy: "Shan Shan, are you okay."

"Dad, I was slapped and kicked by this kid. I think my ribs will be broken. You must vent my anger. By the way, he is the little brother of your Didi company." Li Shan Poorly said.

Li Min saw that his son's face was swollen, and there was a big footprint on the white suit, and his face became more ugly.

"Son, don't worry, I will let this kid kneel on the ground and beg you for mercy."

With that said, Li Min walked towards Ye Chen and said with a cold face: "Boy, it is your hand that you did to my son. If you still want to open the dick, immediately kneel on the ground to apologize to my son and let my bodyguard interrupt you. I can let you go."

Ye Chen heard this, and the corners of his mouth raised: "By the way, are you a major shareholder of Didi Company?"

Li Min thought Ye Chen was scared, and said proudly: "Yeah, how come you know that you regret it now?"

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised: "I regret that you think too much, what I want to tell you is that you were fired."

Li Min laughed arrogantly after hearing Ye Chen's words.

"Haha, what? Are you a Didi brother wanting to fire me? It's all this time, you still pretend to me, believe it or not, I will kill you?"

Ye Chen looked at Li Min's arrogant appearance, did not talk nonsense with the other party, and dialed a phone directly.

"Chairman Lu? This is Ye Chen."

Lu Guobing's face changed when he heard Ye Chen's name.

Lu Guobing is the major shareholder and chairman of Didi Company.

He just got news today that a mysterious boss suddenly acquired 60% of the company's shares.

Now he has changed from the largest shareholder to the second largest shareholder.

The other party can directly purchase shares of their company silently, which shows how terrifying the other party's background is.

Later, Lu Guobing asked someone to check it, but Ye Chen's identity shocked him during this check.

Originally, he wanted to call Ye Chen and hug his thigh, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to call first.

Lu Guobing said coldly: "It turned out to be Mr. Ye. I wanted to call you to report on my work, but I didn't expect you to call me first."

Ye Chen said: "Now I am the largest shareholder of the company."

Lu Guobing said: "Yes, you now own 60% of Didi's shares, and you are indeed the largest shareholder."

"Then if I want to expel a member of the board of directors, there should be no problem." Ye Chen continued.

"Of course, you now have a veto and you can fire anyone." Lu Guobing's face was a little hard to look.

Could it be that the other party wants to clean themselves.

Ye Chen's shares were too high, and Lu Guobing had no choice but to expel him.

"Well, one of our shareholders wants to kill me, you say I should fire him."

"What? Which **** has eaten the bear heart and leopard, dare to threaten you?"

Lu Guobing pleased: "Ye Dong, where are you now, I will go over immediately."

Ye Chen said: "Just come here, let's have a shareholder named Li Min, let him go."

"Yes, Mr. Ye, I'll call him now and ask him to get out of Didi's company." Lu Guobing let out a sigh of relief.

After all, Ye Chen is not targeting himself. As for Lu Guobing, he owns 5% of the company's shares and is a minority shareholder.

His dismissal has no effect on the company.

When the phone hung up, Li Min sneered: "Boy, I'm good at acting. I also called our chairman. It's also a major shareholder of the company. Didi's shareholders and Laozi are all friends. Why haven't I met? You? Give you three more seconds. If you don't kneel down and beg for mercy, don't blame me for being impolite."

However, before his voice fell, the phone rang.

Li Min saw that it was actually Lu Guobing's call.

His face changed slightly, and he glanced at Ye Chen.

At this moment, there is a bad feeling in my heart. Could it be that what this kid said is true?

Enduring the fear in his heart, Li Min connected the phone with trembling hands.

"Hey, it's Dong Lu, what do you want me to do?"

"Li Min, you are really looking for death, do you know who you offended? Mr. Ye, he now owns 60% of our company's shares and is the largest shareholder of our company. You are so blind, he You dare to offend, are you stupid?"

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