Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:17 PM

Chapter 455: 455

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Ye Chen and Li Dong drank a bundle of beer.

Li Dong was already groggy, but Ye Chen didn't have much trouble.

"Ye Chen, thank you so much, I was very bored at first, but now I am in a much better mood."

"Haha, what did our brothers say about this, and I can guarantee that it won't be a bad thing that you didn't have Song Lifei."

"What do you mean?" Li Dong was taken aback.

Ye Chen just used the system to identify it, and Song Lifei's green tea is worth 99 points.

What does this show?

Song Lifei's private life is chaotic.

After drinking, Ye Chen checked out and sent Li Dong home.

The next day, Ye Chen just woke up and received a call from Li Dong, "Something happened to Ye Chen."

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen asked.

"My mother was working in the hospital and saw Song Lifei checked for syphilis and she was diagnosed."

"Oh." Ye Chen's mouth raised slightly.

This kind of thing was expected by Ye Chen, so there is nothing strange.

Ye Chen saw the circle of friends and saw that Zhang Qiang was still showing affection.

"Recently, eating too much meat is a bit angry, and there are a lot of bubbles on my body."

Ye Chen looked at the circle of friends and smiled faintly.

Where is this bubble caused by getting angry, it is basically the reason why it was also infected with that disease.

Ye Chen directly replied: "It's not just that getting angry will make bubbles, it seems that some kind of illness will also happen, and it is better for Manager Zhang to check it."

Seeing Ye Chen's reply, Zhang Qiang's heart tightened.

Soon Zhang Qiang replied to Ye Chen: "Ye Chen, what do you mean?"

Ye Chen replied: "I saw Song Lifei in the hospital. She seems to be checking for syphilis, so think about your symptoms if you have done something you shouldn't do."

Zhang Qiang called Song Lifei directly: "Song Lifei, Ye Chen said that I saw you undergoing a syphilis test in the hospital. What's the matter?"

Song Lifei did not speak.

Zhang Qiang's heart sank when there was no voice on the other side: "Song Lifei, you won't tell me the truth, Nima, speak."

Song Lifei said coldly: "It's true, I did detect syphilis."

" bitch, are you cheating me?"

Song Lifei snorted coldly: "What's wrong with you, this kind of thing you love me, you're cool."

"I..." Zhang Qiang was going crazy.

Zhang Qiang also wanted to curse a few words, but the other side had directly hung up the phone.

Only Zhang Qiang swears directly at his mother.

At this time, the WeChat group suddenly lit up.

I saw Ye Chen sent a message in the group: "I heard that our manager Zhang was poisoned, so he is also an old colleague. I will raise a crowd. One penny per person is also our care for Manager Zhang.

What made Zhang Qiang intolerable was that many people responded directly.

"Support, I wish Manager Zhang a speedy recovery."

"What kind of poison, please support it."


Li Dong sent a message to Ye Chen: "Ye Chen, you are too bad, haha ​​Zhang Qiang guesses you are mad."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Bullying my brother, Zhang Qiang is looking for death. By the way, there is still a good show."

Zhang Qiang gritted his teeth and wanted to go to the hospital.

As soon as the door was opened, two police officers stood in front of him.

"Zhang Qiang, you have been arrested on suspicion of embezzling public funds."

Zhang Qiang: "..."

Looking at the cold handcuffs, Zhang Qiang cried bitterly.

What's going on here, since I was with Song Lifei that bitch, bad luck has been following him.

The next day, Ye Chen received a call from Meng Wanting.

The phone connected, and Xiao Mei's voice came from inside: "Papa Ye, I am Xiao Mei, are you free tomorrow? Xiao Mei missed you."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I'm free, tomorrow I'll go find Xiaomei for fun."

Maybe because of fate, Ye Chen felt that Xiaomei was very cute, and Meng Wanting's people were also good.


At this time, Meng Wanting answered the phone.

"Mr. Ye is really embarrassed, Xiao Mei has been clamoring to call you."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It's okay, shall we go to the zoo?"

"Okay, it just so happens that Xiaomei wants to go."

Meng Wanting said embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry, I always trouble Mr. Ye."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It's nothing, I happen to be fine."

The next day, Ye Chen picked up Meng Wanting and Xiaomei in the car, and drove straight to the zoo.

Coming to the zoo, Xiaomei is like a happy little angel.

"Papa Ye Chen, look at that panda is so cute."

"Hey, why are those big tigers listless?"


Ye Chen and Meng Wanting accompanied Xiaomei to the zoo until noon.

At noon, the three people came to a restaurant near the park for dinner.

Just walked into the restaurant, Meng Wanting saw a slight change in the faces of several people at the table next to her.

The other party also saw Meng Wanting.

Meng Wanting hurriedly stood up: "Chen Hao, I brought my child to dinner, but I didn't expect to meet it here so coincidentally."

"Oh, hello, who is next to you?" Mr. Chen was surprised when he saw Ye Chen.

"It's my friend." Meng Wanting said.

Mr. Chen sucked in a cold breath and smiled, "Wanting, go with your friends and leave us alone."

Ye Chen and Meng Wanting had just finished ordering, they saw Mr. Chen bringing someone over.

Meng Wanting was stunned. With such a big face, President Chen actually came to toast in person?

But soon, Meng Wanting found that she was thinking too much.

It turned out that President Chen was not looking for himself but Ye Chen.

"Hello, Mr. Ye, I am Chen Changfa from Dafang Industrial and Wanting is my employee. I am glad to meet you."

Ye Chen froze for a moment, and realized that he didn't know each other.

Chen Changfa smiled awkwardly: "I saw Mr. Ye's demeanor at the entrepreneurial conference, and I gave you a business card."

Ye Chen actually didn't have any impression.

There were too many people handing him business cards that day, and Ye Chen threw those business cards directly into the trash can.

"Oh, hello." But Ye Chen still shook hands with the other party without losing his grace.

After drinking, Chen Chang fainted and said, "Wanting, our public relations department happens to have a vacancy for the minister. You can go through the formalities when you go to work."

Meng Wanting was stunned, she didn't expect Ye Chen's identity to be so powerful.

Mr. Chen was promoted directly to Ye Chen just because he was a friend of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded: "Then I will thank Mr. Chen for Wanting."

Chen Changfa was exasperated after hearing Ye Chen's words.

Chen Changfa naturally understood what level of Ye Chen was. He didn't expect that his luck would be so good. When he met Ye Chen, he directly became the minister.

Meng Wanting became more and more curious about Ye Chen's identity.

Who on earth is this guy and how could he have such a strong background? Even President Chen wants to flatter him.

After eating, Ye Chen wanted to settle the bill, but Chen Changfa was finished.

Ye Chen and Mr. Chen said hello to express their gratitude, and the three of them left the restaurant.

Xiao Meiyi still asked, "Papa Ye, where are we going to play this afternoon."

Meng Wanting said: "No afternoon, you have to practice painting."

"No, I want to play with Father Ye."

Ye Chen said, "Xiaomei, you have to listen to your mother obediently and practice drawing, and wait until your uncle has time to take you to the playground."

"Well, Retractable."

Ye Chen and Xiaomei finished hooking, and then sent the mother and daughter home.

Seeing Ye Chen driving away, Xiao Mei suddenly said to Meng Wanting: "Mom, when will you marry Dad Ye home?"

Meng Wanting's pretty face flushed after hearing Xiaomei's words.

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