Published at 27th of April 2021 12:35:30 PM

Chapter 405: 405

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Ye Chen looked at Luo Guofu and said indifferently, "Why, what's the matter?"

Luo Guofu said coldly: "Young people, don't be too mad to stay on the sidelines of things."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I'm sorry, I'm crazy, you bit me."

Luo Guofu: "..."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Luo Guofu's expression suddenly became more gloomy.

After a short break, the auction will continue.

The entire auction has now sold eighteen pieces of the collection, all of which have been auctioned away by Ye Chen.

In the midfield, Ye Chen also settled all the goods purchased in the first half.

Ye Chen's great handwork once again shocked everyone.

Li Rongrong came to the stage again and said: "This auction is for porcelain from the late Qing Dynasty, worth one million."

Ye Chen directly called for 1.5 million.

What makes Ye Chen more depressed is that as long as he bids the lot now, basically no one raises the price with him.

The main reason is that Ye Chen's identity makes everyone jealous.

If they increase the price of what Ye Chen shoots, aren't they doing it against Ye Chen?

If Ye Chen is a rich man with a monstrous background, wouldn't that offend Ye Chen?

Therefore, although many people were willing to increase the price, they did not increase it because they were afraid of Ye Chen's identity.

This made Ye Chen a little depressed.

Why are you so humble, you should increase the price.

Only when others raise the price can he make more money.

At this moment, Luo Guofu raised a sign: "Two million."

Not only was Ye Chen not depressed but was very happy when he heard someone increase the price.

Even when he looked at Luo Guofu, it was pleasing to the eye a lot.

Hearing Luo Guofu's offer, the expressions of many people became exciting.

Obviously, this time Luo Guofu is looking for the face he just lost.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "2.5 million."

Hiss, everyone took a breath.

Ye Chen is still as bold as before.

Luo Guofu snorted coldly and bid again: "Three million."

Like everyone else, he thought Ye Chen would clear the field.

But he just didn't let Ye Chen do what he wanted.

His idea is very simple. I raised the price. Even if you want to buy, I will make you pay.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Five million."

Luo Guofu snorted coldly: "Ten million."

The scene was in an uproar.

This price is too much.

"Twenty million." Ye Chen still didn't persuade.

Luo Guofu sneered. It seems that this guy is going to clear the scene.

"Since you want to clear the field, I will make you pay some price."

Luo Guofu's eyes were cold: "One hundred million."

Speaking of him, he took a provocative look at Ye Chen.

At this time, there was dead silence in the hall.

I wiped it, it seems that Lao Luo is hitting the bar with this young man.

Many people think that Ye Chen is going to clear the field.

So even if Luo Guofu offered one hundred million, Ye Chen would still add money.

"Then buddy won't add two hundred million."

"According to the character of this young man, it is very possible."

"Lao Luo is too bad, isn't this just to cheat this young man?"

However, to everyone's surprise, Ye Chen did not speak this time.

Luo Guofu had already thought that as long as Ye Chen continued to increase the price, he would just give up.

In this way, Ye Chen can be left behind.

However, Ye Chen sat calmly on the spot at this time, holding his hands on his chest, looking at the excitement.

I rub, this kid won't stop screaming, right?

At this time, Luo Guofu panicked.

The price of this porcelain is about two million, and I spent 100 million. Isn’t that stupid?

"Mr. Luo bid 100 million, is there any follow?"

Li Rongrong looked at Ye Chen.

However, Ye Chen still looked like he was watching a play.

Li Rongrong couldn't help being speechless.

Ye Chen is really too bad.

At this time, Luo Guofu's expression was so ugly and ugly.

Li Rongrong smiled and shouted: "One hundred million, once."

"One hundred million, twice."

"One hundred million, three times."

"Congratulations to Mr. Luo for acquiring late Qing porcelain."

Luo Guofu was not happy at all, and even his face was full of depression.

This time it was a big loss.

Ye Chen can actually earn this billion.

But to Ye Chen, money is just a number. What he wants to see is Luo Guofu's stubborn and depressed look.

Luo Guofu finally recalled now that he was tricked by Ye Chen.

"Boy, you're playing tricks on me." This time, Luo Guofu finally became angry, regardless of his identity.

When everyone saw Luo Guofu's anxious look, they were all amused.

The plot is obviously that Luo Guofu wanted to pit Ye Chen, but he was pitted by Ye Chen instead.

Are you pretending to be forced?

This force is big enough.

One hundred million bought a porcelain worth two to three million.

However, Luo Guofu did not expect Ye Chen to be so oily.

Did Luo Guofu spend a hundred million yuan distressed? It must be distressed, after all, this time I lost generously.

The most important thing is face.

This matter will definitely spread to the rich circle, and Luo Guofu will become the laughing stock of everyone.

An old river and lake was played by a young man in his twenties.

Even many people in the field sent Luo Guofu annoyed and sent it to the circle of friends.

How could Luo Guofu endure this tone.

Ye Chen looked innocent: "Mr. Luo, I don’t understand what you said. Why am I kidding you? I can only say that you are more proud than me. Hey, I’m really reluctant to buy a piece of porcelain for 100 million yuan, or Mr. Luo. atmosphere."

Luo Guofu: "You..."

"By the way, congratulations to Mr. Luo for receiving such a priceless porcelain for 100 million yuan." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Luo Guofu: "..."

Ye Chen looked at Luo Guofu's expression like eating Xiang, and sneered in his heart.

I want to routinely play with me and play yin.

Originally Ye Chen could make a fortune, but Ye Chen could make money with money, others would not know.

If you get caught up in a routine, you will definitely become a laughing stock.

So Ye Chen would rather not make money, but also let Luo Guofu suffer.

Luo Guo gritted his teeth, but Ye Chen couldn't help it.

This time I was ashamed of my grandmother's house, and was cheated by a young man.

The more Luo Guofu thought about it, the less reconciled he became, but a sneer flashed across his mouth.

Seeing Luo Guofu snickering himself, Ye Chen snorted coldly.

It seems that the old guy is going to throw up bad water again.

The auction continues.

After spending a hundred million just now, Luo Guofu may be hurt and he has not continued to make a move.

The other lots are probably less than 10 million, and there is nothing that can make people's eyes shine.

There is another character in the middle, worth three million.

Luo Guofu raised his placard again, and at this time the picture has been photographed for five million.

At this time everyone looked at Ye Chen.

To everyone's surprise, Ye Chen did not compete with Luo Guofu this time.

If you continue to fight with Luo Guofu, you will feel a little too much.

The auction continues.

At this time, another lot was brought up.

This lot is an accessory by Gucci.

It is a crystal pendant, this jewelry is a classic of Gucci's 70th anniversary, which is very commemorative.

Seeing this jewelry, many girls' eyes lit up.

Beside Luo Guofu, a young woman took Luo Guofu's arm and said, "Husband, I want it."

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