Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:12 PM

Chapter 459: 459

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Ye Chen was dizzy and didn't know how long he slept, and suddenly he felt a violent impact.

When he woke up, he found that the windshield of the car was broken and the airbag bounced on his face.

With such a bump, Ye Chen suddenly lost his sleepiness.

"Fuck, how come the collision is so violent."

Ye Chen was speechless too, and saw that both airbags of the Lyken car bounced out, showing how powerful the impact this time was.

The beauty on the side of the driver was also patted by the airbag.

Her pretty face was pale, with panic on her face.

This time I was dead if I crashed into such an expensive car.

The beauty of the driver looked at Ye Chen with a look of anxiety.

She saw Ye Chen who was awake and wanted to say something, but she didn't say it.


Ye Chen looked out the window of the car. It turned out that the car hit the guardrail, violently rubbing, and then there was the impact just now.

Ye Chen had been sleeping just now, so he had no idea how this beauty hit the car directly on the guardrail.

"I'm sorry, I...I just hid the cart, so..."

The girl was aggrieved and almost crying.

Ye Chen didn't blame the girl when he saw this scene.

Obviously, the girl was terrified of crashing such an expensive sports car.

She can't afford to sell such an expensive car.

"Okay, it's okay, I won't let you pay." Ye Chen said lightly, looking at the shivering girl.

The reason why this beauty was afraid was definitely because she was worried about Ye Chen's claim.

At first, the family situation is not good. If there is a huge indemnity, she really can't afford it.

After Ye Chen got out of the car, he looked at the crash, and it wasn't too serious.

But after all, the luxury car accessories like Lycan are very expensive, and all repairs cost about 5 million.

Ye Chen saw that the girl's family conditions should not be very good, otherwise, who would let such a beautiful girl come out as a driver.

"Mr. I'm really sorry, I must try my best to compensate you."

Ye Chen couldn't help but smile when he looked at the girl in horror.

"How do you plan to pay?" Ye Chen asked jokingly.

Seeing Ye Chen's expression, the girl trembled slightly.

Ye Chen stared at the girl for a moment, and soon he knew what had just happened through the system.

"Well, I know what happened. It has nothing to do with you. Don't worry, I won't let you pay."

The girl was a little confused after hearing Ye Chen's words.

Ye Chen had been sleeping just now, how could he know?

Ye Chen took out his cell phone, called the repair shop, and asked them to come and drag the car away for repairs.

Then Ye Chen dialed another call.

This call is for Yan Chuang.

"Yan Chuang, you help me find someone named Jiang Feng."

Yan Chuang was stunned when he heard the name.

"Jiang Feng, did he offend you?"

Ye Chen said: "Well, he has to give me his detailed information and personal connections, and you send a car over to take me home. I was in a car accident."

"Okay, Shao Ye, you are waiting for me to pass now."

Today, Ye Chen was eating in the suburbs, so he had to take a fast road.

Now the car is broken down on the road, and I can’t even get a ride.

The culprit in this car accident was not the girl.

In other words, the beauty of driving on behalf of the people is at best, and the real culprit is Jiang Feng.

It turned out that Jiang Feng happened to see the beautiful woman driving Lycan while driving.

With long fluttering hair, a devil's face, and driving a luxury car, the girl immediately attracted Jiang Feng.

So he began to transfer to beauties to drive.

He simply ignored Ye Chen who was asleep next to him.

The beauty driver is still very dedicated, and ignores the other party's teasing at all.

Even the beauty driver deliberately slowed down.

But the other party was really reluctant and kept following her, even deliberately driving away from her car.

Although the beauty of the driver was very careful, Jiang Feng suddenly made an unconventional dangerous move.

The beauty was caught off guard and had to step on the brakes. At this time, a big car drove over. The beauty tried her best to avoid the big car and hit the guardrail on the side.

It can be said that the beauty driver has tried her best to do her best.

Seeing that there was a car accident, Jiang Feng ran away.

This is the whole process of this car accident.

Therefore, the beauty was so wronged in a car accident.

If it hadn't been for the rich and the young, the car accident would have never happened.

Looking at the girl with red eyes on the side, Ye Chen comforted: "Don't worry, I know you are not to blame."

Before Yan Chuang's car and the people from the garage had come, Ye Chen chatted with this beauty.

It turned out that this little beauty was called Li Yangyang, a student of Magic University.

She works on behalf of the driver because her father is sick, and all the family money is used to see the doctor, and she has to pay for the tuition, so she works at KFC during the day and works as a substitute driver to subsidize the family at night.

Moreover, the tuition fee was about to be paid, and the tuition fee was not collected yet, and this kind of thing happened as a result.

If Ye Chen made her lose money, she would definitely not be able to attend this university.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "You are so beautiful, can you find a rich second generation to get everything done?"

In Magic University, many of them are rich second-generation students who rely on money to enter the school.

Ye Chen can be sure that the beauty of this beauty must have been targeted by those guys a long time ago.

After all, Li Yangyang is also a beautiful girl at school level, and he will definitely not be less rich in the second generation pursued at school.

Working part-time during the day, working as a driver at night, and taking care of schoolwork is really hard for a girl in her early twenties.

Isn't it fragrant to have a big boyfriend so hard?

"Ah You……"

Li Yangyang looked at Ye Chen with alert in his eyes.

Ye Chen understood that this little beauty must have misunderstood her meaning and thought he was going to soak her.

Originally, the two people were very close. As soon as Ye Chen's words were spoken, the girl immediately avoided Ye Chen by a meter with vigilance.

Seeing the girl's vigilance, Ye Chen was speechless, and quickly said, "Beauty, don't be so vigilant, okay, I already have a girlfriend."

"Hmph, you think I don't know, you rich boys are very caring, how can you only have a girlfriend."

Ye Chen felt a little guilty, and the girl was right. He admitted that he had more than one girlfriend.

"Me, it's different from those boys." Ye Chen defended.

"Don't look at me driving a luxury car and wearing a famous brand, but I am not what you think."

The girl suddenly understood something: "You are a little white face, and have you been raised by a rich woman?"

Suddenly, the disgust in the girl's eyes turned into sympathy.

Ye Chen: "..."

The girl sighed: "Hey, it seems that you are also miserable. I heard that the boy who was taken care of by the rich woman was very miserable. There is one in our class. Watching driving a luxury car and wearing a famous brand, I heard that the rich woman often takes a whip Quit him."

Ye Chen: "..."

This beauty is too rich in imagination, when did he say that he was taken up by a rich woman.

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