Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:04 PM

Chapter 465: 465

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Ye Chen smiled and said, "I ask you, do you dare?"

Tong Liya gave Ye Chen a white look.

She understands that Ye Chen is good for her.

After all, paparazzi are everywhere now, if Tong Liya really went upstairs with Ye Chen, there might be news coming out tomorrow.

Ye Chen returned to the hotel and was just about to take a bath and sleep, when suddenly his cell phone rang.

"help me."

Then came a WeChat positioning.

Ye Chen glanced at it, and it was sent by Li Sitong.

I sent a WeChat message so late and asked myself to save her. Is there any danger?

Ye Chen replied with a WeChat: "What's wrong?"

But the other party never responded.

Ye Chen understood that something might have really happened.

Although he and Li Sitong had just met, Ye Chen still had a good impression of this girl.

Ye Chen went downstairs and drove the car to open the positioning.

The location of the positioning is Sanlitun.

It is one of the most chaotic places in Kyoto, and there are so many bars.

Ye Chen drove straight to the coordinate location.

It was already past eleven by this time.

Li Sitong and Zhao Shanshan were chased by a group of people.

The two beauties ran panting.

The big guys behind him were chasing after him.

"You two stop me."

"Smelly bitch, don't let us catch you?"

"You dare to beat our boss and look for death."

"Grab them, let them know how good our buddies are today."

A group of men depicting dragons and phoenixes are chasing after them, and they are getting closer and closer.

Li Sitong regretted that he shouldn't come to the bar with his sisters today.

Originally, Li Sitong didn't want to come, but the sisters had to take her to play.

Zhao Shanshan said as he ran: "Sitong, you said you were not good at hitting someone, but you hit their boss, this time we are miserable."

"I can't say, you want to come, you still say me."

It turned out that Zhao Shanshan brought Li Sitong to the nightclub, but she met these little hooligans.

This group of gangsters fell in love with Li Sitong, so they moved on.

Li Sitong was originally a serious girl and couldn't stand the harassment of the other party, so he slapped the other party directly and stabbed the hornet's nest.

In the bar, these gangsters dared not do anything. The two of them just got out of the bar, and these people actually blocked two of them outside.

The two beauties had no choice but to run away. At the moment of running, Li Sitong sent Ye Chen a WeChat message for help.

"I will never come to this kind of ghost place again." Li Sitong said as he ran.

"I'm not here either, but I'm dead if I was caught by them today."

Behind them, those **** are getting closer and closer to the two people.

Even they are less than ten meters away from the two girls.

At this moment, with a rush of brakes, a Volkswagen stopped at the entrance of the alley.


Ye Chen opened the car door and said to the two beautiful women.

Li Sitong was ecstatic.

She just sent a WeChat message casually in a panic, but she didn't expect Ye Chen to actually arrive.

Ye Chen said to the two beauties: "Get in the car."

The two got into the car in a panic.

After closing the car door, the **** have already caught up.

As soon as Ye Chen stepped on the accelerator, the car whistled away.

Hunzi gritted his teeth angrily: "Nima, want to run, today I have to catch these two **** anyway."

These **** were all racing gangs, and they got into the cars on the side of the road, chasing Ye Chen crazily behind them.

It is almost early morning, so there are very few cars on the road.

The two sides started racing wildly.

Seven or eight modified cars behind, whizzed and followed Ye Chen's car.

They are usually a group of drag racing parties, so the cars are all modified.

There is no suspense after chasing a broken Volkswagen.

Seeing the modified car getting closer and closer, Li Sitong and Zhao Shanshan's hearts were raised again.

"It's over, I can't run now."

Li Sitong gritted his teeth and said: "Ye Chen, we can't run away, you put us in front, don't hurt you."

Ye Chen stunned for a while and smiled: "You girl is quite righteous, don't worry, they can't catch up with you if I am here."

For Li Sitong, Ye Chen had a better impression of him, so he was even more unlikely to let Li Sitong go and run by himself.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "You guys sit firmly."

When the voice fell, Ye Chen stepped on the accelerator directly.

Almost at the same time, the two cars had already arrived on both sides of Ye Chen's car and wanted to stop Ye Chen's car.

The two beauties paled with fright.

They never dreamed that they would have caused such a catastrophe.

Ye Chen looked at the seven or eight sports cars that had caught up, and the corners of his mouth raised.

Lao Tzu has superb car skills, and you are far behind me.

Bang bang!

The two cars crashed into the rear of Ye Chen almost at the same time.

After an ordinary car crashed, the rear of the car must have been crashed.

But what the **** didn't expect was that Ye Chen's car had nothing to do.

Ye Chen slammed the steering wheel and rammed into a car next to him.

What made those **** unbelievable was that Ye Chen's collision turned the other side's car directly over.

Nima, this Volkswagen is too strong.

What made everyone even more stunned was that the door of the Land Rover that was knocked over by Ye Chen sank deeply, but Ye Chen's car had nothing to do.

Nima, is this the public? It's just a tank.

Then several more cars were knocked over by Ye Chen's car.

At this time, both beauties were staring at them.

They can intuitively feel that there is nothing wrong with these cars crashing into Ye Chen's car.

But those cars are miserable. As long as they are hit by Ye Chen's car, the body will be sunken, and the heavy one will crash.

Those **** are miserable.

They have never seen such a powerful Volkswagen.

The car Ye Chen drove was specially modified.

On the surface it is a Volkswagen, but in fact the windows are bullet-proof glass, and the body is also made of superalloy metal.

This is equivalent to a small tank.

Those cars play bumper cars with Ye Chen's cars, aren't they looking for death?

After ten minutes, Ye Chen had already thrown away all the gangsters behind him.

Li Sitong said gratefully: "Thanks to you, if it weren't for you, I might be miserable this time."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "How dangerous it is for you two girls to come out so late."

Li Sitong's face flushed red: "I know I was wrong, and I will never dare to come out so late again."

Zhao Shanshan looked at Ye Chen with a peach blossom in her eyes: "Who is this handsome Sitong, please introduce me quickly."

Li Sitong blushed: "I came back from the airport by taking his car. We just met."

"Really? Brother, are you really driving Didi? You are the most handsome and coolest brother I have ever seen."

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly; "Thank you for the compliment, where are you going?"

Li Sitong said: "The school is closed and I will definitely not be able to go back. By the way, I know that a food stall is good. Let me ask you to eat supper. Thank you for helping us."

Ye Chen happened to be a little hungry, so he nodded: "All right."

Driving the car, Ye Chen went directly to the food stall that Li Sitong said.

Just as the three of them entered, Li Sitong and Zhao Shanshan's expressions changed.

Yuanjia Luzhai, it turned out that the gangsters who had just chased them were also here.

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