Published at 27th of April 2021 12:35:43 PM

Chapter 394: 394

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Ye Chen was stunned, awesome, green tea is worth 98, which is almost full score!

Ye Chen tried to use hacker software to hack the other party's computer, only to see a picture that surprised him even more.

The photo in the girl's phone is almost the same as in the computer.

The beauty effect of this live broadcast is too awesome.

Can make a green tea **** with a face value of more than 60 points, and beautify a beauty with a score of 95 points or more.

Ye Chen kind of sympathized with those three big brothers who were scratching your heart. After spending so much money, you must know that this woman is just over sixty cents of green tea, will her mentality collapse?

At this moment, Ye Chen looked at the screen and scratched your heart coquettishly. He really had an urge to vomit.

Ye Chen curiously sent a message to the three big guys: "Dude, have you seen the anchor?"

"No, I heard that you and the little girl met by Didi, so I am envious of you having such a romantic encounter." I want to be scratched by you.

Ye Chen sent a smiley face and said, "Yeah, I dare to do this, I know there must be a beautiful woman behind the screen, what about you? Not necessarily."

Although Ye Chen didn't say it clearly, the meaning in the words was already very clear.

The three local tyrants suddenly fell into deep thought when they heard Ye Chen's message.

Why does this big didi say that?

Could it be that there is an inside story?

The trumpet that scratched your heart was also in Su Xiaomei's live broadcast room, and when she heard Ye Chen's words, her heart trembled slightly.

That's right, she herself barely had a face value of 60 points, and she achieved a face value of 95 points only by relying on her beauty.

Only then has the ability to seduce others.

If it is exposed, it will be done by itself.

After Lianmai ended, the three local tyrants returned to the live broadcast room that scratched your heart.

"Three big brothers, don't listen to the nonsense of that little brother Didi, my face is real."

My heart is broken: "Tick your heart, and someone finally revealed your true face. You used to broadcast live on Maoya. At the beginning, I was a fan of yours and rewarded more than 100,000. Later, I learned that when Maoya just debuted. , But you are gaining popularity by opening a house with someone. I am also blinded by beauty. When I see my true face, I really feel like a dog. The three big brothers can do it for themselves."

Ye Chen said that they would still be suspicious, and now someone broke the news, the mentality of the three people immediately collapsed.

At this time, not only was the heart broken, but also several big bosses from Maoya broke the news.

He has a face value of sixty points and a height of 1.5 meters.

When the three local tyrants listened, their mentality completely collapsed.

The various guilds are also competitive, and the World Exterminating Guild is considered very arrogant in the major guilds, and it is a figure at the level of a sister who is scratching your heart.

How could other guilds miss this opportunity.

More and more materials were exploded on the Internet.

The true face of scratching your heart is finally revealed.

At this moment, the intestines of the three big brothers are all regretful. Each of them is scratching your heart and spends no less money. I did not expect that the other party turned out to be an ugly woman.

But at this moment, scratching your heart knows that you are cold, so you don't dare to stay on the line anymore, you just go offline and hide.

The guild PK continued.

In the seventh round, Su Xiaomei met the eldest sister of the Enron Guild, and the anchor’s name was Anran.

An Ran's popularity is very popular in the Douyu live broadcast room, and the singing is good, and the people are sweet.

The most important thing is that An Ran once held a fan meeting, and his appearance is real.

At the beginning of the PK, the opponent's firepower was very bullish, the eldest brother directly opened the way with a hundred super fire.

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped.

This time, Ye Chen and Su Xiaomei really met their opponents.

In fact, in this PK battle, Su Xiaomei played the role of a mascot.

It was completely supported by Ye Chen alone.

Everyone stared at Su Xiaomei's live broadcast room, they were curious whether Ye Chen still had the ability to continue following.

An Ran's eldest brother is Li An. It is said that there is a mine at home, and he and An Ran often meet in reality.

Ang Lee really likes An Ran.

This time, Ang Lee has already released the words to let An Ran win the championship, which is regarded as a birthday present for her.

The reason why he brushed a hundred super fires at the beginning was to make Ye Chen feel his aura.

When An Ran saw that Li Ang was so generous, she also sent a love song to Li Ang while showing her heart.

On the side of Su Xiaomei’s live broadcast room, occasionally someone gave a few small flowers, but the total value was only one hundred yuan.

If Ye Chen didn't make a move, with Su Xiaomei's popularity, he would have been dropped by the PK in the first round.

"A hundred super hot, I like such an opponent."

Ye Chen smiled faintly, and directly brushed one hundred and fifty super fires, leading again.

Li An frowned. You must know that Ye Chen also won after several hard battles before. He didn't expect that the firepower was still so strong.

Su Xiaomei was very moved by Ye Chen.

She excitedly said, "Thank you, Didi."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "The anchor sang, why do you thank me?"

Su Xiaomei blushed pretty face.

People can sing, but she can't dance because of lack of five tone.

Su Xiaomei suddenly remembered what Ye Chen had said, and said excitedly: "I will do radio gymnastics."

With that said, Su Xiaomei actually stood up and really started radio gymnastics.

Singing peacefully and Su Xiaomei sitting on the radio gymnastics, this style of painting makes people feel very strange.

"I rub, really do radio gymnastics."

"Niu Cha, the anchor is too good at playing."

"Suddenly fell in love with this little anchor, and I will definitely come to support it often in the future."

The three local tyrants who are scratching your heart are also bright when looking at Su Xiaomei who is doing radio gymnastics.

They know the true look of your heart, and they are already discouraged.

I want to find a new anchor again, but who knows, will there still be a strange beautification behind the screen.

However, Su Xiaomei is different, Ye Chen has already verified that she is a beauty.

Why not, let's be the guardian of the little girl in the future.

Although they are a little conservative in dressing, they don't speak love words, but they don't do gymnastics on radio.

Li An saw that Ye Chen brushed one hundred and fifty super fires, gritted his teeth, and brushed another hundred super fires.

Not only Li Ang, but several other tycoons of An Ran also took action. One person brushed ten super fires, for a total of one hundred and sixty super fires.

On the side of Su Xiaomei, Ye Chen fought alone, and on the side of An Ran, there was a helper.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Will he be afraid? Of course not. The more you brush, the more rewards you get. Ye Chen directly brushed 200 super fires."

There was an uproar in the live broadcast room, which was too awesome.

"I rub, how much money does this guy have?"

"It's so awesome, it's another million after serving. I don't think this buddy is a banker, he is a banker."

"Brother Li Ang, we must not let our little Anran lose.

"Everyone who has money gives us An Ran gifts. I don't believe that our so many fans can't do a little brother Didi."

Li An was silly when he saw that Ye Chen brushed another two hundred super fires.

"I can't do it anymore, I can't stand it anymore."

Although Li An had a small business, he had no choice but to admit counsel when he met Ye Chen such an unreasonable boss.

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