Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:33 PM

Chapter 442: 442

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Seeing Wang Meng's nervous expressions, Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I said, as long as this project is researched out, it is yours."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Wang Meng's face was pleased: "Principal, you agree."

"Of course." Ye Chen nodded.

Letting them participate in the competition is definitely good for Star University.

After winning the championship, let all the famous universities in China know the strength of Star University.

After all, Stars University will enroll students next year, so more popularity is good for enrollment next year.

"The principal thank you so much."

Wang Meng and several people bowed to Ye Chen at the same time.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I wish you good results."

The Huaguo University Science and Technology Competition is broadcast live on Huaguo TV every year.

Therefore, if they participate in the competition, they even have the opportunity to be on TV.

The four of them were very excited to think that their parents could see themselves on TV.

The four Wang Meng came to the airport with their projects.

Ye Chen had already been waiting for them at the Magic Capital Airport.

"Let's go, take my private plane." Ye Chen smiled.

"Oh my god, you're too awesome, principal, you have a private jet."

Ye Chen smiled: "As long as you work hard, you will have it."

Sitting on a private jet, Ye Chen took four people to the competition venue, the Huaguo Science and Technology Museum.

This time the Huaguo University Science and Technology Competition, all major universities in China sent teams.

Each year's championships are basically held in Huaqing University, Imperial Capital University and Magic University.

Ye Chen took a few people to register, and then checked into the hotel arranged by the organizer.

At this time, Huaguo Academy of Sciences.

Li Sen came to Hua Lao's office.

"Old Hua, I got news that several students from Star University have come to participate in the Huaguo Science and Technology Competition with Starlight."

"What?" Hua Lao Teng stood up.

What does Wang Meng's participation in the competition show?

It shows that their experiment was successful.

Ever since Qian Hua left the Star University last time, he has been keeping Li Sen's attention to the movement of Star University.

Unexpectedly, these students would take this epoch-making technology to participate in the competition.

Once this project is exposed, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world.

Qian Hua picked up the phone directly, and then dialed the phone number of the person in charge of the tournament.

"Wei Lao, I have something to ask you. Several students from Star University come to participate in the college student science and technology competition. You can help me see what their work is."

"Good brother Qian."

Wei Ming and Qian Hua were classmates when they were in college, and the relationship between the two is very good.

So we hung up the phone, and Wei Lao immediately began to inquire.

Soon, Wei Ming found the registration information of Star University.

"Brother Qian, the project they signed up for is Starlight."

Wei Ming disagrees with the entries of Star University.

But Qian Hua was excited when he heard Wei Ming's words.

"The light of the stars must be the nuclear shaped energy reactor. They actually succeeded."

Qian Lao was very excited. If this project is really successful, Huaguo's technology will be one level ahead of the world.

However, Qian Hua understands that this work cannot be exposed yet.

After all, once it is exposed, the whole world will be shaken by it.

Countries will also find ways to obtain this technology.

Therefore, Qian Hua made a decision that he must not allow several students from Star University to participate.

The rule of the Huaguo Science and Technology Competition is that five university professors will give scores to the students' works.

The judges and teachers will rate the works according to the application value of the technological level.

Remove one of the lowest and highest points, and the highest score is the champion.

At this point, the game has started.

There is another player's show, and it's the turn of Star University.

Wang Meng also rubbed his hands very nervously.

The contestants on the stage are from Huaqing University, and their project is an intelligent robot.

With their advanced technology, Huaqing University directly got a high score of 9.8.

When it was Wang Meng's turn to play, he took a deep breath and stood up.

But at this moment an abnormal change occurred suddenly.

I saw a group of uniformed guards broke into the venue.

Qian Hua is the leader.

Qian Hua knew that several students from Star University had come to participate in the competition, and immediately reported the situation to his superiors.

The superiors also attached great importance to it, and directly transferred the guards.

After all, this is an epoch-making technology. What if someone grabs it?

Qian Hua walked straight to Ye Chen and a few students.

"Principal Ye, your students cannot participate in the competition."

Ye Chen frowned upon hearing this: "Why?"

"Well, President Ye takes a step to talk, I have something to discuss with you."

Seeing Ye Chen, Qian Hua's tone immediately became very gentle.

After all, Ye Chen is really too good to cultivate such a talent.

Even Qian Lao had to admire Ye Chen.

Old Qian called Ye Chen to an office, and the guards stood at the door and no one was allowed to approach him.

"Principal Ye, your Starlight has really succeeded."

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, these students are very upbeat, and they have researched it out."

"Great, President Ye, the technology of this project is leading in the world. If you participate in the competition and expose it, it will bring you a lot of trouble, and even the lives of several students will be threatened."

The scientific and technological competition among countries in the world is very fierce, and nuclear energy can change the world's competitive landscape.

Therefore, if the technology is leaked, other countries will definitely get this experimental project regardless of the consequences.

Ye Chen nodded after hearing this: "Old Qian, in this case we will withdraw from this competition, but this is not fair to the children, after all, they also want to be recognized."

Qian Lao said: "Don't worry, we will give the children the honor they deserve."

Ye Chen said, "That's good."

Ye Chen nodded and called a few students.

Talked about the matter to a few students.

Although several students were very disappointed, they nodded.

After all, this is for their good.

Qian Hua said, "President Ye, can I see the light of stars you have researched?"

Ye Chen asked Wang Meng to hand over the light of stars to Lao Qian.

Old Qian looked at the light of the stars, his eyes lit up.

He could feel that the light of the stars was completely different from the previous ones.

This time the Starlight is already a finished work.

"You succeeded so soon?"

Qian Hua was a little surprised that a few students could complete their works in such a short period of time.

Wang Meng said: "Well, we ran into a little trouble at first, and then solved it, and it was done soon."

Qian Hua nodded: "You are really amazing. We are still in theoretical research on this technology. You have already completed it. Although the technology is completed, there is still a lot of work to be done, such as applying for patents. But leave it to me."

Ye Chen nodded.

Money is always an expert in this area, and it can save a lot of things by handing it to him.

Qian Hua invited a few people into the Academy of Sciences, and the results came out. Naturally, Mr. Qian wanted to check whether the light of the stars was so magical.

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