Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:40 PM

Chapter 436: 436

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Ye Chen didn't eat much for a table of food.

After dinner, Xiao Mei couldn't help but said, "Goddaddy cooks so delicious."

Meng Wanting blushed and said, "Xiaomei, my uncle is not allowed to be godfather."

Xiao Mei said: "The two of us are buddies, plus you and he is my godfather."

Meng Wanting looked at Ye Chen embarrassedly and said, "Look at this kid."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "It's okay, just call it whatever she likes."

Xiao Mei made a face and ran into the room to continue her homework.

Meng Wanting said, "The food you cook is so delicious. Have you learned how to cook?"

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "I'm self-taught."

"Ah, self-taught, this is too great."

"Fortunately, if I eat your dishes every day, I have to get fat." Meng Wanting said.

Meng Wanting has an overwhelming affection for Ye Chen.

He is handsome, has a good personality, and cooks so deliciously. He is a perfect man.

Meng Wanting has seen many excellent men, but she can be sure that Ye Chen is the best.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "If you like to eat, I can often come over and make it for you and Xiaomei."

Meng Wanting herself is a big beauty, and Xiao Mei is also very cute.

Seeing Ye Chen's smile, Meng Wanting was fascinated.

Meng Wanting smiled shyly, picked up the plates and bowls on the dinner table and said, "Then I'm going to clean the bowls."

Ye Chen was drinking tea, and suddenly heard a scream from the kitchen, and then the sound of the dish falling to the ground and cracking.

"Are you all right." Ye Chen hurried to the kitchen.

When the dish fell to the ground, Meng Wanting's hand broke.

"Why are you so careless, let me see."

Ye Chen picked up Meng Wanting's jade hand.

Before she knew it, Meng Wanting's pretty face turned red.

Ye Chen was so close to her, especially Ye Chen's considerate look, which made Meng Wanting's heartbeat even faster.

Meng Wanting aggrieved: "Do you think I'm so stupid and can't do anything bad?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "No, I just feel sorry for this plate, it's a few dollars."

"You big villain." Meng Wanting knew that Ye Chen was joking, and gave Ye Chen two blows.

Ye Chen asked, "Do you have band-aids in your house? Put them on yourself first. I'll wash the bowls."

Speaking, Ye Chen put the broken dishes into the trash can and began to wash the dishes.

Seeing Ye Chen's skillful dishwashing movements, Meng Wanting's pretty face blushed slightly.

If Ye Chen can come to his home often in the future, how much should he do?

Meng Wanting has always lived alone, and sometimes feels lonely.

Suddenly a man was added, which gave Meng Wanting a very warm feeling.

Ye Chen saw Meng Wanting still standing stupidly and said, "Why don't you stick band-aids yet, let me know where the medicine box is."

After finding the medicine box, Ye Chen picked up Meng Wanting's jade hand, and carefully put a band-aid on it and said, "Don't get wet again for these two days, understand?"

Meng Wanting nodded obediently.

Looking at Ye Chen, Meng Wanting chuckled.

Ye Chen said speechlessly: "I'm so happy when I break my hand?"

Meng Wanting said, "Yeah, I think you are really considerate. If you can be your girlfriend, you must be very happy."

After listening to Meng Wanting's words, Ye Chen also smiled slightly: "Of course, I am a national treasure."

Ye Chen looked at the time and said, "Okay, it's getting late. I'll leave first. Next time I cook, I just broke my mouth. Don't chop off my fingers next time.

"Bah, what nonsense." Meng Wanting angrily said.

Ye Chen came to the study and saw that Xiaomei was writing an essay.

Ye Chen was stunned when he saw the topic of Xiaomei's composition.

Because the title of Xiaomei's composition is "My Dad".

"My dad is so handsome. Although he is just a dick, he cooks deliciously...I love my dad so much."

I don't know why, seeing this content, Ye Chen's heart is warm, and a little sour.

Seeing Ye Chen, Xiao Mei was also a little shy and covered the composition paper.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Xiaomei, godfather is gone, by the way, tomorrow I will send you to school."

I heard from the teacher that many students in the class bullied Xiao Mei, saying that Xiao Mei does not have a father.

This time, Ye Chen wanted to let all the students know how awesome Xiaomei's father was.

Ye Chen was about to leave, and both Xiaomei and Meng Wanting were reluctant to leave.

Seeing Ye Chen leave, Xiao Mei suddenly said: "Godmother, or you can marry your goddaddy home, if you don't do it, I can start when I grow up."

Meng Wanting was stunned for a moment, and pinched Xiaomei's little nose: "What do you think, you stinky girl?"

But when Meng Wanting sat on the sofa, she was in a daze looking at the restoration of the usually deserted room.

She hadn't had the warm feeling just now for a long time.

After that, she glanced at her band-aid again and couldn't help but smile.

Meng Wanting turned on the phone and sent a WeChat to her best friend Li Yaoyao.

"What about Yaoyao, I seem to fall in love with a man."

Li Yaoyao is Meng Wanting's best friend and a chef in the hotel.

But it is still in the trial period.

The relationship between the two people has been particularly good since high school, and they will share everything they have in mind.

Therefore, Meng Wanting had something on her mind and directly discussed with Li Yaoyao.

Li Yaoyao quickly replied with a message: "Oh, which handsome guy is so powerful, who can capture the heart of our Wanting."

As he said, Li Yaoyao also sent a lustful expression: "You, the boss is not too young, don't hesitate to catch the man you like, you must catch it, I support you, and by the way, let me take a look back. I help. You can verify if you are a scumbag, save you so stupidly that you were sold and you will pay for the money."

"of course not."

Meng Wanting saved Ye Chen to Xiaomei, helped Xiaomei hold a parent meeting, and said everything about cooking.

"It turned out to be like this. It's no wonder that we are so fascinated by Wanting. They are handsome and kind. The most important thing is that they can cook. Does such a man really exist?"

Meng Wanting replied: "I also feel like a dream, but such a man was really met by me."

Li Yaoyao said: "If it is as good as you said, there is nothing else to hesitate to catch. There are too few men like this now. If you don't cherish it, you will definitely be snatched away by others."

Meng Wanting said: "But, I'm afraid, will he already have a girlfriend so good."

"By the way, send me the photo to see." Li Yaoyao said.

Meng Wanting sent a picture of the profile face she just took of cooking.

"Oh my God, Wanting, this man is really super handsome. You met such a good national treasure boyfriend. If you don't want to, Wanting, don't blame me for grabbing him."

"You dare, if you dare to grab, see if I don't slap your ass."

Li Yaoyao said: "Then you can work harder, in fact, he is handsome and you are also very beautiful, so come on, you must be able.

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