Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:16 PM

Chapter 456: 456

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Ye Chen drove to the old house.

Originally, Ye Chen arranged for his parents to live in a villa, but their parents said that they were not used to living and said that living in an old house was more comfortable.

Ye Chen had no choice but to agree.

Ye Chen came home and saw his parents look sad.

"What's wrong with your parents?" Ye Chen asked suspiciously.

Father Ye said, "Hey, these relatives don't know where they are listening. You are rich so you have come to borrow money."

Ye Chen also understood the truth of the matter. It must be these distant relatives who heard that they had opened a school on TV, so they all came to borrow money.

The old man was originally thin-skinned, but it was also due to affection.

So I don't know how to refuse.

Ye Chen heard the reason and said: "It's okay, let them all come to me to deal with this matter."

"You can handle it well? No, I will take out the pension." Father gritted his teeth.

Ye Chen said silently, "Dad, they are borrowing money from me, not from you. Don't worry, I can handle it."

The next day, all the relatives who got the news came to Ye Chen's house.

Ye Chen sat at home, looking at the seven aunts and eight aunts with a smile.

These relatives were out of reach, and they didn't have any contact at ordinary times, but now they are all coming out.

"My nephew, I heard that you have made a fortune. You can't forget our poor relatives."

"That's right, we have such a wealthy relative as you, really blessed, big nephew, you can't leave us alone."

Ye Chen smiled faintly after hearing this: "Uncles and uncles, I actually don't have any money."

After hearing what Ye Chen said, these relatives were not happy.

"My nephew, who are you cheating? You have no money? We have heard that you drive a sports car."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "The sports car belongs to my girlfriend, but they are all relatives. If you really have difficulties, it is not impossible to borrow money."

These relatives all lit up.

"If there are difficulties, of course we have difficulties."

"Our kids don't have money to go to school."

"My mother is sick and needs money to see a doctor."

"My company needs capital turnover."


These relatives clamored and clamored, and each of them was worse than one said.

"Ye Chen, you used to come to our house for dinner when you were young."

"When you were a kid, I used to give you New Year's Eve money during the holidays."

"I bought all your new clothes for the New Year."


These relatives seemed to be prepared, and began to build relationships one by one, for fear that Ye Chen would not lend them money.

Ye Chen looked at these relatives and knew why his parents had a headache.

In fact, Ye Chen is worth hundreds of billions, and borrowing some money is nothing at all.

But the behavior of these relatives is too shameful.

I even used the words of forgetting my roots, forgetting poor relatives when I was rich, to stimulate my parents.

My parents are in a bad mood every day.

And most of what these relatives said was nonsense, obviously they wanted to blackmail their family a sum of money.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "If you have difficulties, I will definitely help if I can help, so let's wait in line. As long as there are really difficulties, I will borrow the money."

Hearing that Ye Chen really lent them money, these relatives were all excited.

After lining up, Ye Chen said, "It's okay to borrow money. Repay the debt. You can borrow money but you need to make an IOU."

Ye Chen is not stupid, will these people repay the borrowed money? I will definitely not change it.

Although Ye Chen is not short of money, he does not want to be disgusted by these people.

The money is earned by oneself, so why is it for them to give it to them in vain?

Most importantly, they also threatened their parents with such despicable means.

Hearing that Ye Chen was about to make an IOU, these relatives were unhappy.

"Xiaochen, what do you mean? I'm afraid we won't pay back the money."

"That's right, can all relatives get it?"

Ye Chen was tough.

It’s useless for you to say that it’s useless to pay your debts. You and my parents are relatives. I don’t know many of you. Since I borrowed money from me, I think it’s not bad to lend you money for my parents’ sake, no IOU, don't want to borrow a penny from me. "

Hearing what Ye Chen said, those relatives couldn't help it.

But these people have made small ideas again. What if there is an IOU? What can he do if he doesn't pay it back then?

Ye Chen nodded, sitting directly at the table and said: "Okay, come one by one."

At this time, a middle-aged man in patched clothes squeezed out: "My nephew, I will borrow money first."

Ye Chen glanced at it, this relative was indeed wearing a miserable clothes patch with patches on top of it.

But Ye Chen glanced at his resume and sneered.

This relative's family conditions are very good, and every year he travels abroad with his boss.

Are you short of money? Surely there is no shortage, but who doesn't want money for nothing.

Ye Chen said: "Okay, first tell me what reason you have to borrow money."

"My boss is seriously ill and has to see a doctor. He needs two hundred and no five hundred thousand." The middle-aged relative stretched out five fingers and looked at Ye Chen nervously.

Ye Chen nodded: "Oh, yes."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the middle-aged man was overjoyed.

Ye Chen directly called up this relative's situation, and then wrote on the paper: "Ye Mingyu, who owns a two-bedroom and one-living property in Pudong East Road Garden Community, used as a mortgage to borrow 500,000 from Ye Chen... and then write the date ."

The middle-aged man was stunned, he did not expect that Ye Chen knew his situation so well.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Sign and draw, and the money will be transferred to you immediately."

Ye Mingyu glanced at the IOU but snorted coldly in his heart. If I don't pay the money, you can really sell my house. Thinking of this, he readily signed the name.

Sure enough, Ye Chen transferred the money directly.

Seeing Ye Chen's boldness, other relatives also began to write IOUs.

There are many reasons for borrowing money, children go to school, children buy a house, and the elderly are sick.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen relatives directly borrowed more than five million yuan from Ye Chen.

They obviously all use Ye Chen as an ATM, and the amount they borrowed is getting bigger and bigger.

Even the relatives who borrowed money secretly regretted that they should borrow more money from Ye Chen.

Ye Chen only needs to borrow and write an IOU.

A dozen relatives are satisfied.

"Oh, Xiaochen is bold."

"Thanks to Xiaochen, but it solves our family's urgent need."


The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised slightly.

At this moment, there was the sound of brakes at the door, and then a bald head and a group of gangsters walked in.

When seeing this group of people, the expressions of the relatives changed.

This group of people depicts dragons and phoenixes, and some relatives even know this master.

It is the famous Leopard Brother of the Magic Capital.

Brother Leopard saw Ye Chen licking a dog.

"Brother Chen, what do you need to tell me to come over?"

Ye Chen handed a stack of loan notes to Brother Leopard.

"Oh, these are the IOUs for borrowing money from my relatives and me. There are repayment dates on them. You can ask for the account at that time. I have no other requirements. Interest is not required. The borrowed money is a lot of money. Want to come back."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the expressions of those relatives suddenly became ugly.

They know who Leopard brother is, but these people are specifically asking for accounts.

If you don't pay the money, splash paint, smash the door in the middle of the night, or even threaten you, you will be able to do anything.

The faces of the people who were still excited just now all suddenly became ugly.

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