Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:14 PM

Chapter 457: 457

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Brother Leopard listened to Ye Chen's words and laughed: "Brother Chen, don't worry if you leave this to me, and I will do it for you."

Of course, Brother Leopard knew Ye Chen's identity, how could he let go of such a good opportunity to lick Ye Chen.

As he said, Brother Leopard glanced at those relatives and said: "Some of you have heard the name of my Leopard, and some have not heard of it. I will ask people to pay for it when it is due. Don’t think about arbitrarily or run away. Your information I have both, I will let my little brother stare at you, dare not to pay the money, you think about the consequences."

The relatives looked very ugly when they saw this scene.

Some relatives are not happy anymore.

"Ye Chen, you did this too much."

"Is it too much? Don't worry, they are just staring at you in the dark. As long as you pay the money at the time, nothing will happen. Of course, if you don't pay the money, I can't say what means Leopard Brother will use."

These relatives were a little surprised when they saw that Ye Chen called Brother Leopard.

Especially looking at the ferocious expressions of Leopard's men, one by one shuddered.

Those who want to borrow money but not repay it, suddenly no longer have the thought of not repaying it.

These people can bully honest people like their parents, but when they really meet a wicked person, they will be counseled.

Ye Chen wanted this effect.

You can borrow money from me, but don't even think about peace if you don't repay it.

These people understand that this money is still not enough.

After all, Leopard brothers are all ruthless people, and they can use any means when they don't pay the money. It's too easy to clean them up.

The matter was resolved by Ye Chen, and the relatives also dispersed with anxiety.

Although I was upset, there was no way.

Ye Chen could call the devil city's **** at will, and who would dare to provoke them with this method.

Father Ye said with some worry: "Aren't we doing this too much?"

Ye Chen smiled and said: "What's going too far? You all know the personalities of these relatives. You borrowed money this time, and you will borrow it next time. Your old couple will never have peace. Isn't it good to solve the problem this time?"

Father Ye sighed.

Ye Chen was right. Relatives are far and near. If you really have difficulties, it's okay to help, but most of these relatives are here to take advantage.

And this kind of people don't have enough advantage, as long as you don't satisfy them, you will make sarcasm and make irresponsible remarks.

Ye Chen not only borrowed money this time, so that they could not say anything, but also had a deterrent effect on these relatives, and achieved two results with one stone.

The borrowing issue was resolved, and the old couple's mood became much better.

After Ye Chen left, he continued to run didi.

Recently, Ye Chen discovered that it was getting harder and harder to activate the praise star, and sometimes the beep of a day might not be able to make it alive.

At the entrance of a shopping mall, Ye Chen started a business.

It was a middle-aged woman who got in the car.

Ye Chen dazzled as soon as he got in the car.

This woman is full of jewels.

At first glance, he is a very rich person.

I glanced at the bracelet on the woman's wrist, which was about five or six million.

Damn it, it looks like I met a rich woman today.

After the middle-aged woman got in the car, she saw Ye Chen's eyes light up.

This boy is very handsome.

"Handsome guy, I am in love with you, be my driver." The middle-aged woman said domineeringly.

Ye Chen said, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

Rejected by Ye Chen, the woman snorted coldly.

In her eyes, things cannot be done without money.

She said coldly: "I will give you a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan a month."

"Not interested." Ye Chen said lightly.

A joke, I'm worth hundreds of billions of dollars, you want to hire me as a driver for one hundred thousand a month?

The rich woman said lightly: "This is 200,000, plus a BMW 530."

At this price, the temptation for ordinary didi drivers is really big enough.

The rich woman looked smug and waited for Ye Chen to agree.

However, Ye Chen still said: "Not interested."

"Fuck, this little brother is very spine."

"One million a month, plus a BMW 740."

The rich woman didn't believe it anymore.

What she has is money, and she doesn't believe in things that can't be done without spending money on her own.

Ye Chen stopped the car to the side of the road: "I'm not interested, please get off when you get to the ground."

The rich woman was angry.

There is no man she has been fond of for so many years.

Today, the car overturned in front of a little brother Didi.

"I'll pay you three million a month, plus a Maserati." The rich woman gritted her teeth.

Ye Chen really couldn't bear to see how the rich woman pretended to be forced.

You are so rich, you want to support me, are you worthy?

"Get off, get off, I will continue to run didi." Ye Chen said impatiently.

The rich woman completely turned over when she heard Ye Chen's words.

Not only refused to let her go.

Originally, the rich woman fell in love with Ye Chen, thinking that the other party would be easily taken by herself.

As for being a driver, it's just a part-time job, basically the little boy she raised.

After all, Ye Chen's looks are super handsome, and it's also worth taking him to a party with rich women.

But now, this little brother Didi not only rejected herself, but even scolded herself, how could she bear it anymore.

"Well, you dare to scold me, you are fine."

The rich woman pointed at Ye Chen angrily.

Ye Chen said coldly: "Get off my car quickly."

This woman can be said to be super green tea, and the green tea value has reached 100 points.

Such a woman does not know how many men have had a relationship with.

The rich woman pointed at Ye Chen: "Boy, do you dare to let me go? Just wait, I want you to know how badly it will end when you scold me."

Ye Chen smiled: "Okay, I'll wait, let me see what you can do to me."

The rich woman took out her mobile phone and said, "Big brother, someone bullied your sister and even scolded me."

An arrogant voice came from the phone: "Fuck, who is so bold and dare to bully my sister."

"A little brother Didi, he is so fierce, let me go."

"Sister, don't be afraid, my old brother will lead people over immediately, a little brother Didi dare to bully my old sister in search of death."

Hanging up the phone, the rich woman pointed at Ye Chen arrogantly: "Boy, there is a kind of you don't go, tell you you are dead."

Ye Chen said lightly: "Okay, I want to see, what are your skills to make me die."

After a while, a Rolls Royce and a van stopped in front of Ye Chen's car.

I saw a middle-aged man get out of the car, and more than 20 people rushed out of the van.

The rich woman looked excited when she saw this: "Boy, have you seen it? My man is here, you are dead."

The middle-aged man said the wrong thing to a bald head beside him: "Brother Leopard, this didi brother dare to scold my sister and beat me to death. I will ask my brothers to go to the nightclub and play hard."

"Don't worry, this has been done for you."

Abao waved his hand: "Come on, pull out that didi little brother and beat him hard."

At this time, the window of the Jili car fell, and Abao's face changed abruptly when he saw the people in the car.

"Do you stop it for me."

The rich woman and the middle-aged man were stunned.

I saw Brother Leopard approaching Ye Chen's car in a pleased look: "Mr. Ye turns out to be you, did that stinky woman offend you? Don't worry, leave it to me."

Rich woman: "..."

Middle-aged man: "..."

A Bao turned around, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Dare to offend Mr. Ye and beat me to death."

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