Published at 27th of April 2021 12:35:54 PM

Chapter 386: 386

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Such a big university is empty, and even less than half of the students in the classrooms are there.

Shen Qiang was angry.

The dean of the Academic Affairs Office said with an ugly face: "Our students have all gone to the next school."

"What? Run to the next school?"

Because Fuda is a prestigious school, students usually come to Fuda.

But now the students in their school are attracted to the school next door.

"What school is it?" Shen Qiang said.

"Star University."

Shen Qiang was stunned for a moment. He had never heard of this school.

"Students of Star University won the championship in the World E-Sports Competition, so our students all passed by to celebrate."

What the **** is e-sports?

The dean of academic affairs and Shen Qiang talked about what happened.

After hearing this, Shen Qiang's face suddenly became hard to look.

"Naughty, a university actually supports students to play games, what a decent way!"

Fuda is a key university, so it has always had a natural sense of superiority.

Their student resources are the best. When looking for a job, Fuda's brand is almost a sign of exemption.

Now their students are all attracted to the Star University.

If things go on like this, if the influence of Star University surpasses Fuda, for Shen Qiang, this is something he doesn't want to see.

In Magic City, there can only be one best school, and that is Fuda.

Shen Qiang knew that the weight of this champion was likely to make the influence of Star University surpass Fuda.

Such schools must be suppressed.

Shen Qiang took a closer look at Xingchen University and suddenly gasped.

The education system of Star University is simply amazing.

Without teachers, students are teachers, free, and students can do whatever they want in school.

Is this still a university?

It's just nonsense.

The more Shen Qiang watched, the more frightened he became, how could such a university exist.

After thinking about it, Shen Qiang called his old classmate.

Old classmates are a member of the Shanghai and Hai Education Department.

"Old Chen, let me tell you one thing. Our Magic Capital suddenly came up with a star university. There are no teachers. The students do whatever they want at school, and they even encourage students to play games."

Chen Mu was taken aback after hearing this.

"Star University?"

He also heard of this school for the first time.

After all, there are many universities in the magic city, public and private, and all he cares about are those key universities.

He really has no impression of this kind of grassroots university.

"There is such a thing?" Chen Mu's expression also changed slightly.

After all, he is the supervisor. If something like this really happens and something goes wrong, then he can't escape his responsibility.

"Yes, you must take care of schools like Lao Chen. If something happens, you should understand."

"I understand. Don't worry, I will investigate it carefully. If the situation is true, I will deal with it seriously."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Qiang let out a sigh of relief.

What he reported was the truth, and he did not lie.

I believe that after the above investigation, this school will definitely be closed.

E-sports major?

Interesting, should Fuda also set up this major?

However, he quickly rejected this idea.

After all, Fuda is a prestigious school, how can we encourage students to play games?

At this time, at the Star University, a carnival is going on.

Sitting in the principal's room, Ye Chen looked at the singing and dancing students, also very happy.

This time, the school is not only the students of Star University, but also students of Fuda and other surrounding schools.

At this moment, a classmate wearing glasses found Ye Chen.

"Principal Ye, I have something to apply with you."

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen smiled slightly.

"We want to launch a rocket."


Ye Chen just drank a Longjing spit out.

"Launch rockets, your students are already so awesome?"

"We have developed a self-made rocket and want to launch it."

This is the urban area. If the rocket is launched, will it fall and hit people or something?

After all, Ye Chen is now the principal, and he is more cautious about this kind of thing.

Wu Yong shook his head: "President Ye, you can rest assured that after we launch this rocket, it can still be recovered."

"So awesome?"

At 8:08 in the evening, we have the first test launch. Could you please be our guest on the launch of the rocket?

Ye Chen nodded. After all, the students really made rockets, and for Ye Chen there was a bright face.

"Yes, in that case, I will go in the evening."

"Thank you President Ye." Wu Yong bowed to Ye Chen and left.

Now for Ye Chen, all the students of Xingchen University are grateful.

Because Ye Chen gave them a chance to realize their dreams.

Without Ye Chen, I am afraid that they have already stepped into the society now, and even do the lowest-level jobs in society such as express delivery brother.

Really embarking on society, their dreams can only be said to be even more remote.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised, and suddenly he had a plan.

He called Maoya Live Broadcast.

Soon, a piece of news from Maoya's live broadcast was exposed.

Star University students will try to launch the rocket at 8:08 in the evening.

After the e-sports competition, Maoya live broadcast has become popular among young people.

Hearing this news, the entire country of China was shocked.

A university, but also a grassroots university, students actually developed rockets?

how can that be?

Just kidding.

The Internet is full of doubts.

At eight o'clock in the evening, more than 10 million fans have flooded into the live broadcast room.

In the middle of the playground of Star University, there is a scaled-down rocket.

The whole style is no different from a real rocket. The only difference is that the rocket is a reduced version.

Many people question the success of the rocket launch, and there are even more discussions on

"It's so funny, can a university develop a rocket?"

"I guess it's just hype, the launch will definitely fail."

"I'm so ridiculous, young people nowadays can play more and more."


At the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a professor was reading a paper when suddenly the phone rang.

"Professor Lu, have you watched the news? A student from a university actually wanted to test a rocket today."

"What? Test rocket? What university? Huaqing, or Kyoto University or Fuda?"

"Not at all, it seems to be called Star University. Recently, Star University is quite famous. It seems to have just won the first place in the world eSports."

Professor Lu was stunned for a moment: "Oh, interesting, where can I watch the live broadcast, I really want to watch it."

As an expert on Chinese rockets, he felt a little unbelievable to hear that a university student had actually developed a rocket.

After all, the launch of a rocket is a high-tech project. To complete it, careful calculation must be done, and all designs cannot be made wrong.

This is an impossible task for university students.

With the fermentation of news, more than 30 million viewers have gathered on the Maoya live broadcast platform.

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