Published at 27th of April 2021 12:35:16 PM

Chapter 415: 415

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The barrage of the red live room flew up.

"It's too much, which teahouse is this."

"The waiter of human flesh is too arrogant."

"Hehe, the teahouse is great. I have found the link and sent it to the group. Everyone will give a bad review."

The waiter didn't expect that he was just persuading the other party to be quiet, and he managed to get such a big battle.

The waitress was also frightened and hurriedly said: "Sorry, you don't want me to be human, can't I be wrong?"

Hong Hong snorted coldly, and deliberately shut down the live broadcast when the waitress begged for mercy, and then continued to bring the rhythm.

"They want to grab my phone, it's too much."

"Oh, this waiter wants to hit me."

This net celebrity wrote and acted by himself, and his acting skills can almost reach the level of a actor.

Obviously she is arrogant and domineering, but the effect in the live broadcast room has become that she is a weak and bullied party.

Honghong can become an internet celebrity because of his good rhythm.

She makes good use of the screen switching and language skills. These fans are also iron fans and believe in Hong Hong's words.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was all condemning the restaurant and the waiters.

The rhythm is almost the same. Hong Hong closed the live broadcast and said to the manager: "You little teahouse dare to mess with me. Know who I am. An internet celebrity with hundreds of thousands of fans. Look at your group ratings. It’s already below 6 points. If you don’t formally apologize to me, I can guarantee that your store’s score will be the lowest on the entire network."

Hearing the threat of female internet celebrities, many people showed dissatisfaction on their faces.

This incident is obviously the fault of the female Internet celebrities. The teahouse was originally a quiet place. You are noisy here, let you keep your voice down. You are still in the live broadcast room upside down.

After hearing this, the manager's expression changed and he opened Tuantuan's APP.

Suddenly, the manager panicked.

I saw that there were all bad reviews made by Honghong netizens.

"Don't go to this teahouse. It's all tea made with medicinal water."

"Last time, I drank flies in this teahouse."

"The waiter in the tea house treats the guests very badly. I really don't recommend everyone to go."

"There are still cockroaches and mice in the store, which is disgusting."


It turned out that the teahouse scored 9.8 points, but the female net red fans got 6.2 points.

The manager was also dumbfounded.

If it continues, his teahouse does not need to be opened.

The manager had no choice but to apologize to the female Internet celebrity even though he was not reconciled.

"Beauty, I'm sorry, it was our fault, so please forgive us."

The manager was very sincere and even apologized for bowing respectfully to the female internet celebrity.

The female internet celebrity snorted coldly: "Apologize, now that the apology is over, didn't you guys be very arrogant just now? Let me be quiet, don't you look down on people?"

"No, we..."

The manager was also very depressed. In fact, he just asked the waiter to remind the other party to keep quiet. He didn't expect this woman to be so awesome.

It turned out to be an internet celebrity with hundreds of thousands of fans.

All of a sudden, their store was in a miserable situation.

The manager said, "Beauty, how can you forgive us?"

The female internet celebrity snorted coldly: "Let me forgive you, and fire this clerk."

The clerk's face was pale. She had just arrived in the city from the countryside and finally found a job.

The father of the family is seriously ill, and he is still pointing to her salary.

Now, the female Internet celebrity actually wants her boss to fire herself.

I am in love with reason, and I have done nothing wrong.

And the manager asked himself to remind.

The manager looked cold and said to the waitress: "Xiao Qian, you have been fired."

"Why the manager?" Xiaoqian said aggrieved.

"Why? I asked you to remind this beauty that you actually offended the other person, Xiaoqian blames you for offending people who shouldn't be offended."

Xiaoqian cried suddenly.

She was very wronged in her heart.

"Hey, how can you do this."

"The clerk is right, why should I fire someone."

"It's obviously the fault of the female Internet celebrity, how do you bully the store clerk."

At this time, many tea-drinking customers couldn't pass it and blamed them.

But the manager can only bow his head to the female Internet celebrity in order not to be criticized for his own store.

The female Internet celebrity has an arrogant face: "Haha, see it, my sister is an anchor with hundreds of thousands of fans, who offends me and dared to offend me, only one will end up, and the death is terrible, little girl, a long memory Right."

Ye Chen was aside, his eyes slightly cold.

Originally, he didn't like to be nosy, but this female internet celebrity was too arrogant and excessive, so he took care of the nosy.

In fact, Ye Chen was bored just now and kept driving the phone to record the whole process.

Originally, if the female internet celebrity had an obediently small voice, Ye Chen would not embarrass the other party.

But now, the other party is so arrogant that the manager has to fire the female clerk.

From beginning to end, he recorded all the arrogant faces of the female Internet celebrities, especially the arrogant expressions of the female shop assistants after being fired by the manager during acting.

Although the female clerk was reluctant, she was still driven out of the teahouse.

As she left, the girl shed tears aggrieved.

Father is sick, and without her salary, there is no cure.

And she was expelled from the teahouse, she didn't even have a place to live.

In such a big city, there is not even a place for her to settle down.

Moreover, female Internet celebrities have already said that they will make fans human to her, and she has also heard of how terrifying online violence is.

The more female internet celebrities think about it, the more sad they are, and even the thought of committing suicide.

Just as Xiaoqian wanted to get narrower and narrower, a figure appeared beside her.

"Sister, don't cry, I've seen the whole process of this, not to blame you."

Hearing someone comforting herself, Xiaoqian raised her head and looked at each other gratefully.

"Big brother, I'm so wronged, I'm obviously not wrong, how can city people be so bad?"

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Not all city people are bad. You have met a bad person. Don't worry about me. I will help you. I can send you back to work tomorrow."

"Really?" Xiao Qian said excitedly.

"Of course it is true, and this female internet celebrity will be punished due to it. Don't worry, justice will be late, but it will definitely not be missing."

"Well, thank you, big brother."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he drove away and left.

At this time, the female Internet celebrity was drinking tea comfortably. Through this rhythm, her fans increased a lot, and even the rewards were doubled.

"Fortunately, I am witty, this wave of operations is so cool."

Female internet celebrities would not have thought that although she gained fans, she almost ruined a girl's way to survive.

"Thank you for doing justice for me, you are all great." The female Internet celebrity even had a heart.

Although her live broadcast was very loud, the manager did not dare to say anything.

Many customers left the teahouse angrily.

The female internet celebrity was smug, and at this moment, suddenly an emperor-level account appeared in the live broadcast room.

"I rub, isn't this the legendary Didi boss?"

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