Published at 27th of April 2021 12:35:35 PM

Chapter 401: 401

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Ye Chen glanced at the girl, she was definitely a standard Bai Fumei.

But Ye Chen still said firmly: "Uncle, the reason for my refusal is not because your daughter matches me, but because I already have a girlfriend."

Ye Chen continued: "Because I love my girlfriend so much, I can't agree to your request."

Hearing Ye Chen's reply, everyone was stunned.

Oh my god, there are such good men in the world.

Especially when Ye Chen said these words calmly and calmly, it was so handsome.

You know, Ye Chen is facing tens of billions of property.

The little nurses at the scene covered their mouths and were completely stunned.

Even Lin Shiyin's aunt was shocked.

"Oh my god, our Shiyin is really discerning, and the boyfriend I chose is so infatuated."

"It's so sweet, I was moved."

"Wow, if this little brother is such a nice boyfriend, I believe there is true love in this world again."

When the girl lying on the bed heard Ye Chen's reply, her aggrieved pretty face suddenly became full of infatuation again.

It turns out he has a girlfriend.

No wonder, Ye Chen is so handsome, how could he not have a girlfriend.

But he actually gave up tens of billions of property for his girlfriend. This boyfriend is really heartwarming.

The girl liked Ye Chen even more.

After all, the girl’s father has tens of billions of property, and the average boy will hide it even if he has a girlfriend.

But the boy said all this frankly.

This further shows how good Ye Chen's quality is.

Ye Chen is not only handsome and kind, but also has a good character. He treats his girlfriend with affection and justice. Such a man is simply perfect.

The girl's heart was completely conquered by Ye Chen at this time.

"So it is." The girl's father also nodded.

At this time, the dissatisfaction in his eyes has disappeared, replaced by appreciation.

"Young man, performance is good. You were able to frankly tell you about your girlfriend under the test of my tens of billions of wealth. Yes, it shows that your character is really good. I just want to give your daughter to you. Man, so I can rest assured."

Ye Chen was immediately silly.

What kind of routine is this.

Didn't I say that I have a girlfriend? Are you dependent on this?

Is it necessary for me to marry your daughter?

Fu Mei said with a shy face: "Dad, what are you doing? It seems like your daughter can't get married. People already have a girlfriend."

The girl's father didn't even look at his daughter. His character is what he wants and must be obtained, even as a son-in-law.

Since it is his son-in-law, he must get it.

"Young man, as long as you promise to be my daughter's boyfriend, can I settle your ex-girlfriend's affairs for you?"

The girl's father looked confident. His principle is that everything that money can solve is nothing.

He continued: "Young man, I will give your girlfriend a 20 million breakup fee. I believe she will agree to it, and in this way you will be considered right to your ex-girlfriend, not that you are ruthless, how about?"

I rub.

Sure enough, it's a big brother.

The 20 million break-up fee is really a big deal.

The aunt was stunned.

Oh my god, twenty million, in order to make Ye Chen and Shiyin break up each other actually opened twenty million.

You know, twenty million, but many people can't make money in a lifetime.

After the girl's father finished speaking, he looked at Ye Chen with confidence.

He believed that under his own offensive, Ye Chen would definitely agree to it.

After all, no one in this world can't get through with money.

Not to mention that the other party is just a didi brother.

At this time, the girl's father looked at Ye Chen with a little admiration.

Originally he thought he could win Ye Chen before the first wave of offensive.

But he guessed wrong.

Although Ye Chen is a didi driver, his words are very structured.

Especially in the face of a huge amount of temptation, the expression on his face is even calm, which is not calm that most young people don't have.

Therefore, he was more and more satisfied with Ye Chen.

In recent years, the biggest worry about the boss is his future heir.

He has only one daughter and no son, so he must find a good home for his daughter.

Not only must be able, but also good character, kindness, and filial piety.

But such a boy is really rare now.

And he is very confident about the price he has offered.

I give your girlfriend 20 million, and the girl will definitely choose to break up with Ye Chen.

After all, in this era, nine out of ten women worship money.

At this time, Lin Shiyin was cutting apples for his father.

Suddenly the phone rang.

Lin Shiyin picked up the phone. It was a video posted by her aunt.

In the video, it was the scene where the boss asked Ye Chen to be his son-in-law just now.

Seeing Ye Chen said that he had a girlfriend and had rejected the elder brother's tens of billions of property, Lin Shiyin was also moved.

Even tears welled up.

Ye Chen is really a good man, it's really rare to be able to insist on love in front of tens of billions of property.

"Your boyfriend is awesome, and my aunt I was moved."

Lin Shiyin's face blushed: "Auntie, Ye Chen hasn't agreed to be my boyfriend yet."

"Stupid girl, my aunt is the one who came here. He knows by looking at your eyes that you are already his girlfriend in his heart."

The aunt continued, "Did you know? The little nurses here were all moved by Ye Chen's actions and cried so much. This time you really picked up a treasure."

At this time, the aunt simply started the live broadcast and directly played the live footage to Lin Shiyin.

"Sorry, I believe my girlfriend loves me the same, so she won't agree no matter how much you drive."

After speaking, Ye Chen turned and left.

There was a dead silence at the scene.

The boy turned down again.

Even Bai Fumi's father is stupid.

He never dreamed that there would be such a man in this world.

You know, in his eyes, no man would refuse such a condition.

But Ye Chen refused.

Bai Fumi saw Ye Chen's back, tears welled up.

She really likes Ye Chen so much.

Especially Ye Chen's continuous rejection of her father's conditions made her look at Ye Chen with admiration.

This is the man she wants.

If you are serious about pursuing it, you may still have a chance, but my dad has done something bad and messed up things.

"Dad, who made you nosy? What do you think of me as a commodity? You see that Didi is angry, and I blame you."

Bai Fumi's father was also dumbfounded.

In any case, he did not expect that Ye Chen would refuse his request.

"Daughter, I also like this young man very much, otherwise I wouldn't make such a condition, but I didn't expect him to refuse, I..."

"You go out, I don't want to see you." The girl started to cry with her head covered.

The boss has always believed that money is omnipotent all his life.

But he never dreamed that the car would have overturned this time!

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