Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:29 PM

Chapter 445: 445

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On Modong Street, I heard that there were many second-generation demolitions in that area, and the rent collection would cost millions a year.

No wonder this kid is so awkward, he turned out to be the second generation.

Listening to the surrounding discussion, Lu Lin looked at Ye Chen with smug and disdain.

"Some people, it’s awesome if you have a luxury car? My brother has a store in one street, and he collects several million rents every year. The more the car is opened, the depreciation. My store can bring me real money every day. ."

Lu Lin became more and more proud as he spoke, and even hummed a small tune.

Re-found the feeling of being a king.

Xia Ying watched her ex-boyfriend pretend to be angry.

No wonder the boyfriend is so arrogant now, it turned out to be the second generation of demolition.

Lu Lin was very miserable before. He paid two to three thousand a month in a car repair shop, and even relied on Xia Ying for relief every month.

Unexpectedly, this guy stepped on the **** and became the second generation demolition.

The most irritating thing is that I helped you when you were poor. Now that you have money, you don’t want to repay me, and you deliberately anger me.

Ye Chen didn't speak, but quietly looked at the other party and pretended to be force.

This guy pretended to be addicted, and even looked at Ye Chen provocatively.

"Boy, know what the pinnacle of life is? Not driving a luxury car, but being a big rent collector, you know?"

"Well, it's really good to be a rent collector." Ye Chen said lightly.

Lu Lin thought Ye Chen had admitted it, so he was so refreshed in his heart.

But at this moment, Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

The call was made by Manager Chen from the Financial Building.

"Ye Dong, the rent for our Financial Building this year has been collected. The total amount is 1.2 billion yuan, which has been transferred to your private account."

Ye Chen's phone was tuned out because it ran dick.

Financial Building, 1.2 billion!

Lu Lin, who had just finished pretending to be complacent, almost didn't spray a mouthful of old blood.

Nima, the annual rent is 1.2 billion, which is too exaggerated.

Xia Ying was depressed just now, and she was completely stupid to hear that Ye Chen's rent turned out to be 1.2 billion.

After Ye Chen listened, his face was plain, and he faintly replied, "I know."

Almost at the same time, Ye Chen's text message sounded.

Lu Lin was right there, and glanced at the text message sent by the bank, a long string of numbers, full of ten digits.

Lu Lin was about to cry at this moment.

Originally wanted to pretend to be forced, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to be slapped severely in the face again.

He is just a few stores, and he rents a mansion.

Compared with others, it is simply a difference between heaven and earth.

His annual rent is actually more than 1 million yuan, Ye Chen's 1.2 billion yuan, what kind of concept is this how to compare.

Lu Lin's face suddenly became hot when he thought that he had acted in front of Ye Chen just now.

If it's just a phone call, Lulin can be said to be fake.

But just now he was next to Ye Chen, and the long string of numbers in the bank text message would not be fake.

Ye Chen hung up the phone and glanced at Lu Lin with a smile: "I really don't have a store, I have a building, and I never have to worry about rent collection. Someone will collect it and call me the bank card in person."

Lu Lin couldn't help but nod.

"Boss, you are awesome."

"Well, in fact, you can also hire a property company like me. You don't have to worry about anything. By the way, the salary of our property manager seems to be more than three million a year."

Lu Lin: "..."

Laozi's rent is only 1 million a year. Ask the property company. Are you nonsense?

Lu Lin finally understood that he was pretending to be compelling, and Ye Chen was really compelling.

Xia Ying couldn't help asking: "Mr. Ye, you are so rich, why do you come out and run dick?"

The others also looked at Ye Chen curiously.

Ye Chenguang collects rent for 1.2 billion a year, so rich, there is no need to come out and make didi.

Is it not fragrant to enjoy life at home?

Ye Chen shook his head: "When your money is just a number, you will lose the goal of your struggle, and you will feel that life is meaningless, so I want to return to the ordinary and return to the basics."

Everyone seemed to understand what Ye Chen said.

It seems very philosophical.

Lu Lin was even more ashamed.

I only earn more than 1 million a year, so I just came out and pretended to be forced, and the big guy with a rent of one billion yuan actually came out to experience life.

What is the pattern and what is the gap.

Lu Lin was ashamed and embarrassed when he thought about how he floated after he was rich.

Xia Ying also snorted coldly: "I see, you know what the real boss is, hum, a man who pretends to be awesome every day, really thinks he is awesome, don't you know that there is someone outside and there is heaven and heaven?"

Glancing at her boyfriend, Xia Ying hates the way iron is not made of steel.

Lu Lin seemed to feel something, and suddenly stood up and came to Ye Chen, bowed and said, "Mr. Ye, I know I was wrong. I shouldn't pretend to be forced. I will definitely keep my feet on the ground in the future."

Xia Ying was stunned when she heard Lu Lin's words.

Is this really his ex-boyfriend who looks all-eyed every day?

Lu Lin glanced at Xia Ying and continued: "Xia Ying, I'm sorry, but in fact, I always love you in my heart. I pretended to want you to pay attention to me. I didn't expect that I was too stupid. Your boyfriend is so good. Handsome, I am not worthy of you. Losing you is the biggest regret of my life. I regret it. If I were not so pretentious, you might not abandon me."

As he said, there were even tears on Lu Lin's face.

"Although I am rich now, I feel very empty in my life. I especially miss the days I spent with you before."

"Unfortunately, it's too late now. Your boyfriend is so great and outstanding. It's all because I don't know how to cherish it. I'm sorry, I lost you."

"Xiaoying wish you happiness, I will always remember you." After speaking, Lu Lin stood up and prepared to leave.

Xia Ying was stunned. She never dreamed that Lu Lin would say such a thing.

It turns out that Lu Lin has always cared about loving herself.

Xia Ying looked at Lu Lin who was walking out in a daze.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Why are you still in a daze? Go after it?"

With tears in her eyes, Xia Ying bowed to Ye Chen: "Thank you, Mr. Ye."

Afterwards, Xia Ying rushed out and shouted at Lu Lin: "You fool, stop for me."

Lu Lin said blankly: "Xia Ying, you don't need to comfort me, this may be God's punishment to me."

Xia Ying hugged Lu Lin: "You fool I have always loved you."

Lu Lin was taken aback for a moment and looked at Ye Chen: "That superstar?"

Xia Ying smiled and said, "I know you will pretend to be forced when you see me, so I found him from the street to pretend to be my boyfriend."

Lu Lin was stunned for a moment, with a look of excitement: "What you said is true?"

"Of course it's true." Xia Ying smiled.

The two hugged each other and wept bitterly.

Later, Xia Ying took Lu Lin to Ye Chen.

"Mr. Ye, thank you. We might never be together without you." Xia Ying said gratefully.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I must keep your teachings in mind, keep my feet on the ground, and never pretend to be forced."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Since you understand each other's intentions, then you must love each other and wish you a long life together."

Just then, Lin Shiyin called: "President Ye, Mr. Qian has come to our Star University with a leader."

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