Published at 27th of April 2021 12:50:54 PM

Chapter 40: 40

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Su Xiaoya looked at Ye Chen speechlessly and said, "Dear viewers, now we continue to broadcast. This handsome guy is really a didi driver. I just verified it."

Ye Chen glanced at Su Xiaoya's live broadcast platform suddenly: "Little anchor, you are so beautiful, how come you have so few fans."

Su Xiaoya sighed: "I can't help it. Although my sister is pretty, I can neither expose my flesh nor dance, nor sing nicely. Chatting always kills the gods, let alone licking like other anchors. Brother, I can barely eat it."

"That's it!" Ye Chen suddenly realized.

Now on the live broadcast platform, pretty girls are almost everywhere.

Are beautiful women really everywhere?

Of course not. Many female anchors rely on makeup and beauty techniques.

Even some time ago, there was a news that an ugly and incomparable aunt directly became a beautiful woman, and there are millions of fans. You say you are not afraid!

After Ye Chen's appraisal, Su Xiaoya's face value is real.

Su Xiaoya suddenly said: "The boss is so rich, do you want to support my little anchor?"

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Yes, but you have to praise my driving skills for a while and give me a five-star praise."

The live audience was crazy again.

"Fuck, it turns out that the local tyrants are so sultry sisters."

"Good driving skills? It should be driving in the hotel."

"Little anchor, we are optimistic about you. If you win this local tyrant, you are the first sister of Maoya Live."

"Live broadcast, the history of the sinking of a little anchor."

Su Xiaoya's pretty face flushed with shame, but she calmed her mind: "Let me praise you, it's okay. My little brother drove really steadily, and my sister was comfortable in the car."

"Thank you for the compliment, the beauty is here."

Su Xiaoya smiled and said: "I have already praised you, and the five-star praise has also been given. Does the local tyrant give me a rocket?"

Ye Chen parked the car in the hotel's parking space and smiled faintly: "I'm sorry, I don't have a Maoya live account. I have something to do now. I will encounter it in the live broadcast room in the future. I will definitely brush you ten rockets.

Su Xiaoya got out of the car and was stunned for a while. Just about to add a WeChat ID, Ye Chen's car could only see the rear lights.

Looking at the rear lights, Su Xiaoya was a little messy.

She thought that Ye Chen had teased her for a long time, so she had to leave her a WeChat or contact number.

In the end, Ye Chen just left...

At 9:50, Ye Chen arrived at the Magic City Film and Television City on time.

Before Director Zhou Xingxing arrived, Ye Chen found a chair and sat down.

I have to say that Ye Chen's temperament is eye-catching wherever he goes.

His appearance immediately became the focus.

The female staff of the crew, and even some female group performers, saw Ye Chen a little bit unable to move forward.

This boy is really handsome.

"Handsome guy, are you also here to apply for group acting?"

At this moment, a young man walked over with a smile.

"Oh, no, I'm here to interview for the lead role."

"Fuck, awesome, are you a graduate of Beijing Film or China Film."

The young man smiled.

"I am a didi driver, and acting is just my hobby."

"Didi driver? The young man was taken aback.

"Dude, didn't you kidding me? Didi, the driver interviews the protagonist?"

"It's just a personal hobby." Ye Chen smiled.

The young man jokingly smiled: "My name is Han Shuai, and I am here to interview the protagonist."

"Well, my name is Ye Chen, let's work hard together."

Originally, Han Shuai was a little worried about Ye Chen, and he let out a sigh of relief when he heard that Ye Chen was beeping.

A dick, arguing with him, what a joke.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came from the door.

A man with a peaked cap and vicissitudes written on his face walked in.

His eyes were a bit wild and unruly, his hair was a bit messy, but he was very masculine.

This person is the king of Chinese comedy, Star Ye.

There was a beautiful woman beside him.

The beauty is tall and has a concave-convex figure, and her smiles and frowns are all charming.

Ye Chen recognized at a glance that this beauty was Zhang Yuyu, a beautiful and coquettish beauty with a burst of aura.

Ye Chen suddenly remembered her famous saying.

"I have a face and a figure, and the people who chase me are from here to France!"

This seems crazy, but there is indeed no sense of contradiction when it is said from her mouth.

Ye Chen stood up and greeted him.

"Hello, Director Zhou, I am Ye Chen, recommended by Director Zhang Mou."

Upon hearing Zhang Mou's recommendation, Master Xing's eyes lit up and he looked up and down Ye Chen for a moment.

The young man in front of him is very handsome and has outstanding temperament, but what he needs is a comedy star. Ye Chen has no problem acting in an idol drama, and acting in a comedy seems almost interesting.

But after all, it was recommended by Director Zhang Mou, and the Star Master knew Zhang Mou very well, and Director Zhang was also extremely harsh on actors.

Yesterday, Zhang Mou praised Ye Chen as the future actor on the phone.

This made Master Xing more curious about Ye Chen.

In fact, Zhou Xingxing has already selected an actor for the starring role this time, and it is Han Shuai.

However, he was a little tempted to hear that Director Zhang recommended Ye Chen, and that Ye Chen's acting skills were so good.

Xing Ye smiled and said, "Ye Chen, right? I heard Director Zhang said that your acting skills are great."

Although Xingye is a big celebrity at the level of a movie actor, he has no arrogance at all.

In recent years, Master Xing has rarely made films, mainly as a director.

"I just acted, there are still many shortcomings, and I still need more guidance from Master Star." Ye Chen said modestly.

"Let's go in, there are two actors who are interviewing with you." Xing Ye smiled.

Zhang Yuyu kept looking at Ye Chen from the side.

This little brother is really handsome.

Especially his body exudes a man's special charm.

Zhang Yuyu has countless men, and she can't see ordinary men at all.

But Ye Chen really made her feel bright.

"My name is Zhang Yuyu, very happy to meet you." Zhang Yuyu suddenly stretched out her hand.

The star girl beside her suddenly greeted Ye Chen, which shocked the eyes of many group performers.

Zhang Yuyu is famous for being cold, and it is rare for her to take the initiative to greet other men.

Ye Chen knew that Zhang Yuyu was a star girl, smiled and stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Yuyu's boneless hand.

If an ordinary man could hold a girl’s hand, he would have been short of breath and his heartbeat would speed up.

But Ye Chen's performance was very indifferent.

Zhang Yuyu is indeed very beautiful, but there are also many beauties with 95 points or more beside him.

"My name is Ye Chen, and I also ask Teacher Zhang for more guidance." Ye Chen said modestly.

"Well, I hope your performance can impress Master Xing, and I look forward to cooperating with you!" Zhang Yuyu teased.

I rub!

It really is a seductive fairy.

The three walked into the director's studio together, and there were two others sitting in the room.

One was Han Shuai who had just said hello to him, and the other was a young man who was also very young.

It seems that these two people are their competitors!

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