Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:54 PM

Chapter 429: 429

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Chen Yong said arrogantly: "I don't care who you are, I immediately drove your broken Jerry car to get rid of it. Poverty is not welcome here."

Seeing Su Wanyi next to him turned out to be a man driving a Jili car, his face was blue with anger.

During this period of time, Chen Yong called Su Wanyi and did not answer WeChat messages. It turned out to be a little white face.

If the opponent is any big or young, he would recognize it, it turned out to be a man driving a Jili car.

Chen Yong looked at Ye Chen with a look of disdain, and his heart burned with anger.

Especially seeing Su Wanyi actually holding Ye Chen's arm, he was extremely jealous.

In fact, Su Wanyi and him have been classmates since junior high school, and he has been pursuing Su Wanyi since junior high school.

It is a pity that Su Wanyi has never caught a cold with him.

Su Wanyi said coldly when she heard Chen Yong's words: "Chen Yong, be careful when you speak, he is my boyfriend, and what is your relationship with me? Does anyone with me have anything to do with you?"

"Ye Chen, ignore this guy. It's a two-hundred-and-five hundred. He has been pursuing me before, but I refused him countless times and he still pestered me like a dog skin plaster.

When Chen Yong saw Su Wanyi, Xiaoniao Yiren in front of Ye Chen, he became even more angry in front of him.

"Boy, I tell you, if you want to mix in this area of ​​Jiangnan, stay away from Wanyi immediately, otherwise I will let you not mix." Chen Yong pointed at Ye Chen arrogantly.

Ye Chen looked at Chen Yong's arrogant look, amused.

Are the rich second generations so mindless now?

Ye Chen said: "Are you so good? It's a pity, Jiang Nan probably doesn't have anyone who can keep me out of here."

When everyone heard Ye Chen's words, they were all stunned.

This kid is too arrogant.

You are just driving a Jerry car, and you are acting in front of a group of youngsters driving a Lamborghini Ferrari.

At this time, many licking dogs next to Chen Yong began to flatter themselves.

"Boy, who are you so special, what's awesome, do you know what Brother Yong's family does? Tell you that Brother Yong's house is the largest SMI property company in the city, Yida Group, Wantai Group, and Tianfang Group are all owned by Brother Yong’s property company is in charge, so you are so confident and powerful."

"That's right, boy, I advise you to apologize to Brother Yong immediately, and get out."

"Dare to grab a woman with Brother Yong, you are so tired of your life."

"A little white face is so awesome here."


These people looked at Ye Chen coming in a Jili car, thinking that Ye Chen was just a little white face raised by Su Wanyi.

It's mainly Ye Chen's looks, and his figure is really good.

Many bikini girls present were attracted by Ye Chen's looks.

If Ye Chen were not forced, these bikini girls would have surrounded Ye Chen long ago.

A person driving a Jili car is followed by a female president worth tens of billions. What is it if it's not a small white face?

Ye Chen looked a little strange when he heard Chen Yong's arrogant words.

Yesterday, Lin Wanrou was still suggesting to him to change the property company. This Xingmei Property Company has complained too much recently.

Originally, Ye Chen asked Lin Wanrou to investigate, but the son of the owner of the property company hit the gun.

That's right, Chen Yong's family has several billions, but their companies are all raised by companies under the name of Ye Chen.

It can be said that Ye Chen rewarded them for food.

Now the other party actually scolded himself as a little boy.

Ye Chen said lightly: "Chen Yong gives you a chance and apologizes to me. You can forget about this matter."

After hearing what Ye Chen said, Chen Yong looked at Ye Chen like an idiot.

"What are you talking about? Let me apologize to you? Why are you sick with your head? I apologize for your little white face?"

Chen Yong laughed arrogantly.

"Brothers, get him for me. In the evening, I will invite you to the Bliss Nightclub to have a good time."

Bliss Nightclub is one of the most luxurious nightclubs in the city.

The cuties there are all college students, and their looks are all first-class.

But the consumption there is also very high.

Hearing Chen Yong's treat, the excited eyes of these rich second-generation generations light up.

Seeing the rich second generation rushing over, Ye Chen snorted coldly.

Even the **** Ye Chen didn't take it seriously. There was no challenge at all for the rich second-generation gang that was hollowed out by the wine.

Ye Chen slapped his hand when he raised his hand, and slapped one directly.

Kick and lie down.

With a wave of his hand, he knocked down another one.

In the blink of an eye, several of Chen Yong's licking dogs were beaten and rolled on the ground by Ye Chen.

"Fuck, this kid is so amazing."

"My face is swollen, and I have to date a star at night."

"Woo, it hurts, I'm looking for my mother?"


These rich second generations are usually spoiled, how can they stand this.

Chen Yong was stupid when he saw that Ye Chen's men had fallen on the ground without any effort.

He never dreamed that this little white face could be so powerful.

Ye Chen clapped his hands and said to Chen Yong: "Are you slapped yourself and apologized to me, or am I doing it myself?"

Chen Yong stepped back two steps and pointed to Ye Chen and said, "Boy, do you know who you are fighting? Tell you, there is no place for you in the whole Jiangnan, you are dead."

Ye Chen stepped up to Chen Yong and said lightly: "I don't know who I hit, but I know you really owe it."

When the voice fell, Ye Chen raised his hand.


A slap in the face of Chen Yong.

Chen Yong never dreamed that this little white face was so courageous that he would directly smoke him.

"How dare you hit me?"

Ye Chen sneered and said, "What's wrong with hitting you? You have the ability to fight back."

When the voice fell, Ye Chen slapped it again.

Chen Yong was staggered again, and Ye Chen was about to go over and teach him a lesson when suddenly a voice sounded behind him.

"Stop it for me."

Behind Ye Chen, an arrogant young man walked over with a few bodyguards.

The young people are surrounded by many beautiful online celebrities.

Seeing the young man, Chen Yong smiled and hurried over.

"Brother Cong, you have to call the shots for me, look at all of our brothers being beaten by this kid."

Chen Yong was overjoyed when he saw Wang Congcong, especially the other party with bodyguards.

Although Ye Chen can fight, Wang Congcong's bodyguards are not ordinary people, they are all from special forces.

No matter how you can fight, you can fight the recovery soldiers of the special forces.

Wang Congcong frowned when looking at Chen Yong, whose face was like a pig's head.

Today's party was organized by him, and he naturally couldn't stand by when someone was beaten at his party.

Su Wanyi frowned when she saw Wang Congcong.

Wang Congcong said, "Who is so brave to make trouble in my place?"

Chen Yong pointed at Ye Chen and said, "That kid?"

Wang Congcong glanced at Ye Chen, because Ye Chen turned his back to him, so he didn't see Ye Chen's appearance.

He said coldly: "Chen Yong rest assured, I will give you an account of this matter."

At this time, Ye Chen turned around and looked at Wang Congcong with a smile.

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