Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:07 PM

Chapter 464: 464

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The internet celebrity was suddenly stupid.

He called the customer service: "Why are my ID blocked?"

As a result, the customer service answered: "The order directly issued by the headquarters."

"I want to complain to you."

The internet celebrities were not in the mood to build up momentum, and left in a panic.

Calm was restored at the entrance of the hotel.

You are awesome, and you will always meet someone more awesome than you.

Internet celebrities are created by websites. If you want to praise you, you are an Internet celebrity. If you don't want to praise you, you are nothing.

Ye Chen arrived at the Huandao Hotel and directly checked into the presidential suite.

This suite can directly overlook this Kyoto.

I have to say that the night view of Kyoto is very beautiful.

After dinner, Ye Chen sent a WeChat message to Tong Xiaoya.

"I'm in Kyoto, when will you take me to eat, drink and have fun?"

The signing of the contract will not take place until tomorrow, so Ye Chen still has time to play.

Tong Xiaoya responded: "I will finish filming immediately, and then I will go to the hotel to find you."


An hour later, an RV parked in front of the hotel.

Ye Chen got on the RV, and then the RV disappeared into the night.

In the car, Ye Chen smiled and said, "Sister Xiaoya, you are getting more and more beautiful!"

Tong Xiaoya gave Ye Chen a white glance: "Glib, why don't you make a movie anymore?"

Ye Chen shook his head: "Hey, acting in a movie is too troublesome. You look at you and go out like a thief."

Tong Xiaoya nodded: "Yes, it is very troublesome to be a public figure, and someone will pay attention to you all the time."

The car drove very slowly.

The night in the imperial capital is really blocked.

"Hey, it would be fine if you were in the magic city. It would be more comfortable to fly the helicopter directly." Ye Chen sighed.

"Helicopters, you think helicopters are so easy to buy." Tong Xiaoya gave Ye Chen a white glance.

Ye Chen laughed dryly: "What's wrong with the helicopter, come to the magic city, my brother will drive you on the helicopter."

After more than an hour, the car turned into a small alley.

The car stopped on the side of the road, Tong Xiaoya put on her sunglasses, mask, and a big hat. After the armed forces were over, she called Ye Chen to get off the car.

"this is?"

Ye Chen saw an alley not far away, but he didn't even have a signboard.

But Ye Chen understood that the heritage of the old imperial capital, the more such a deep house shop, the more delicious it tasted.

Tong Xiaoya said: "Don't look at this store in a deep alley, but the stir-fried belly is famous in Kyoto, and many people come here. I am more familiar with the boss, and I added a cork, otherwise you want to eat one. It's scheduled a month ago."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Sister Xiaoya is really nice."

Tong Xiaoya took Ye Chen into the shop.

Although Tong Xiaoya covered her tightly, but the boss seemed to be very familiar with Xiaoya.

A gray-haired old man smiled and asked, "Xiaoya, I brought friends here today."

Tong Xiaoya nodded: "Well, Lao Zhang, today my friend can come from afar, he is still the third child, stir-fried belly, eight bowls, and fried sausages."


After all, Tong Xiaoya is also a celebrity, hot in the Chinese film circle.

After a while, the boss brought some appetizers, including fried peanuts and mixed edamame.

Tong Xiaoya smiled and said: "You taste it, it tastes delicious, I will come over to relieve my greed every once in a while."

Ye Chen tasted it and it tasted really good.

Because Tong Xiaoya is a celebrity after all, the two are in the private room.

After a while, the boss served the food.

Tong Xiaoya excitedly said: "How do you taste it? Lao Zhangtou is in old Beijing, and his craftsmanship is absolutely nothing to say."

Ye Chen tasted it, and the taste was really unique. This kind of traditional dish is something those Michelin three-star chefs can't make.

The two talked while eating.

Suddenly, the door of the box was pushed open, and then a red-faced man who was drinking came in.

After entering the door, I saw Ye Chen and Tong Xiaoya stunned for a while.

"Sorry, I went wrong."

But soon, the other party stared at Tong Xiaoya and became excited.

"Fuck, Tong Xiaoya."

After seeing Tong Xiaoya, the big man actually yelled at the outside.

"Everyone, come and see, Tong Xiaoya."

Tong Xiaoya's face changed slightly.

After all, she is a public figure, eating with a strange man, if this news broke out, it would definitely cause an outrageous wave.

Ye Chen frowned and stood up, closed the door, and pushed the man out.

"Sorry, we are eating, please don't bother us."

"Nima, what's the matter? Isn't the celebrity just for people to watch? Quite let me go." The man wanted to push Ye Chen by Jiujin.

Ye Chen stepped back deliberately, and then said to the people around: "Everyone has seen it. It was his first hand. I am self-defense."

When the voice fell, Ye Chen directly hit the big man with a punch in the face.

The other party didn't respond at all, and was staggered by Ye Chen.

"Fuck, you dare to beat me Hu, Lao Tzu fights with you."

The big man got a punch and was angry, stood up and rushed towards Ye Chen carrying the wine bottle.

Ye Chen snorted coldly and kicked the opponent directly.

The big man was kicked by Ye Chen and flew out, fell heavily to the ground and fainted.

Tong Xiaoya was anxious in the room.

After all, this is the imperial capital. If Ye Chen hit someone, he would be arrested.

At this time, a lot of people were already surrounded by the door.

Because the two sides fought, everyone's focus was not on Tong Xiaoya, but on Ye Chen's beating.

When Ye Chen saw that the other party was dizzy, he dialed the phone.

"Is the police station? There is a wanted criminal here. I have helped you subdue him. Bring someone over and take him away."

The wanted?

Hearing what Ye Chen said, everyone around was stunned.

Ye Chen glanced around and asked, "Who is this wanted criminal's accomplice?"

The few people who had just eaten with the big man shrank their necks and all slipped away.

This big man was wanted for blackmail some time ago, so he ran away and came to Kyoto.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong just after it came.

Tong Xiaoya looked at the situation outside through the window.

What puzzled her was how Ye Chen knew that the other party was a wanted criminal.

In fact, the reason why Ye Chen dared to act so ruthlessly just now was because he saw the other party's resume.

Since it's a wanted criminal, it's easy to say, it doesn't matter if you hit it.

The police arrived soon.

What everyone didn't expect was that after the police checked, this kid turned out to be a wanted criminal.

Ye Chen simply took notes before returning to the box.

Tong Xiaoya asked suspiciously: "How do you know that he is a wanted criminal?"

"His face is the face of the wanted criminal, intuition." Ye Chen pretended to be mysterious.

"Cut, I didn't expect you to be able to fight." Tong Xiaoya said.

"Haha, then you can ask me to be your personal bodyguard." Ye Chen said.

"Cut, you and I can't afford it."

Tong Xiaoya still knows a little bit about Ye Chen's identity.

After eating, Tong Xiaoya took Ye Chen to Houhai for a stroll, and then returned to the hotel.

Coming downstairs in the hotel, Tong Xiaoya jokingly said: "Would you not invite me upstairs for a cup of tea?"

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