Published at 27th of April 2021 12:50:48 PM

Chapter 45: 45

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Seeing the man coming out, everyone in the show group was all stupid.

Didn't Zhang Yuyu live alone? How come a man out of her room?

The most important thing is that this man is disheveled and his body is still wet, which makes everyone think about it.

Ye Chen was equally dazed, he looked at these people cautiously.

Just as the two sides were confronted in an awkward manner, Zhang Yuyu also noticed that the strangeness outside had walked out.

He just saw the host He Jiong and the program group just hit his forehead.

On the way, Ye Chen was all in her heart, and she had forgotten such an important thing to record the show.

Seeing the camera, Zhang Yuyu quickly wrapped her bathrobe.

Seeing Zhang Yuyu wearing a pink bathrobe, the audience in the live studio went crazy.

"I wipe it, Yuyu is so **** in a bathrobe."

"By the way, who is this man who walked out? Is it the material arranged by the program group?"

"This is too hot, Yuyu is wearing a bathrobe, and you are soaked in the wet man's body!"


Ye Chen and Zhang Yuyu's current appearance is indeed very fancy.

Both of them were wet, and Zhang Yuyu was still wrapped in a bathrobe.

Alone men and widows are under the same roof, and the most important thing is that they are all wet.

This is too ambiguous!


At this time, the audience's brains were open.

"I rub, this won't be Yuyu's boyfriend, right?"

"It's very possible, otherwise how could there be a man in Yuyu's house."

In an instant, the live broadcast room burst.

The netizens were all excited in an instant.

At this time, Sister Bai was going crazy.

For the show, she specifically withdrew the bodyguard, the driver, and all the male staff, just for fear of causing misunderstandings among netizens.

But she didn't even know how to calculate it. From the rainy room, a wet man walked out of the room.

He Jiong is also a little confused. Although he is an experienced host, he doesn't know how to pick it up in this situation.

Ye Chen also recalled, he knew what he had to say, otherwise he would make headlines soon.

He doesn't want to recite this pot.

Zhang Yuyu smiled awkwardly, and said hello to the screen with a smile: "Hi, everyone netizens, let me introduce to you, this is my friend, my water pipe is broken, so he is here to help me repair the water pipe... …"

"pipe repairing?"

"Are netizens all elementary school students?"

"This excuse is too LOW."

Ye Chen smiled embarrassingly: "Actually, I am a didi driver. I just sent Ms. Zhang Yuyu home. The water pipe in her house was broken, so I went upstairs to help fix the water pipe. I won’t disturb the recording of the show. I’m leaving now. ."

After speaking, he glanced at Zhang Yuyu and slid away.

In this case, Ye Chen understood that the more he traced, the darker he was, so the thirty-six plan was the best plan.

As for how to wipe the butt, that's Zhang Yuyu and the director of the show.

Zhang Yuyu nodded awkwardly: "Thank you."

At this time, everyone was still in a daze, watching Ye Chen get on the cool Pagani and whizzed away.

At this time, netizens suddenly exploded.

"I wiped it, drove the Pagani dick, are you kidding me?"

"Director, do you think the IQ of our audience is 0?"

"It's a real hammer, it must be Yuyu's boyfriend."

The whole live broadcast room was almost crazy.


Ye Chen returned home and let out a sigh of relief.

He took a shower and lay on the bed, and suddenly remembered the one million cat tooth coins he had just obtained.

This reward is a bit nonsense.

What does Cattooth do?

Ye Chen suddenly remembered the anchor Su Xiaoya he had met before.

A very interesting girl.

Ye Chen opened the Maoya live broadcast and found Su Xiaoya's name.

In the live broadcast room, Su Xiaoya looked sad.

She has just been notified by the live broadcast platform because her performance is too poor. If she loses the Lianmai event tonight, she will lose the guarantee bonus.

Su Xiaoya didn't earn much in the first place, and without the guarantee bonus, she couldn't even pay the rent.

Seeing dozens of netizens in the live broadcast room and the pitiful rewarding list, Su Xiaoya sighed.

It seems that I am really not suitable to be an anchor!

"Dear friends, Xiaoya will interact with other anchors Lianmai in the evening. This is related to whether Xiaoya can continue to broadcast live for everyone on the live broadcast platform. I hope everyone can give me a reward. Thank you."

However, as expected, most of the people in her room were prostitutes, and no one took care of her at all.

Su Xiaoya was desperate. She had seen Lian Mai's opponent this time. It was an anchor with more than one hundred VIP guests.

The most important thing is that the anchor is supported by his eldest brother, and he will give tens of thousands of rewards every time he joins the Mai event.

Su Xiaoya's personality is inherently introverted, and she doesn't like to use that kind of explicit words to make her elder brother praise her, so she has no backing and no popularity. This time she will lose.

Ye Chen entered the live broadcast room, suddenly speechless.

He was very curious how a beauty with a face value of 95 points or more made the popularity of the live broadcast room so miserable.

"Anchor, your popularity is so pitiful." Ye Chen sent a message.

"Yes, welcome Brother Jianliu. I will be interacting with Mai soon. My VIP number is still a bit. Can you give me some flowers and add a fan? Thank you, flowers are only one dollar."

Su Xiaoya said pitifully.

Yes, a dollar is really nothing to an ordinary person.

Most people don't even bother to bend over to pick it up even when they see a steel pebble on the ground.

Usually Su Xiaoya rarely asks for flowers, but today she really can't help it.

For her, today is a decisive battle. If she loses, she can only quit the live broadcast.

Ye Chen smiled and typed and asked: "Does the anchor sing nicely?"

"I can't sing in full five tones."

"Oh, what about the hot dance?"

"I don't know how to dance hot dance."

Su Xiaoya was a little timid.

"Then what talent do you have?" Ye Chen finally understood why Su Xiaoya's live broadcast room was so miserable.

"Me, I can squat and broadcast gymnastics."

Ye Chen: "..."

"Then Jianliu, can you offer a flower?" Su Xiaoya begged.

Ye Chen was amused for a while, and Su Xiaoya, based on her appearance, was a rich second-generation on the list, and the famous luxury cars were easy.

But this stupid girl had to rely on her ability to beg for a dollar.

"Sorry, I like white prostitution." Ye Chen replied directly.

Su Xiaoya saw Ye Chen's reply bitterly.

I have already pleaded so humblely, but in return it is still rejection.

She originally thought that with her own beauty, she would find her own place in the live broadcast industry.

But when I walked into this circle, I realized that the live broadcast on the Internet said that the monthly income is one million, and the daily income of hundreds of thousands of goods is a legend.

Those are the benefits of the Internet celebrities standing at the top of the pyramid.

Su Xiaoya had no resources and no backstage, and she refused to do that kind of explicit performance, and coupled with her mediocre talent, it was impossible to want to be popular.

In fact, there were older brothers who wanted to praise Su Xiaoya before, but Su Xiaoya refused all the excessive demands made by the other party.

Don’t people spend money just to figure out that they can play with beautiful women in the palm of their hands? If you don't pay, people will naturally not pay attention to you.

"Hey, forget it, it seems that I am really not suitable for live broadcast, tonight is my last live broadcast!" Su Xiaoya sighed deeply.

"Dear friends, tonight may be the last time Xiaoya will be with you. Thank you for your continued support and attention."

Su Xiaoya said sadly with tears in her eyes.

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