Published at 27th of April 2021 12:35:24 PM

Chapter 410: 410

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Sitting in the office, Ye Chen knew that their experiment had failed when the light was off.

This was in Ye Chen's expectation.

Almost at the same time, all surrounding community schools within the Star University went out of power.

Suddenly the telephone of the power supply bureau was almost blown up.

The leaders of the power supply bureau recruited technicians.

But the technicians are also dumbfounded.

There is no line maintenance in the surrounding area recently.

"Find out the cause immediately." The leader angrily said.

There was no electricity in other places, but after a while, the school’s backup engine started to generate electricity.

Ye Chen came to the laboratory.

At this time, several classmates looked anxious and frustrated. They didn't understand what went wrong with the experiment.

"Otherwise, do it again." Wang Meng gritted his teeth and said.

"No need, if you continue to do it again, you will also fail." Ye Chen said lightly.

Seeing Ye Chen, several people were stunned.

Ye Chen walked into the laboratory wearing protective clothing.

"Just because of your experiment, our school went out of power."

In order not to burden the students, Ye Chen just said lightly.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Principal Ye."

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "It's normal for the experiment to fail. The most important thing is to know what went wrong."

At this time, several classmates nodded: "Let's find out the reason now."

"No, let me help you."

Just now, a few students’ experiments emptied the surrounding electricity.

It is estimated that the surrounding communities must have blown up the telephone of the power supply bureau, so the problem must be solved immediately.

Ye Chen picked up their experimental equipment.

Wang Meng's face changed slightly and was a little embarrassed: "Principal Ye, you can't just..."

Halfway through what he said, he saw that Ye Chen had already started to disassemble the machine proficiently.

"I wipe it."

A few people are completely silly.

You know, it took them a full month to complete the assembly of the machine, but Ye Chen disassembled the machine very easily like a toy.

Could it be said that President Ye also understands nuclear fission technology?

Ye Chen took off a circle carefully.

The hearts of several people mentioned their throats.

That is the core of this machine, which is a small reactor.

In the event of an accident, it is equivalent to the power of a grenade.

However, Ye Chen seemed to be more familiar than them.

Glancing at the reactor, he said: "You installed it upside down, which resulted in the pumping up of electricity instead of the launching of electricity."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, several people also shined.

"Yeah, why didn't we think of it?"

For these young people, nuclear fission technology is very unpredictable.

But for Ye Chen, this technique is as simple as 1+1 arithmetic problems.

Therefore, Ye Chen easily found the problem.

Ye Chen restarted the assembly.

He pretended to be very fast, and several people were dumbfounded.

You know, before a few of them, each program takes one day.

Several people are cautious.

But this thing is in Ye Chen's hands, like a big toy.

Even these steps seemed to be printed on Ye Chen's head.

Soon everything is installed.

Ye Chen pressed the start button again.

At this time, I saw a dazzling light from inside the mask.

"Successful." Several people's eyes lit up.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Although it was successful, this thing of yours is too superficial, and it is difficult to use it. You will follow me on this project tomorrow."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the faces of several people were happy.

All of them are obsessed with nuclear fission, so their desire for knowledge exceeds that of ordinary students.

From the few words of Ye Chen just now, and the technique of installation, you can see that Ye Chen is the real expert.

Therefore, if they can learn from Ye Chen, they will benefit a lot.

At this time, Fuda was in darkness.

All the classmates who just went to self-study came to the playground.

"Why did the power go out suddenly?"

"I'm so depressed, I'm half of my thesis."

"Look, the surrounding communities are all out of power."

"That's right, look at how the Star University has electricity."


"Hey, our Fuda is still a famous school, I think it's far worse than Star University."

"That's right, I knew that I had applied for the University of Stars."

Now Fuda students are more and more envious of Xingchen University.

The impact of the power outage was great.

After verification by the power supply department, it was discovered that only Star University had electricity in the entire area.

It turned out that Star University used a backup power supply.

Subsequently, the technical department finally found the source of the problem after investigation.

There has been a strong energy fluctuation recently in the Star University, and this energy fluctuation has caused the electric energy to be pumped out and flooded into the Star University, causing a large-scale blackout.

This is already the second day.

In the morning, after Ye Chen got up, he continued to beep.

As for the power outage, Ye Chen knew that the power department would definitely find Star University.

But this kind of thing has already happened, and Ye Chen has nothing to do.

The most is fine.

At this time, an old man got into the car.

The old man looked sad as soon as he got in the car.

At this time, the old man's phone rang.

"What? How could this happen? Why did they leave when our new energy technology is critical."

"The other party's salary is high? How many millions?"

The old man was silent when he heard the other party's words.

The old man hung up the phone, a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

[Ding, the didi selection system is activated, and every week you randomly encounter a passenger with a special attribute, complete the selection task, you will receive the ultimate reward, and the auxiliary host will become a global leader! 】

[Passenger occupation: Scientist! 】

[Option 1: Persuade Professor Li Sen to hop to a foreign high-tech enterprise, and obtain system rewards for god-level digging skills, 10% of the shares of M State Stan University]

[Option 2: Tell the old professor that this is the reality, let the old professor recognize the reality, and get the system rewards for the heart of the first-line actress Fan Lenglian, 100 million Chinese currency rewards]

[Option 3: Help the old professor to revitalize Huaguo's new energy business, and obtain system rewards, the god-level recruitment system, the scientific research building of Star University]

The first option, although the reward is generous, but Ye Chen is very patriotic, how could he persuade our scientists to serve foreign countries?

The heart of the second beauty star, is Ye Chen lacking the heart of a woman? There are many 98-point beauties beside him.

So Ye Chen directly chose the third option.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining system rewards, rewards for the god-level recruitment system, the scientific research building of Star University. 】

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Old sir, what's the matter?"

Li Sen sighed, "Hey, young people today are no better than ours."

"How do you say?" Ye Chen said.

"In our era, with the above slogan, we could go to the Northwest and not go home for a few years. Now people are paying millions of wages. The technical elites we have cultivated for decades have been poached by foreigners."

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