Published at 27th of April 2021 12:36:03 PM

Chapter 379: 379

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Ye Chen entered the game and was then invited to form a group to qualify.

Lin Wanrou, Su Wanyi, Xiaoya and Youyou, plus Ye Chen's group of five people.

"Sister Wanrou, the four of us are very good, how can we call a better one."

"It's over, it seems we are going to kneel again."

"Brother Ye Chen, can you join the opposing group, don't come to harm us."

Xiaoya, Yoyo looked disgusted.

Ye Chen was angry: "Brother is taking you to fly, okay?"

"Forget it, son, should you choose an assistant," Lin Wanrou said.

"Well, the beating is left to us, and you are also giving away the head." Su Wanyi also said from the side.

Ye Chen: "..."

What do you mean by giving me a head?

Ye Chen really couldn't bear it anymore.

If I don’t show up, do you treat me as a sick cat?

Today must be a shame.

Ye Chen chose Zhuang Zhou in this round, an assistant.

The game started.

Ye Chen went on the road.

Su Wanyi: "Hey, don't mess with me, okay, you will affect my economy."

Ye Chen: "Okay, I'll go to the middle road."

Xiaoya: "It's enough to have me in the middle."

Ye Chen, I endured it: "I'm going to get off the road."

As a result, he just ran halfway, and said, "Ye Chen, don't make trouble, go to the jungle."

Lao Tzu is a master of the game, I was disgusted by you all the way.

Ye Chen endured it.

As the game continued, team battles began.

The opponent's strength is very strong, and in the blink of an eye, all the heroes of the four beauties have bottomed out.

Ye Chen took a deep breath, and finally it was time for me to act.

Riding my little blue kun, Ye Chen directly killed him.

"Beauties, I'm here to be a hero to save them."

Ye Chen rushed directly into the enemy.

However, Ye Chen hadn't waited for the magnifying move, and as a result, he was directly killed by the attack of the defense tower and the opponent.

I rub!


Mission is destroyed!

Ye Chen: "..."

What about good game masters?

"System, you game master will not be a fake, right?"

System: "You jump into someone's defense tower, blame me."

Fortunately, seeing the crystal being broken by others, they fought back and defended.

"Brother Chen, can you rely on the score?"

"My son, that's how you took me to fly."

"My God, Hani, you are an undercover agent sent by the enemy."


Ye Chen gritted his teeth: "Now let you see the strength of the game master."

"Ding, activate the game master skill."

With the activation of the game master, countless data about the game appeared in Ye Chen's mind.

The characteristics of Zhuang Zhou's character and how to manipulate them all came to mind.

Moreover, Ye Chen manipulated the game character again, and his hands had muscles.

Ye Chen rushed towards the opposite Cheng Yaojin.

"The other party is a meat shield, don't send him to death," Lin Wanrou reminded.

As a result, Ye Chen directly sent the opponent home with his excellent control.

Then, it was Daji.

The result is another spike.

The beauties were all staring at it.

"My son, you won't hang up anymore, you will be banned."

Ye Chen took everyone to attack the crystal while proudly saying: "It's a showdown. I used to want to get along with you as an ordinary person, but in exchange for ridicule, I stopped pretending. Lao Tzu is actually a master."

One night, Ye Chen led everyone to brush ten hands in a row, and all of them easily won.

"The son is too powerful."

"Honey, you play the game so well."

"Husband, you will take us to the national service in the future."

Ye Chen looked smug: "No problem, play games in the future, call my husband, and my husband will take you to fly."


The next day was the day when the Chinese e-sports team went out.

After a few days of running-in, Star Clan has formed a combat team with Chen Xiaonan as the core and Sun Ze assisting.

In the competition with several domestic warm-up matches, they all won smoothly.

No one is optimistic about China's participation in the e-sports competition.

Especially the parents of students believe that only by studying well can they win glory for the motherland.

Playing games can win glory for the country, isn't this nonsense?

In fact, these children are also under a lot of pressure.

They watched the videos of these previous matches, and they were very powerful.

Moreover, they have never really confronted these international powerhouses, and no one knows whether they can break a blood path.


At the airport, Ye Chen looked at the team members and smiled: "Don't be nervous, just show your strength."

These people are wearing special red team uniforms with the Chinese flag on their chests.

At the airport, they also saw a lot of fans supporting them.

Fans are holding banners.

"Come on Huaguo e-sports."

"We are waiting for your triumphant return."

"To win glory for the country, we are your strong backing."

Seeing those fans, all the players were full of enthusiasm.

At this moment, they understand that they are not playing games, they are fighting, and each of them represents the country and the hope of e-sports in China.

This time, their achievements are very important.

If the results are good, then China's e-sports is bound to make a leap forward.

If the results are stale, they will inevitably be criticized.

So, this is almost a game that cannot be lost for Huaguo E-sports.

The players clenched their fists when they saw the look in the eyes of the fans.

They were all scumbags before, and they have never been expected.

This time, they felt the warmth for the first time, the feeling of being expected.

Chen Xiaonan took a deep breath and said: "Come on, everyone, we must get the rankings, so that we can live up to these fans and our dreams."

"China will win." The passionate voice of the team members resounded at the airport.

Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction seeing the momentum of the players.

He believes that these players will not let him down.

This time Ye Chen led the team personally.

When the plane took off, they also headed to the first city of Bangzi Country, the destination of the game.

After three hours of flying, the plane landed slowly.

Take the bus to the hotel of the game.

The front desk, the organizer of this competition.

Ye Chen walked up and showed the match certificate and said to the staff: "Hello, we are a team from China participating in the World E-Sports Competition."

"Hua Guo? Does Hua Guo also have e-sports?" The two waiters were very surprised.

The World E-Sports Competition is held every year, but China has never participated in it.

This time, four teams signed up in one breath, which surprised them very much.

In their opinion, the game level of the Chinese is too poor.

After watching the game, the staff member smiled and said: "Welcome to the world e-sports competition, I wish you good results."

Ye Chen finished the formalities and was about to leave.

One of the staff sneered in Bangzi Mandarin: "Do Chinese people play games? It must be a round trip, and the group matches are eliminated."

"Haha, this time the registration fee is a lot, isn't it good for someone to send money? Anyway, these four teams will be eliminated in the first round."

The two didn't know that Ye Chen understood Bangzi Mandarin, and Ye Chen could clearly hear their conversation.

Underestimate our e-sports players in China?

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised.

He believes that these children will give the world a miracle.

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