Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:22 PM

Chapter 451: 451

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Ye Chen naturally knew how fiery the Douyin was in the previous life.

Although the two are parallel worlds, Ye Chen believes that the video will definitely catch on.

How could Ye Chen give up on this kind of profession that can definitely make money!

At this time, the auction price has reached 15 million.

The entire entrepreneurial conference has also developed to a climax.

These are all business tycoons, with unique investment perspectives.

They all saw the potential of shaking video.

Even Ma Ge paid out 15 million with great interest.

Ye Chen stood up and asked the host for a microphone.

He said to the prince: "Young man, I am very interested in your project, but my investment is 10 million, and the shares I want are not 5%, but 35%. "

Hearing what Ye Chen said, everyone was stunned.

This guy is an idiot.

The quotation for this project just now has reached 15 million. You can only open 10 million and 35% of the shares.

When the other party is a fool.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen like an idiot.

At first glance, he knew that this young man didn't understand investment at all, otherwise he would not say such ridiculous things.

Ten million, someone invested 17 million, and only owned 5% of the shares. You have a mouth of 35%, what a joke.

The offer price can be said to be not only low but also too low.

Suddenly, many people couldn't help but laugh.

"Where did this guy come from?"

"it is ridiculous."

There was a lot of discussion in the hall, and everyone was laughing at Ye Chen.

Wang Ziming also frowned.

Originally, when Ye Chen spoke, Wang Ziming was very happy, but when he heard that Ye Chen only made ten million, his brows frowned.

At this time, Ma and Teng, who were sitting next to Ye Chen, looked at Ye Chen curiously.

They knew that Ye Chen was definitely not a nouveau riche, he was very discerning.

But even they didn't understand what kind of medicine Ye Chen sold in the gourd.

Wang Ziming picked up the microphone and wanted to refuse, but Ye Chen said: "Young man, don't refuse to refuse, listen to me to finish."

"Although I invested 10 million, you should know what is the most expensive place to burn a new software on the market? It was publicity at the time."

"I am the owner of We have very powerful video resources. Many of our anchors on have tens of millions of fans. How would you feel if they helped to promote it?"

"Also, I am the owner of Yida Group, Universe Hotel, Miller Hotel..., my hotels can promote your videos in the hotel."

"I own the real estate of Wantai Group, Yida Group, and the Mordu Commercial Street project, which almost monopolizes Mordu's high-end residential and commercial resources. I can also promote our Shaking Video."

"Furthermore, there will definitely be some copyright issues during the release of Shake Video. My subordinate also has Huadu Law Firm, and I can help you resolve these lawsuits."

"I also own Tianyuan Technology Co., Ltd., Qilong 360 Technology Company, which can solve our technology and network security problems."


Ye Chen said indifferently: "In other words, I can solve all obstacles to the future development of Shake Video. Do you think the 10 million and 35% shares I mentioned are not too much?"

There was a dead silence at the scene.

Everyone was stunned.

No one thought that this young man could be so awesome.

Wang Ziming was also stunned on the spot.

He looked at Ye Chen, who was his age, and his eyes were full of shock.

This Nima is too awesome.

Those investors who had just laughed at Ye Chen at the scene were also dumbfounded.

At first, they thought that Ye Chen was just a nouveau riche, or the second generation of a rich kid, and they had never seen him directly.

When Ye Chen revealed his trump card, everyone at the scene was shocked.

Among them, one of them is already very awesome, and Ye Chen has gathered so many awesome industries into one.

You know, any identity that Ye Chen said can kill anyone in their presence in a flash.

There was a lot of discussion at the scene.

"real or fake?"

"Is this young man really so awesome?"

"That's right, bragging, he is so awesome, how can there be so many industries?"

But everyone was stunned when they saw the expressions of the big guys beside Ye Chen.

Ma Ge and several people were talking to Ye Chen, and they had obviously agreed with Ye Chen's identity.

Fuck, it turned out to be true.

If it is false, these bigwigs will definitely expose it directly, and now they are talking in full swing.

Now everyone finally understands why these big men are so enthusiastic and respectful to Ye Chen.

Such an identity is indeed qualified to be on an equal footing with a few bigwigs.

The people present are all business elites, and I have never seen any big scenes.

But they were still shocked by Ye Chen today.

Prince Ming stood there blankly.

If what Ye Chen said is true, it would be even more powerful for his project.

Although the project has received a lot of investment, there are too many problems to face successfully.

Ye Chen has solved almost all of his problems. If he accepts Ye Chen's investment, the probability of success is 100%.

The only thing that made Wang Ziming hesitate was that Ye Chen wanted too many shares, 35 percent.

Wang Ziming took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Ye, there is no problem with an investment of 10 million, but I cannot accept 35% of the shares."

Everyone understood Wang Ziming's reaction.

After all, 35% of the shares are almost certain to be the largest shareholder in the future, which is equivalent to becoming the boss of the future video. How could Wang Ziming agree.

Ye Chen’s rejection of Wang Ziming was as early as expected. He said lightly: “It’s okay, I can give you another minute to think about it. I can remind you that your video shaking technology does not have too many thresholds. If I want to do it, I can do it. Do you think you have a chance to compete with me? Ten million, thirty-five percent of the shares, there is no room for negotiation."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Wang Ziming's body shook slightly.

Ye Chen had just had a showdown, if the other party also made a video shake, he would have no possibility of competition.

"The reason why I will invest in you is because I have fancyed you as an individual. I think this video shaking project will be developed more smoothly if you develop it. I can assure you that although I own 35 percent of the shares , I will not intervene in the company’s development or personnel appointments. My brother is very busy and has to open didi, and the busy company has to collect rents. I really have no time."

After speaking, Ye Chen leaned on the chair, drinking tea leisurely, waiting for Wang Ziming's reply.

Wang Ziming stood on the stage, frowning.

Ye Chen's words can be said to be the point. Just as Ye Chen said, his own technology has no threshold, and others can also make it.

But regardless of the network resources, he and Ye Chen are too far apart.

It can even be said that he has no choice but to cooperate with Ye Chen!

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