Published at 27th of April 2021 12:50:46 PM

Chapter 47: 47

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Ye Chen brushed two treasure maps, and Annie's blood bar instantly dropped by half.

Su Xiaoya saw Ye Chen boldly smashing two treasure maps for herself, knowing that Big Brother Jianliu would still support herself.

"Brother Jianliu, too strong, thank you, thank you so much."

"Fuck, it's too awesome to clear the way directly with two treasure maps."

"Xiaoya, you finally turned over, this big brother is so bullish."

Su Xiaoya burst into tears, her little anchor finally waited for her eldest brother.

Brother Hao Heng did not show any weakness, he directly brushed three treasure maps, allowing Annie to gain the lead again.

The eyes of Brother Hao Heng on the opposite side were red.

In any case, he did not expect that an unknown little anchor would have such a powerful big brother to support him.

Annie was also very nervous, because she couldn't afford to lose in this round.

But in the next second, Ye Chen dropped four more treasure maps without hesitation.

The whole live broadcast room was silent.

"I rub it, it's so awesome."

"This is the real boss."

"I finally met the local tyrant in the legendary live broadcast room."

The netizens in the live broadcast room wailed for a while.

Completely stunned by Ye Chen's boldness.

On the other side, Brother Hao Heng was a little dumbfounded, he had already spent more than 20,000 yuan, which was beyond his limit.

He can only surpass Ye Chen by brushing five more treasure maps.

Ye Chen didn't feel distressed at all for the Maotooth coin given by the system that Ye Chen used to brush the treasure map.

Brother Hao Heng is different, those are all real money.

Anne was also anxious to see that Hao Heng hadn't moved.

"Brother Hao Heng, hold on again, maybe this is their limit."

"Brother Hao Heng, after eating, I can go shopping with you and watch movies. You must support me. If I lose, my previous efforts will be wasted."

Annie has no choice but to act cute with Brother Hao Heng.

Brother Hao Heng took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and brushed five more treasure maps.

This is already his limit!

All the pocket money for half a year has been brushed out.

He stared at the live broadcast room with blood red eyes and prayed secretly.

Don't brush anymore, don't brush anymore.

Annie was also staring at the live broadcast room nervously, and she even hoped that the time would pass quickly.

Seeing that Hao Heng had made five more treasure maps, the live broadcast room went crazy.

"Fuck, two big guys."

"It's so rich."

"It's so arrogant, twenty-five thousand five treasure maps!"


Su Xiaoya was also shocked by Brother Hao Heng's five treasure maps.

She secretly sent a private message to Ye Chen.

"Brother Jianliu, thank you for your support. Don't do it for me anymore."

Su Xiaoya knew that in order to win, he had to brush six treasure maps, which was thirty thousand.

After all, Jian Liu had just entered the live broadcast room, and she couldn't bear to let Ye Chen spend so much money on her.

Looking at Su Xiaoya's message, Ye Chen smiled.

This silly girl, if someone else is sure to act like a baby and let Ye Chen continue to spend money, this girl took the initiative to persuade her to quit.

Ye Chen didn't hesitate, and threw out the six treasure maps.

In an instant, the live broadcast room was completely silent.

Everyone is stupid.

Damn it!

I directly brushed another six treasure maps, which is too rich.

"The sword flow is awesome."

"Kneel, I really saw what a local tyrant is."

"What is Hao Heng or Niubi? Kneel down!"

Seeing that Ye Chen brushed another six treasure maps, Brother Hao Heng was silly.

He can't afford it anymore, although he is not reconciled, but the other party is obviously richer and more powerful than him.

"Brother Hao Heng, they must have reached their limit. Let's do another wave."

This time, Brother Hao Heng didn't reply.

Annie sighed, she could understand.

Every time Brother Hao Heng gave her about five or six thousand.

Today, the other party really did their best.

However, the other party is too awesome, too arrogant, really can't brush it.

Ye Chen saw that the other party stopped scanning, and typed on the public screen.

"Brother Hao Heng, continue to do it, I haven't done it well yet."

At this time, Brother Hao Heng opened a trumpet and re-entered the room.

The corner of his mouth twitched when he saw Ye Chen's message.

It's so special that I have used up all my pocket money for a year. Are you still not happy?

When the time came, Annie was defeated again.

Annie was really not reconciled, she was only one game away to get a big recommendation.

Unexpectedly, the last game encountered a real local tyrant.

Annie lost and sent a message on the public screen.

"Swordsman, the little sister lost, it is so uncomfortable, welcome to play in the little sister's live broadcast room in the future, the little sister is proficient in singing and dancing."

Although he lost, he would make a profit if he could hook up with this local tyrant.

Su Xiaoya's heart is tight, this is to grab her eldest brother.

Ye Chen directly replied: "Sorry, I prefer pure and natural beauties."

In other words, Annie's beauty comes from makeup and beautiful pictures.

Su Xiaoya let out a sigh, her eldest brother was not taken away by the fox.

"Sister Annie, I'm sorry, this time I have accepted it. The eldest brother is mine, and no one can take it away."

Su Xiaoya's manner of speaking is completely different from before.

Strength is the kingly way, and now Su Xiaoya is already a person with a big brother, so naturally she also has confidence.

Annie was hinted by Ye Chen that she came out by beauty P. Although she was very angry, she couldn't help it. People who have money can do whatever they want.

She is a small anchor, what can be done.

After ending Lianmai, Su Xiaoya said excitedly: "Brother Jianliu, thank you for your support. What do you need Xiaoya to do for you?"

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised: "You just said what is your best? Broadcast gymnastics, right? Then give us a set of broadcast gymnastics."

"Ah!" Su Xiaoya was stunned, she didn't expect Ye Chen to actually let her do radio gymnastics.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

"Fuck, the boss has a heavy taste, and he likes to watch radio gymnastics."

"Boss, don't squats smell good? Why do you like radio gymnastics."

Su Xiaoya was also a little embarrassed. It was just a joke, but she didn't expect the boss to actually watch him do radio gymnastics.

"Well, brother, are you sure you want to watch me do radio gymnastics?" Su Xiaoya asked.

"Yeah, didn't you say you could?" Ye Chen replied.

Su Xiaoya knew that if Ye Chen were not there, she would really bid farewell to her anchor career today.

So she will do this gymnastics anyway.

"Brother Jianliu, please wait a moment, the radio gymnastics will be arranged soon!"

Su Xiaoya tuned out the music very seriously.

Accompanied by passionate music.

"The ninth set of radio gymnastics is now starting, staying in place..."

"Stretching exercises……"

"Breast expansion exercise..."

Su Xiaoya actually did a broadcast gymnastics for Ye Chen.

I have to say that Su Xiaoya's body shape, coupled with a miniskirt, is very eye-catching for broadcasting gymnastics.

"Fuck, I can't stand the bird anymore, it turns out that broadcast gymnastics is so eye-catching!"

"It turns out that broadcast gymnastics is better than hot dance by the anchor."

"What's a squat? See it on radio gymnastics."

Su Xiaoya wiped off her fragrant sweat: "Brother Jianliu, are you still satisfied?"

After a while, Ye Chen replied: "Huh, I finished the dance so soon. I just went to wash and didn't see it, so I don't want to do it again."

Su Xiaoya: "..."

(Tickets! It’s sad that I didn’t see them all afternoon, so I acted like a baby and asked for tickets...)

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