Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:08 PM

Chapter 463: 463

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The girl smiled and said, "Is this you talking to me?"

Ye Chen shook his head: "Of course not, I'm soliciting customers."

The girl was stunned for a moment: "Soliciting?"

Ye Chen said, "Of course, I'm a didi driver, so it's a soliciting."

"Didi driver? Didn't you just talk about traveling?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Is there an inevitable connection between tourism and running didi?"

"Okay." The girl nodded.

Ye Chen helped the girl out of the airport with a salute.

Seeing the car parked in the parking lot, the girl was stunned.

Originally thought Ye Chen was joking, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Using the didi software to take a ride, Ye Chen grabbed the order directly.

The girl was completely speechless.

After getting in the car, the girl smiled and said, "My name is Li Sitong and I am a student at the Kyoto Conservatory of Music."

Ye Chen said: "My name is Ye Chen, a little brother Didi."

Li Sitong said speechlessly: "Your body is all famous brands, but it's the first time that I have seen such a well-dressed little brother Didi."

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "Is that right? Brother Didi also likes a quality life."

Li Sitong smiled and said, "But this is the first time I have seen such a handsome Didi.

Ye Chen drove the car, half an hour later, came to the Kyoto Conservatory of Music.

Li Sitong smiled faintly: "Brother Didi, you can contact me after adding a WeChat."

Ye Chen nodded and said: "No problem."

The two added WeChat to each other, and Li Sitong gave Ye Chen a five-star praise.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting five-star praise, activating the first lucky star, and getting system rewards for five-star hotels around the island."

I rubbed, I just prepared to move in and became the chairman of Huandao Hotel.

Ye Chen drove straight to the hotel around the island.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Ye Chen noticed a hustle and bustle in front of him.

An RV was blocked at the door.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen asked when he got out of the car.

A security guard said, "Hey, it's not that an internet celebrity stayed at the hotel, and as a result, many fans came and blocked the road."

Ye Chen frowned: "Then how do other guests stay in this way?"

The security guard said helplessly: "We have no choice. Now the Internet celebrities are very powerful. There was an Internet celebrity who stayed in the hotel in the previous paragraph. Because the fans were watching and the security guard spoke a little louder, he was scolded by the Internet celebrities and finally expelled. So we too I dare not care."

Ye Chen also watched this video online.

It is said that the internet celebrity is distressed by fans, and was supported by fans at that time.

But it’s okay if you are an internet celebrity, and it’s okay for you to interact with fans, but don’t get stuck on the road.

Ye Chen squeezed into the crowd and said, "My buddy, your fans have blocked the road, and many guests are going to check in."

The Internet celebrity frowned: "Fans are blocking the road, what can I do, I can't blow them away."

While talking, the internet celebrity waved his hands to greet the fans.

I rub, you block the road to interact with fans, other people have to wait for you?

Who is used to this problem?

Ye Chen went back to the car and dialed the phone directly.

"It's Chen Sheng, the general manager of Huandao Hotel."

"you are?"

"I am Ye Chen, the new chairman of Huandao Hotel."

"Ye Dong is you."

"Your hotel is well managed. The door is blocked, and a group of security guards don't maintain it, so customers are blocked like this."

The manager quickly wiped his sweat.

"Chairman, I am also very embarrassed. As you know what happened some time ago, these Internet celebrities have too many fans. If our hotel is going to offend them, the bad reviews and the fans make trouble, we really won't pay for it."

Ye Chen said coldly: "I will be responsible for everything, and let the security guard get the fans away."

At this time, the internet celebrity was still standing next to the RV and waving to his fans.

He enjoys this feeling.

But at this time, a large group of security rushed out of the hotel.

"Everyone is scattered, and there are still customers who want to move in."

The security began to disperse the fans.

At this time, the Internet celebrity was not happy. He pointed to the security guard and said angrily: "You all stop me, who made you move my fans."

The fans looked excited.

"Yeah, they pushed me just now."

General Manager Chen Sheng walked over and said, "This gentleman, you see that the passengers behind you can't check in at all, so we can arrange a venue for you to interact with fans in the hotel lobby.

Mr. Chen's arrangements are already very good, but the Internet celebrities are not forgiving.

"Your security just pushed my fan, this matter can't be forgotten, immediately ask the security to apologize and fire the security."

The security guard was a young man who had just entered the city to work from the village, and finally found a job.

Hearing that the other party was about to fire himself, the young man said aggrieved: "I just touched it lightly and didn't push it."

"You can't touch it. Did you touch my fan?"

Hearing the words of the internet celebrities, the fans were moved to tears.

"Wow, I love my fans, I feel so warm."

"We are right after you, I love you to death."

Ye Chen had been watching coldly by the side.

The internet celebrity said aggressively: "If you don't apologize today, this matter will not be over."

At this time Ye Chen walked out.

"I am the chairman of the hotel, so tell me something."

The internet celebrity pointed to the security guard and said, "Your security guard pushes and beats my fans. I must give me an explanation for this matter."

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Push and beat your fans? Is there any injury? If there is an injury, I will call an ambulance to check the injury immediately."

"This..." The internet celebrity was a little confused.

Ye Chen continued: "You see, this hotel is not just a customer of you. The customers behind are waiting to check in. The hotel has already arranged a place for you to interact with fans. Since it is an Internet celebrity public figure, it’s okay to be generous? ?"

Ye Chen's words are reasonable, but the Internet celebrities are not happy anymore.

What does this mean, saying that I am not generous, saying that I did something wrong?

No, so many people are watching, this matter must be in the end.

The internet celebrity said: "No, it's not over if you don't give me an explanation today."

Ye Chen nodded: "You want an explanation, don't you?"

"Yes, I have to ask for an explanation for my fans."

Ye Chen nodded and said, "No problem."

He took out his cell phone and called the general manager of

"Ruby is the anchor of our Block his account."

"Boss, Ruby is a popular anchor with tens of millions of traffic."

"I said it was sealed." Ye Chen said coldly.

On the side, Ruby almost didn't laugh when he heard Ye Chen call and asked Maoya to seal him up.

"Who do you think you are, I have millions of fans, dare to block me?"

But at this moment, suddenly his live broadcast signal was cut off.

Then a message popped up: "Your account has been blocked because it violates's regulations."

"Fuck, what's the situation?" Ruby panicked.

Although he has tens of millions of anchors, first of all he has to have a platform.

How does he interact with fans without a platform.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Well, this is my explanation to you."

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