Published at 27th of April 2021 12:35:17 PM

Chapter 414: 414

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Qian Hua wants a few students from Star University to be his apprentices.

Li Sen told Qian Hua that it was difficult.

Qian Hua was stunned for a moment: "Whether it is the scientific research equipment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or our technology, can't we let them come?"

Li Sen embarrassed: "Teacher Qian, to tell the truth, our scientific research equipment is really inferior to Star University, and their teacher is Professor Ye. I am afraid that the level of nuclear energy is higher than yours."

Although Li Sen didn't want to hit the teacher, he told the truth in the end.

"What? How could this be?"

Li Sen continued: "Moreover, what they are currently studying is the new environmentally friendly and energy-efficient reactor project I just mentioned. I'm afraid those students will not come."

"More environmentally friendly and more energy-efficient?" Qian Hua was taken aback for a moment.

Li Sen simply repeated the lecture he heard Ye Chen.

Hearing Li Sen's theory, everyone at the scene was stunned.

Especially Qian Hua.

Li Sen's talk about making reactors through nuclear fusion has even exceeded their cognition.

However, as an expert on nuclear energy, Qian Hua took a deep breath after hearing this theory.

This theory is reasonable and reasonable, even if it succeeds.

Qian Hua is very excited, and he has been working hard for new nuclear energy in recent years.

In his seventies, he should have retired.

But he is still on the front line of scientific research.

What for?

It is for the rise of Huaguo New Energy.

Qian Hua said excitedly: "Li Sen, can you introduce me to the president of Star University? I'm going to Star University to meet this expert."

Li Sen nodded after hearing this: "Okay, I'll get in touch now."

At this time, Ye Chen ran a few didi business deals and was sitting in a teahouse drinking afternoon tea.

This teahouse is surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Drinking fragrant tea and listening to light music, the atmosphere is very good.

This teahouse just shot a variety show some time ago, and the quiet atmosphere also attracted many people to come for tea.

Therefore, there are a lot more people drinking tea in this teahouse than usual.

It can be regarded as an internet celebrity teahouse.

Ye Chen's daily life is very fulfilling. He conducts project research with students for two hours in the morning, and then starts didi.

In fact, Ye Chen is not short of money at all now, even if he lay at home, money will still flow into his account continuously.

But Ye Chen is a person who pursues, he likes to try a different life.

Ye Chen was drinking tea when suddenly a voice came from next door.

"Thank you, Brother Tianshan, for the rocket."

"Bi Xin, yum da."


The tea house is a place to drink tea, so people pay attention to the atmosphere here.

Even speaking, the voice is very small.

But this woman is interacting with fans while doing the live broadcast.

The most important thing is that her voice is too loud.

Her voice echoed in almost the entire teahouse.

"Today I came to the Internet Red Tea House to drink tea. I will show you how good the scenery is here. Haha, I will still have tea live in a while, everyone must support you!"

With that, the anchor picked up a small dessert.

"Wow, this jujube cake is sweet and delicious!"

At this moment, everyone looked sideways, frowning at the female anchor.

Everyone comes here to drink tea because the environment is nice and quiet, and you can relax while drinking tea.

She yelled like this, completely ruining the atmosphere of the tea house.

"Hey, can you go to other places for live broadcast? This is a teahouse. Are you a little bit of good quality?"

"That is, can you be quiet, the good atmosphere will ruin you."

"We come here to drink tea for self-cultivation, beautiful women, you almost get it."


Because the anchor was too noisy, several tea guests around finally couldn't bear to accuse him.

But the female anchor ignored it at all.

The manager frowned when he saw this scene and winked at the waiter beside him.

The waiter nodded and walked to the female anchor.

"Beauty, can you keep your voice down? Please don't influence other guests to drink tea."

The female anchor was livestreaming the live broadcast. Suddenly, she frowned when the waiter asked her to lower her voice.

Hong Hong, an internet celebrity with millions of fans, was even taught by a waiter, and she suddenly became popular.

"I came to you to consume, and I paid, who stipulates that I can't speak loudly when I drink tea?"

"However, our guests here are all here to enjoy the quiet atmosphere here, and you have already affected others."

"Hmph, you are clearly discriminatory, and they have a voice in chatting. Why don't you say that they just talk about me?"

"But customers have already complained about you."

"Complaint, I can't stand it, don't be here, I want to be quiet, stay at home by myself, what do you come out for."

The female anchor is totally unreasonable and snarling.

The waiter was a little embarrassed: "Miss, please don't embarrass me? Can you keep your voice down?"

At this time, the waiter was almost begging her.

"No, live broadcast is my job, why do you discriminate against our anchor."

While talking, the female Internet celebrity picked up the phone, but during the live broadcast, she did not have the arrogance just now, but looked very pitiful.

"They are too bullying. I'm just doing a live broadcast here. They bombarded me and said I was not qualified to drink tea in this kind of store. The waiter was even more unreasonable and pushed me out. It's really good to be an anchor. It's difficult."

The female anchor is very smart. She just closed the live broadcast for the conversation with the waiter.

But now pretending to be pitiful, she opened the live broadcast.

This kind of sympathy method is very effective, and the fans who are watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room are suddenly angry.

"I'll wipe it, what's wrong with the anchor, the anchor is not human."

"Dare to bully us red, rest assured that our fans will seek justice for you."

"Yes, this teahouse is rated on Meituan, everyone will give bad reviews."

"Well, we complained to the Consumers Association about the teahouse."

"Also, that arrogant waiter of human flesh."

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room flew up.

There are even a few big guys who gave Honghong a reward for the rocket to make up for her injured heart.

The waiter is just a little girl from the village, where did you see this battle?

Hong Hong was even more excited when he saw a few big guys offering rewards.

"Oh, why are you pushing me? Isn't your shop bullying customers?"


The waitress was dumbfounded.

He obviously didn't even touch her, when did he push her?

"What, dare to push us red, no way, I can't let them go."

"Oh, they are going to grab my phone and hit someone."

Hong Hong was even more excited when he saw people keep giving rewards.

The rhythm of this wave is perfect, and in the blink of an eye, Hong Hong has harvested several big Rockets.

She has been directing and acting herself, deceiving fans in the live broadcast room.

Obviously he was wrong, but he spilled all the dirty water on the waiters and the teahouse.

These fans are red old irons, and they believe in her words even more.

Seeing that their anchor was bullied, these fans were angry.

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