Published at 27th of April 2021 12:35:49 PM

Chapter 390: 390

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Ye Chen shook his head: "Just put on makeup, I don't need makeup for this temperament."

With that, Ye Chen adjusted his charm value up by one level.

Everyone was a little confused when they heard Ye Chen put on makeup at first, but they were stunned when they saw Ye Chen's current appearance.

Oh my God, even though Ye Chen doesn't have makeup, as long as he stops there, he feels otherworldly.

His temperament seemed to be integrated into his soul, just a faint smile, enough to fascinate sentient beings.

The whole hall was silent, and everyone was shocked by Ye Chen's temperament.

Compared with Zhou Bo before, Ye Chen's temperament is simply the difference between a **** and a mortal.

A king, a bronze and two people are not comparable.

"Ye Dong, your temperament is amazing." Director Wang couldn't help saying.

He wasn't slapped Ye Chen's flattery, but he said with feelings.

Many female artists of the company were also completely attracted by Ye Chen's temperament.

Ye Chen's body exudes a temptation that women can hardly resist.

With a smile and a frown, every action is extremely elegant and touching.

Even standing in front of Ye Chen, the girls felt very shy.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen, their faces were full of shock.

"It's amazing. If Ye Dong enters the showbiz, I don't know how many fans he will have."

"I didn't expect Ye Dong to be so handsome."

"I always feel that I am handsome, but I really can't watch it in front of Ye Dong?" A little fresh meat sighed.

"When I see Ye Dong, I have a feeling of heart."

As a filmmaker, who has never seen a handsome guy, but Ye Chen's temperament is completely unique.

This kind of temperament is almost like a human being, and even stunned a group of small meats in the company.

Ye Chen said, "Director Wang, how effective is the audition? I'm still going to make a beep."

Turn on dick!

Everyone was speechless again.

As the chairman of the Star Media Performing Arts Company, a handsome man who breaks the sky actually makes a beep.

Director Wang nodded; "Okay, no problem, Ye Dong, when the movie is watching you, we will start shooting when you have time."

Director Wang was very excited at this time, and with Ye Chen, there was no reason why this movie was not popular.

Ye Chen continued to beep.

This time Ye Chen pulled a beauty.

The beauty of her personality is very cheerful, and she had a very happy chat with Ye Chen.

Just finished pulling a pretending big guy, which affected my mood.

After chatting with this little beauty, my mood suddenly improved a lot.

At this time, the little beauty's phone rang: "Hello, hello!"

"I am the perfect union. In the PK battle two hours later, you must be in the top 100, otherwise our perfect group will cancel the cooperation with you."

"Okay, I get it now."

Hanging up, the little beauty looked sad.

"What's wrong with the little beauty?"

"I am an anchor on the Douyu platform, and I will have a PK battle for two hours. If I lose, I will probably be kicked out of the guild."

"Oh, it's so serious, then you have to prepare well."

The little beauty sighed: "Hey, what's the use of preparations? The big brother on the list is tens of thousands, and my big brother is only more than 100. How can I compete with others? It seems that online live broadcast is not suitable for me."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "That's not necessarily true. I have a friend who is also an anchor. It turned out that his popularity was not good. As a result, I met a big guy and won the PK championship in one breath."

The little beauty smiled faintly: "Thank you for your support, but I'm afraid I don't have such good luck."

At this time, at the destination, the little beauty smiled and said, "Handsome guy, can you add a WeChat message."

Ye Chen nodded, and the 98 points of this little beauty had reached the standard for adding him to WeChat.

Two people added WeChat, Ye Chen glanced at it, and the little girl's name was Su Xiaomei.

"This is also your live broadcast name?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

"Well, you can watch my live broadcast when you have time, but I can't sing, dance, or speak a word."

Ye Chen is speechless, you don't know the anchor's several major skills, no wonder you are not popular.

"Then you can do radio gymnastics?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

"Of course, I used to be the sports committee member of our class." Su Xiaomei said.

"Well, it's enough to do radio gymnastics." Ye Chen nodded.

Su Xiaomei smiled: "Goodbye, handsome guy."

"By the way, remember to give me a five-star praise."

"no problem."

"Congratulations to the host for getting the five-star praise, activating the second praise star, and getting the system rewards primary reward card."

For the primary cashback card, the amount of rewards in the live broadcast room will be rebated ten times.

I rub, this is awesome.

Su Xiaomei returned to the rental house and started broadcasting.

There are a total of 20 people in the live broadcast room, and the maximum reward is 9.9 yuan.

This is her big brother.

"Little girl, you are still struggling in the live broadcast business. Just like us, is it not good to find a godfather?" said a sister in a rental house.

"No, I have to rely on my own efforts to succeed."

After hearing what Su Xiaomei said, that sister gave her a blank look.

"Oh, just rely on this group of poor **** with a reward of no more than ten dollars?"

At this time, suddenly an ID appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Didi."

Su Xiaomei was stunned for a moment, remembering that when she got out of the car, Little Brother Didi seemed to have asked her ID.

"Welcome to little brother Didi, are you the handsome little brother Didi that you just gave me?" Su Xiaomei asked.

"Yes, it's me, I'm here to cheer."

"Thank you, brother Didi, for joining me, and give me your attention."

Aside, the roommate glanced at Ye Chen's ID.

"Brother Didi? Little sister Su, I didn't mean you, who do you know? Brother Didi, is it estimated that the reward can be more than one dollar?"

At this time, a flower appeared on the screen.

Because Ye Chen did not charge up the money, but the novice task was a flower, which Ye Chen delivered directly.

"Thank you for the flowers, brother Didi, for your love."

If it were other anchors, the flowers wouldn't be bothered at all.

But Su Xiaomei was too pitiful, and a flower made her very excited.

"My little girl is going to participate in the trade union battle tonight, please support me."

However, after Xiaomei Su had finished speaking, she fell silent and did not respond at all.

Trade union battles usually cost tens of thousands of rewards. These people are all white prostitutes. Ten yuan is a waste. Letting them reward one million to support Su Xiaomei is no different from dreaming.

Little brother Didi: "Don't worry, little sister, brother will guard you tonight."

"Thank you, brother Didi."

Although Su Xiaomei didn't have much hope for Ye Chen, how much money a little brother Didi could reward.

At best, it's just comfort.

"What does your trade union battle mean?" Ye Chen asked.

"The union battle is a PK between the union and the other side. The top ten will get a one-day recommendation on the homepage, the top three will get a one-week recommendation on the homepage, and the first one will get a one-month recommendation on the homepage.

Anchor is not popular, recommendation is very important, one month recommendation, enough to make Su Xiaomei this unknown little anchor become a great **** in seconds.

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