Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:02 PM

Chapter 467: 467

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Ye Chen is rich now, the richer he is, the more he will cherish his life.

With the protection of the police and Lu Yong, coupled with his own strength, this is foolproof.

Although the danger warning prompted a killer, the killer never appeared.

Lu Yong is specifically responsible for protecting big-time figures, and his strength has reached the level of a soldier king.

So he feels at ease in Ye Chen.

Everything is ready now, just waiting for the killer to snare himself.

Ye Chen continued to drive didi as usual, while Lu Yong and the police had been following Ye Chen.

After all, Ye Chen's identity is very special, not only a business elite, but also a person who has been cared for.

So Ye Chen's safety is very important.

After Lu Yong arrived, he said, "Mr. Ye, please rest assured, no one can hurt you with me by your side."

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, I feel relieved when you are here. By the way, the killer this time should be a murderer, named Black Spider."

Hearing this name, Lu Yong also felt a little bitter in his heart.

"It turned out to be him. I have dealt with him before."

Hearing the name of the killer, Lu Yong's eyes were full of warfare.

The last time they met this guy on a mission, a brother was killed by the other side.

This time, when he encountered it again, Lu Yong made up his mind to catch this black spider.

"This killer international reward should be five million. If you catch it, the money is yours." Ye Chen smiled.

Lu Yong said: "Money is secondary and the main thing is to protect Mr. Ye's safety."

Ye Chen patted Lu Yong on the shoulder and said, "Don't be too nervous, everything is in my plan."

With a crisis warning, if the killer comes, he can clearly feel it.

Therefore, Ye Chen is just waiting for the killer to take action.

Ye Chen ran **** all morning, was hungry at noon, and wanted to eat some food.

After eating, Ye Chen felt urgency, and then walked to the toilet.

At this time, Ye Chen's crisis warning issued an alarm.

Now the alarm level has reached the red level.

Represents very dangerous, the killer should be nearby.

Ye Chen smiled faintly and sent a WeChat message to Lu Yong and Zhou Susu, and then he walked into the toilet humming a small song.

In fact, Black Spider has been following Ye Chen all the time. If this business succeeds, he can get a reward of 30 million yuan.

With this money, he can give himself a big holiday and get away with it.

From the moment Ye Chen got off the plane, he had been looking for opportunities. Seeing Ye Chen went to the bathroom, Black Spider's eyes narrowed, the opportunity he was looking for finally came.

The black spider has been hiding in the crowd very carefully.

And his camouflage skills are so good, no one even found him to be a killer.

But when he approached Ye Chen, because of the system's reminder, Ye Chen recognized the identity of the other party.

The fish finally took the bait.

As a gangster guard, Lu Yong naturally has a natural instinct for such a killer.

He also noticed the black spider.

Ye Chen entered the toilet, Black Pearl followed closely, Lu Yong followed last, and the police had already surrounded the perimeter.

This is a big shopping mall in the magic city. There are a lot of people. Black Spider has already thought about it. It turned out to be Ye Chen in the toilet, and then quickly evacuated from the side door of the mall.

The black spider entered the toilet, his eyes locked on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was focusing on releasing the water, and it seemed that he hadn't seen the black spider.

A cold killing intent flashed in the black spider's eyes.

This is a golden opportunity for him.

A sharp blade was drawn from his cuffs, and as long as he swiped it gently on Ye Chen's neck, Ye Chen would be dead.

He didn't know how many people he killed with this technique.

The black spider's movements were very light, and he slowly approached Ye Chen.

But at this moment, Ye Chen suddenly turned around.

Then the jet of water sprayed his face directly.

The black spider was about to attack Ye Chen, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to do such a trick.

He was already short, and this time he just sprayed all over his face.

A faint smile appeared on Ye Chen's face: "Uncle, is the soft drink good?"

The Black Spider never dreamed that he was discovered, and he was insulted by the kid, he didn't hide it anymore, he held the blade in his hand and rushed towards Ye Chen.

But at this moment, Lu Yong was caught by the collar of his neck and rushed to him. He tripped and knocked the black spider down, and then he pressed his head into the urinal.

Then, the police outside swarmed.

Black Spider never dreamed that he himself thought he was hiding very secretly, but Ye Chen had already laid a net of heaven and earth.

The police handcuffed the black spider, and Zhou Susu also rushed in at this time.

But seeing Ye Chenqiao blushed, she turned around quickly.


Ye Chen was speechless: "Eldest sister, this is the men's toilet, okay, who of us is a gangster."

Lu Yong handed the black spider to the police and let out a sigh of relief.

Ye Chen is kind to him, so protecting Ye Chen is the most important thing for him.

The black spider killed countless people. He originally thought it would be easy to kill Ye Chen, but he never dreamed that Ye Chen would do such a trick.

She was so embarrassed.

Otherwise, with her skill, it would be impossible to be caught so easily.

Zhou Susu took the black spider away. As for who was behind the scenes, Ye Chen knew everything about the black spider's resume.

Behind the scenes is the Cao family.

Although the Cao family was destroyed last time, the Cao family still had business abroad. The third son, Cao Ming, hired a killer this time to avenge the Cao family.

Ye Chen's eyes were slightly cold, it seems that sometimes it is really troublesome to cut the grass without removing the roots.

When he returned home, Ye Chen used the hacker system to make a folder of evidence of Cao Ming's crime abroad and sent it to the police of Country M.

Cao Ming was engaged in black business in country M, abducting people and selling human organs. It can be said that he did nothing wrong.

But he can still hide his identity, and he is still a gentleman from outsiders.

When the police of Country M got Ye Chen's evidence, they immediately surrounded Cao Ming's residence and factory.

The police of country M have been paying attention to the missing persons case, but they have no clues. According to the clues provided by Ye Chen, the black empire established by Cao Ming in country M has been completely wiped out.

Cao Ming was also caught by the police.

Although there is no death penalty in Country M, Cao Ming will never want to get out of prison in this life.

When Ye Chen returned home, Lin Wanrou ran out anxiously.

"Ye Chen, I heard that there is a killer who wants to kill you."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "It's solved, people from the Cao family."

Lin Wanrou let out a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, there is nothing wrong. Ye Chen, your security must be upgraded by another level. I will speak to the person on Long Shield."

Ye Chen shook his head: "Don't be so troublesome, just have Lu Yong alone."

He didn't like the feeling of yelling and hugging him. He drove didi, followed by a group of security personnel, and the passengers were probably scared away.

Ye Chen jokingly said to Lin Wanju: "But there is one more thing. I was so frightened today, how can you comfort me?"

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