Published at 27th of April 2021 12:35:27 PM

Chapter 407: 407

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Ye Chen walked to the stage, took the gift box and the certificate, and walked to Luo Guofu with a smile.

"Mr. Luo, thank you for your support to our Gucci. You bought Star of Star for 150 million. I believe your girlfriend will be very happy wearing it." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Happy? I really want to cut you off, okay?"

Luo Guofu was going crazy, if he was only pitted by Ye Chen, it would be nice to say that Ye Chen is still the chairman of Gucci.

Are you stupid? Spend money to earn yells for others.

However, as Ye Chen, Luo Guofu didn't dare to do anything to Ye Chen. He took a deep breath and said: "Ye Dong is polite, my girlfriend likes it very much, so I have to take pictures of how much it costs.

It seems to be calm, but it hurts to death in my heart.

With this breath, two hundred and fifty million yuan was pitted by Ye Chen.

Although Luo Guofu was very rich, he lost 250 million yuan all at once, which also felt painful.

Ye Chen smiled and said to Ren Fei: "Ren always doesn't like it too.

Ren Fei nodded: "I wanted to buy it for my daughter."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "President Ren, don't you want to spend 150 million shots. Our last star will cost you 7 million."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Luo Guofu was going crazy. People bought seven million, and he bought one hundred and fifty. This was obviously deliberately **** him off.

Luo Guo's face was green.

"Asshole, don't fall into my hands in the future, otherwise you will look good."

But even though he scolded Ye Chen in his heart, he still had to pretend to smile.

After Ye Chen finished sending out the present, he sat back in his original seat.

Just now, everyone was speculating about Ye Chen's identity. Now that they know that Ye Chen is Gucci's chairman, the eyes of everyone looking at Ye Chen have completely changed.

Ye Chen didn't care, and continued to watch the auction.

The remaining lots were all taken away by Ye Chen.

In this wave, Ye Chen earned a total of one billion by virtue of the shopping cashback card.

The auction ends, and there is a dinner.

Li Rongrong changed into an evening dress and came to Ye Chen's side.

"Ye Chen, thank you for supporting our auction so much."

This time, because of Ye Chen, Li Rongrong's company made a lot of money.

This makes Li Rongrong very embarrassed.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter, brother has money, it's nothing."

Li Rongrong felt very warm.

After all, this is the first time she has hosted an auction. She was nervous because with Ye Chen, not only did all the lots have the highest prices, but she also gained a very good reputation.

On the other side, Luo Guofu became more angry as he thought about it.

He used to cheat others, but today he was cheated by Ye Chen.

"Gucci's chairman? What's so great, after all, Gucci's headquarters is abroad."

Luo Guofu was thinking about how to deal with Ye Chen when suddenly his cell phone rang.

Just now because of the auction, Luo Guofu turned his mobile phone to mute, only to find out that there were more than a dozen missed calls.

The phone calls were made by the secretary, and Luo Guofu connected the phone and said, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Luo is not good. Forty percent of our company's shares were bought by a mysterious buyer. Now the other party is already our company's largest shareholder."

"What? How could this happen? Who can buy our shares without knowing it?"

The secretary said: "We just got the other party's information, and his name is Ye Chen."

"What? Ye Chen?" Luo Guofu was immediately confused.

"Is it a young man in his twenties?" Luo Guofu asked with an ugly expression.

"Yes, do you know Mr. Luo?"

Luo Guofu's whole person is not good.

"How could it be, how could it be him again." Luo Guofu exclaimed.

At this time, everyone looked in Luo Guofu's direction, and they didn't understand what was going on.

At this time, Luo Guofu's entire face was pale, his eyes lost.

Luo Guofu walked to Ye Chen in the eyes of everyone in disbelief.

Ye Chen and Ren Fei were chatting, and they were also taken aback when they saw Luo Guofu approaching desperately.

Seeing Luo Guofu's expression, Ren Fei was also stunned.

Luo Guofu is arrogant and has a bad temper.

Just now Ye Chen pitted him twice in a row, and Luo Guofu's character must have hated Ye Chen.

But now Luo Guofu's eyes looking at Ye Chen were full of awe.

Everyone around was also stunned.

Because they all saw that Luo Guofu's mood was not right.

"Today, President Luo will be so miserable by Ye Chen, he will definitely not let him go."

"Yes, I heard that Mr. Luo never suffers."

"I heard that Mr. Luo is not afraid of anyone, and that Brother Ma and Brother Teng have been toughened by him."

"Ye Chen is still too young. It's not good to provoke him, but he provokes Luo Guofu."


Everyone is now ready to watch Luo Guofu's hard-working Ye Chen's drama.

Many people have taken out their mobile phones and prepared to take videos and post them online.

However, when Luo Guofu walked to Ye Chen, he showed a pleasing smile with a respectful face.

"Mr. Ye, I'm really sorry for what happened just now. I didn't know that you just became the largest shareholder of our SHIELD Group."

Luo Guofu was very embarrassed.

However, Ye Chen smiled faintly: "President Luo is polite, let's cooperate more in the future."

Ye Chen is a person with a pattern. What happened just now was just a small episode in his eyes, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

There is no permanent enemy, as long as the interests are the same, then everything is easy to say.

And Ye Chen understood. As the person in charge of Aegis, Luo Guofu is an indispensable candidate.

So Ye Chen is even less likely to hold on to such a small matter.

what? Ye Chen turned out to be the largest shareholder of Aegis?

Hearing Luo Guofu's words, everyone was stunned.

The scene was shocked by Ye Chen's identity.

"I'll rub, this young man is too awesome, not only is Gucci a major shareholder, but also the largest shareholder of Aegis!"

"This is too awesome."

"How much money does this young man have."

"No wonder Luo Guofu has become a licking dog, haha, the plot is so funny."

The next day, Ye Chen continued to run didi.

Ye Chen pulled a pair of young lovers.

The man started beeping as soon as he got in the car.

Tell me how rich my family is.

There is a mine at home and a few luxury cars.

The girl was said to be exuberant.

"Husband, have we booked our hotel?"

The man listened and said, "I wanted to book the Marriott Hotel, but the hotels there are fully booked. What a pity."

"Ah, what if it were at the Marriott Hotel."

The man sighed: "That's right, it's really annoying. I can't spend money even if I have money. It's too depressed."

Ye Chen couldn't stand it anymore.

This guy is too bragging.

The girl looked happy: "My husband is kind to me. It would be great if I could hold a wedding at the Marriott Hotel."

"Yes, the Marriott Hotel is one of the most luxurious hotels in the capital city. I heard that a wedding costs four or five million yuan, but I don't have the money. I have money and can't spend it."

In fact, the boy is just bragging.

The boy did have some money at home, but he was really reluctant to spend four or five million on a wedding.

At this moment, Ye Chen said suddenly: "You guys want to book a Marriott Hotel. See me, I have something to do."

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