Published at 27th of April 2021 12:35:44 PM

Chapter 393: 393

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Now that the guild battle has reached the sixth round, and will encounter increasingly stronger opponents, Ye Chen has already prepared for it.

No matter what the opponent is, Ye Chen doesn't shy away at all, isn't he doing it?

Ye Chen looked at his opponent in this round.

The anchor’s name is Tickle Your Heart, and he has reached level 58. Now the top eldest brother’s funds have reached more than 500,000, and the second is also more than 200,000, helping 300,000, and his strength is very strong.

"Hello, I am from the World Exterminating Guild. I am very happy to be able to connect with the young lady. I heard that your eldest brother is very powerful. Don't beat me too painful for a while."

Ye Chen's performance in the previous rounds has already caused a sensation on the entire Douyu platform, especially in the live broadcast room, where Didi is very popular.

With his own power, a little-known little anchor made it into the sixth round in one fell swoop, which was very awesome.

For the anchors, the local tyrants are their support.

It can be said that the local tyrants are always the biggest focus on each platform.

Ye Chen has now spent almost one million on the Douyu platform.

The big local tyrant who suddenly came out immediately attracted the attention of the entire platform.

This time, the goal of scratching your heart is the champion. I didn't expect to encounter this big dark horse this time.

But she was very confident in herself, and even thought that it would be better if Ye Chen was brought to her live broadcast room during the live broadcast.

Scratch your heart, people are very open as the name suggests.

Even Su Xiaomei was very worried that Ye Chen would be dragged away by the other party.

Su Xiaomei also introduced herself, and then the PK started.

Ai Lanlan sent a message to Ye Chen: "Man, there are three big brothers who are scratching your heart. The first is to be scratched by you, the second is to be scratched by you, and the third is to be scratched by you. These three will spend a lot of money on your heart every day. They have strong spending power, so you have to be careful.

Originally scratching your heart and wanting to tease Ye Chen, it was a pity that Su Xiaomei didn't give her a chance to start PK directly.

PK started, scratching your heart, the three eldest brothers started to brush ten super fires by one person, and the firepower was full.

Ye Chen didn't persuade at all, and he brushed back with fifty super fires.

"I rub it, this is the most awesome, fifty super hot in one go."

"It's so awesome. It feels good to play three by one person."

Seeing that Ye Chen directly brushed fifty super fires, the three people worked together again, and one person had ten super fires again, and went ahead again.

Ye Chen raised his mouth, wanting to win me with more people?

This time, Ye Chen was still fifty super hot.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Chen had already brushed a hundred super fires, which was already half a million.

The live broadcast rooms are all real money, and there is no gain except for the favorability of the anchor.

Of course, the reason why many older brothers are keen to buy gifts is of course to win the favor of the anchor. As for the following private transactions, it is unknown.

Ye Chen's purpose for helping Su Xiaomei is very pure, just to reward the double card.

If you swipe half a million, you can have 5 million more on your account.

But the three local tyrants in the live broadcast room are a little depressed.

I want to be scratched by you: "I wipe it, is this crazy? I can brush it!"

Love is scratched by you: "I can't stand it anymore, this buddy is too cruel."

I want to be scratched by you: "What's the background of this little brother, what shall we do and continue to do it?"

Three private messages discuss countermeasures.

Now Ye Chen has a hundred super fires, but these three eldest brothers have only sixty, the difference is very big.

They have almost reached the bottom line, surpassing Ye Chen, they have a chance, but if Ye Chen continues to increase, they can't help it.

Fifty and fifty brushes. Who can stand this.

I want to be scratched by you: "I don't feel like it. Even if we surpass each other, he will still come back. We lose as well."

Love is scratched by you: "I can't fight it, do you brush ten and twenty?"

I want to be scratched by you: "Okay, but I always feel that this guy has no bottom at all. Tonight, I have almost 2 million."

"Why don't we forget it, anyway, it's a loss." I want to be scratched and said.

When I heard something about to be scratched by you, my heart was anxious.

After all, the purpose of the PK match is actually to stimulate consumption. Even if the guild battle is lost, as long as three people reward, then she will have money to earn.

One side scratched your heart and said, "Or the three elder brothers will try again, and you will recognize it if you don't work."

Scratching your heart is very depressed. I heard that this big guy was met by the little anchor Didi, and she often hits Didi. Why didn't you meet such a big guy?

Ye Chen brushed a hundred super fires in succession, making the live broadcast room hot again.

"The big didi is awesome, let's see who dares to prevent our little sister Su from reaching the top."

"Haha, it seems that I haven't followed it for a long time."

"Congratulations to Su Xiaomei, it seems that you are the champion this time."


Now because of Ye Chen, Su Xiaomei’s live broadcast room has flooded with more than 100,000 fans.

In fact, most of them came to see how Ye Chen spent money.

Ye Chen has already brushed nearly two million. This kind of local tyrant is not common.

Ye Chen's current level has reached the emperor level.

At this moment, scratching your heart, the three local tyrants once again brushed fifty super fires, which is considered to be leading again.

Scratching your heart and let out a sigh of relief.

Anyway, the money is earned.

The three of them all looked at the screen nervously, wondering if Ye Chen would use it.

Soon Ye Chen brushed another hundred super fires.

This time, the three of them completely collapsed.

How to play this, I can't do it at all.

I want to be scratched by you: "Big Didi, I'll take it and give up."

Love is scratched by you: "Awesome, I admit it."

To be scratched by you: "I can't afford to provoke me, I am worthy of the big dick."

Seeing your own three big bosses surrender actively and scratch your heart, although you are unwilling, there is no way.

"Big Didi is so awesome, and the person who beat him is so careful that he has to pay ten super-hot medical expenses."

Generally, if one party loses, the eldest brother will go to the opposite live broadcast room to pay for medical expenses.

At this time, three big brothers scratching your heart and one person brushing two super fires for Su Xiaomei, it is considered to be friends with Ye Chen.

Seeing that her boss gave Su Xiaomei six super fires in one go, she was a little unhappy.

"Three elder brothers, why don't you give this money to the little girl? People are so heartbroken."

The three of them were a little upset when they saw your heart scratching.

Lao Tzu's money is given to whom to swipe, do you control it?

Ye Chen saw that they were so familiar, so he went directly to the live broadcast room where Su was scratching your heart and brushed six super fires.

Seeing Ye Chen come to the live broadcast room, I scratched your heart with enthusiasm.

"Big Didi, thank you for your support. I will visit my house frequently in the future, and I will scratch your heart!"

With that said, scratching your heart is more than a heart.

I have to say that the look on your heart is indeed very beautiful, with a full 95 points or more. The most important thing is that her dress is much more open than that of Su Xiaomei.

Ye Chen was curious, and tried to scan it with the green tea system.

Ye Chen was stunned by this scan.

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