Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:41 PM

Chapter 435: 435

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Ye Chen nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will let my friends pay more attention to her."

"Okay, tell your friends from now on, I will pay more attention to Xiaomei."

This parent meeting is mainly after the mid-term exam is over, to give parents some summary and matters needing attention in the next semester.

Ye Chen looked at Xiaomei's paper. He had scores in several other subjects, but the last essay question was empty, and he lost 25 points.

"Why didn't you write the last essay question?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

Xiao Mei whitened Ye Chen and said, "I don't have a father, how can I write about you?"

Ye Chen was stunned and had nothing to say. He glanced at the composition title and it turned out to be "My Dad".

At the end of the parent meeting, Ye Chen left school with Xiaomei.

At this time, I met Pengpeng's mother again.

Pengpeng's family seems to be rich, and his mother drives a BMW.

Seeing that Ye Chen was driving a Jili, Pengpeng's mother showed a touch of disdain.

He even clearly heard Pengpeng’s mother say to Pengpeng: “In the future, stay away from that little beauty. You have to make more friends with good family background.

Ye Chen frowned when she heard Xiaomei's mother.

Xiao Mei sat in the car happily indifferently.

"Brother, I'm hungry, I want to eat KFC."

"Xiaomei, didn't you and your teacher say that I was your father?"

"It's just a fake, you are my buddy."

Ye Chen: "..."

"Then what do you call her?"

"Is she my godmother?"

Ye Chen: "This can't work, or call me godfather."

"No, there is no way to take advantage of my godmother."

Ye Chen: "..."

This generation is all in chaos.

"By the way, I will send you to school tomorrow." Ye Chen said suddenly.

"Ah, good." Xiao Mei nodded and said.

Ye Chen called Meng Wanting.

"Hello, this is Ye Chen. I just held a parent meeting for Xiaomei, and I will take her home now."

"Why doesn't she tell me when the parent meeting is held?" Meng Wanting said.

"She said you have a chance?" Ye Chen said.

"No, this girl, I must be afraid of trouble, so let's come and sit at home." Meng Wanting said.

Last time, Meng Wanting kept looking for opportunities to thank Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded: "Okay."

Meng Wanting's home is in Bibo Garden, in the magic city, which is also a community with very good conditions.

Unexpectedly, this Meng Wanting is quite rich.

The car stopped at the gate of the community, and Ye Chen led Xiaomei into the community.

When I took the elevator to Meng Wanting's house, Xiao Mei opened the door.

Suddenly a scent permeated.

There was still the sound of cooking in the kitchen.

Meng Wanting walked out when the door opened.

She was wearing an apron and saw Ye Chen embarrassedly said, "I'm really sorry, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Ye Chen held Xiaomei with a face like a knife cut, deep eyes exuding charming charm, and a shallow smile on the corners of his mouth.

Meng Wanting stared blankly.

This handsome look simply kills those little fresh meat in a flash.

Unconsciously, Meng Wanting's little heart throbbed.

"Goddaddy, sit inside." Xiao Mei broke the silence.

The name Xiaomei caught Ye Chen and Meng Wanting off guard.

Especially Meng Wanting, her pretty face flushed.

Ye Chen also coughed embarrassingly: "I have sent that Xiaomei back, and I will leave first."

Meng Wanting hurriedly said: "Don't, I'm all here now, so why not have a light meal."

Xiaomei also took Ye Chen's hand: "Godfather, do my godmother often talk about you after coming back? You stay."

"Xiaomei, what are you stinky girl talking nonsense?"

Xiao Mei stuck out her tongue and said, "I won't be a light bulb for you anymore. I'm going to do my homework."

Meng Wanting's face also blushed slightly, and she said embarrassingly, "This little girl is too precocious."

Ye Chen also smiled and said, "Xiaomei is very cute."

This house is about a hundred square meters and it is cleaned very neatly. "

Meng Wanting poured a cup of tea for Ye Chen and said, "You wait a while, just to **** cooking skills."

Ye Chen nodded: "Okay, but I seem to smell a mushy smell."

Meng Wanting raised her nose and smelled it, her face changed, and she quickly turned and ran back to the kitchen.

Then, a scream came from the kitchen.

Ye Chen followed into the kitchen and saw a mess in the kitchen. The dishes in the pot were all black. Obviously, she had just greeted Ye Chen and the girl had forgotten to turn off the fire.

"Oh, it's okay, just do it again."

Meng Wanting said in embarrassment, "Otherwise, I invite you to eat nearby."

Ye Chen said, "Isn't there still a lot of ingredients? Let me do it like this."

"You can cook?" Meng Wanting was taken aback.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Of course, my culinary skills are at the level of a Michelin chef."

Meng Wanting gave Ye Chen a white look: "Huh, bragging."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "With a god-level culinary skill, three Michelin stars are nothing more than scum in Ye Chen's eyes."

Putting on the apron, Ye Chen took out the potatoes from the bag.

The knife in his hand gently turned a circle on the potatoes, and the potato skin was directly peeled off by Ye Chen.

Seeing this scene, Meng Wanting was stunned.

This knife skill is too good.

Ye Chen started to cook, and Meng Wanting by the side was stunned.

Watching Ye Chen cooking is simply enjoyment. Every step of cutting vegetables and handling ingredients is full of artistic sense.

Soon, the steaming beef stew with potatoes is ready.

Meng Wanting took the vegetable and smelled it.

Oh my god, this tastes too good.

Meng Wanting glanced at Ye Chen, who was still busy cooking other dishes, thinking that it should be fine for me to steal a bite of this dish.

As she said, she pinched a piece of beef with her hand and put it in her mouth.

The scent exploded in the mouth instantly, the beef was cooked just right, the bite was very chewy and the meaty fragrance and the perfect combination of potatoes.

After taking a bite, Meng Wanting couldn't stop.

She couldn't help but clamped another piece and put it in her mouth.

At this time, Xiao Mei also ran out smelling the scent.

"Godmother, what kind of dish is this delicious."

Meng Wanting hurriedly said, "Xiaomei, this is the potato stew made by your Uncle Ye. You can try it too."

Xiao Mei quickly picked up the chopsticks and put a piece into her mouth.

Immediately, an expression of enjoyment appeared on her little face.

"Wow, Uncle Ye's beef stew with potatoes is so delicious, a thousand times better than yours."

Meng Wanting patted Xiao Mei's head: "How can you belittle your godmother so much."

While talking, the chopsticks in his hand unconsciously caught another piece.

At this time, Ye Chen walked in with two more dishes.

When Meng Wanting saw Ye Chen, she thought that the guests hadn't eaten it yet. She was embarrassed to eat first and said, "Ye Chen, you made it so delicious, so I couldn't hold it back."

Ye Chen smiled: "It's okay, try these two dishes again."

Meng Wanting and Xiaomei tasted them, and they couldn't stop.

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