Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:30 PM

Chapter 444: 444

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Xia Ying couldn't wait to find a seam to get in, which was too shameful.

Pretending to be unable to be caught by others.

Xia Ying covered her face.

All this time was lost in front of the ex-boyfriend.

Ye Chen said coldly: "What's wrong with Kaididi?"

Lu Lin sneered: "Of course it's okay to open dick, but Xiaoying, after you said you left me, you are really getting less and less upbeat, even if you are not worthy of me, you have to find a similar one. "

"I'm curious, where did your confidence look down on the open-di-di?"

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Lulin was immediately confused.

What kind of situation is this?

Kaididi could still be so arrogant, it was really the first time Lu Lin had encountered it.

Lu Lin snorted coldly: "It seems Xiaoying that you had a miserable life away from me, you even found such a boyfriend."

With that, Lu Lin took out a car key and shook it.

"Did you see it? Brother drove into a BMW." Lu Lin looked smug and exasperated.

Xia Ying clenched her fists angrily.

But she just couldn't fight back.

I wanted to find Ye Chen to pretend to be forced, but the other party found out before he could pretend, what can she do?

At this moment, Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Isn't it just the car key? Brother also has it."

After speaking, Ye Chen directly took out two car keys and patted them on the table.

One is Cullinan's and the other is Lycan's.

The appearance of the two keys looks like a luxury car.

In particular, the Rolls-Royce Peugeot on the Cullinan key stunned both of them.

What's the situation, Didi brother drives Rolls Royce?

At this time, the people at the side table also looked to this side.

Seeing all the keys Ye Chen threw on the table looked silly.

Especially Lu Lin.

Nima, he used the BMW car key to pretend that he threw out a key to a Rolls Royce and a super cool sports car.

Forcing the grid to fly away.

Xia Ying also looked dazed.

She knew Ye Chen's identity very well, she was a pure little brother Didi.

How could there be a key to a luxury car.

At first she thought that Ye Chen is very handsome, and she can dress up as a rich second generation by changing into a brand-name outfit.

What she didn't expect was that she was really a rich second generation.

Especially Ye Chen's action of throwing out the key was so handsome.

In front of Ye Chen, the strength of his ex-boyfriend's pretense was almost gone.

The people around who watched the excitement also boiled.

"Let me wipe, what's the situation? Brother Didi actually has two luxury car keys, that looks like Cullinan's car keys, and the other is what kind of car I haven't seen before."

"Fuck, I saw it on the Internet, it seems to be the Lycan car key, it's the one with hundreds of millions of dollars."

Hearing people's comments, everyone looked at Ye Chen's expressions completely changed.

Envy, jealousy, awe.

Ye Chen said faintly: "Oh, BMW? Your BMW is worth my money for a rear taillight. Next time, I will get a high-end car to play it."

The corner of Lu Lin's mouth twitched slightly.

This is unscientific, a little brother Didi, how could there be Cullinan and Lycan.

No, there must be fraud here.

Soon, Lu Lin had an answer.

It turned out to be a colleague.

How much money can you earn in a month of driving didi? How can it be possible to buy such a luxury car?

So the car key must be fake.

Lu Lin sneered: "Haha, do you think you can fool me by taking out two fake car keys to pretend to be forced? You don't look at what your brother is doing. You are a ticking little brother with hundreds of millions of dollars. Car, who are you lie to?"

Everyone around also nodded.

"Indeed, how could little brother Didi have such a luxury car."

"Haha, this little brother Didi is funny enough. He took the fake car key and came out to pretend to be coercive."

"It's okay this time, I can't pretend to be beaten in the face."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Why, don't you believe it?"

Speaking, Ye Chen picked up the car key and pressed it lightly, only to see a dazzling light on the car key.

Lu Lin couldn't help laughing: "Haha, let me tell you, this is a flashlight. Take a flashlight out to pretend to be forced, Xia Ying, your boyfriend is so weird."

Xia Ying's face was flushed.

However, Xia Ying was also very speechless about Ye Chen's ability to pretend to be.

This didi brother is too good at pretending to be forced.

But fortunately, Ye Chen is so handsome, if he really owns two luxury cars, such a man would be Tai Chi.

Facing the ridicule of everyone, Ye Chen didn't worry at all.

At this time, a die-hard Rolls-Royce fan stood up.

After all, some people can't afford a car, but that doesn't mean they don't understand cars.

They will search for news about their favorite cars on major websites.

Especially Lycan is the dream of many men.

The characteristics of this car are naturally clear.

"Are you stupid, this is a fake car? The car key of the Lycan can project a pattern of a Lycan on the wall. Look at the wall."

Everyone saw an image of a Lycan car on the wall.

The man said excitedly, this car key must be real.

Everyone was shocked.

Lu Lin looked dumbfounded.

how can that be?

It turned out to be true?

The man sneered and said, "You really have no experience at all, you haven't seen the world before, and what a flashlight, are you embarrassed?"

At this time, the man looked excited.

Lycan is his favorite, of course I was very excited to see the key of the Lycan car today.

What made him the most unbearable turned out to be that someone actually said that this was a fake key.

No culture is terrible.

This is simply a blasphemy against the sacred car in his mind.

Lu Lin's face was slapped.

The man looked at Ye Chen with excitement: "I heard that this car is worth 120 million yuan. The owner of the car is a super hero. I didn't expect to see the legendary boss today."

Super God.

Hearing the man's words, the scene was in an uproar again.

Xia Ying was also frightened stupid.

Originally, she just wanted to find a little brother Didi to play the role of Shenhao, but she did not expect to find a Shenhao, and she was still a super Shenhao.

Although Lu Lin confessed on the surface, he searched Lycan on the Internet just in case.

I rubbed it, it turned out to be 120 million.

Lulin's hand trembled slightly at this moment.

Especially when he enlarged the key, it was exactly the same as Ye Chen's hand.

Not only that, but several people also stood up to prove that Ye Chen's key was true.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "What are you kidding me, I'm just a little brother Didi, how come with the keys of this luxury car."

Although Ye Chen said so, everyone blushed like a monkey butt.

Ye Chen was obviously laughing at them.

Xia Ying was a little dazed, and she found a little didi on the street, who turned out to be a big brother, which was unbelievable.

Lu Lin was very depressed by pretending to fail, but his eyes rolled because he had other pretending methods.

The kid and I pretended to be forced, don’t you know that I’m forced to force God?

He snorted coldly, took out his phone directly, and deliberately raised his voice: "Aha, how is the monthly rental fee on the street of Modong Road? Thousand yuan, um, yes, if you don’t want to pay, immediately take back the store. Some people want to rent the store."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the man call.

Damn it, isn't Modong Street a famous snack street?

It is said that there is more than 200,000 yuan in one of the stores there. It turns out that this kid is a big rent collector.

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