Published at 27th of April 2021 12:33:55 PM

Chapter 474: 474

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Hu Fei looked at the numerous Didi drivers.

Her expression is very arrogant, and it feels like she is looking at a group of very inferior people.

Ye Chen's brows were also slightly raised.

Obviously the other party didn't take their Didi brothers seriously at all.

Hu Fei said coldly: "Before the company was too tolerant to you, and your share of the proportion was too much, this will be reduced from the original 20% to 10%, and we have to treat you If you are late or if you receive a complaint from a passenger, you will have to deduct money from the original share."


Hearing what Hu Fei said, all the didi brothers were not happy anymore.

This is too harsh.

Yes, all of a sudden, half of the share is lost, how can we live.

This is not giving us any way to survive.

The little brother Didi at the scene was not happy anymore.

After all, the company's regulations were too much, and its revenue was cut in half.

The most important thing is to talk about the talks, where is the talks, and even the link to listen to their opinions is gone.

A little brother Didi stood up dissatisfied.

"Isn't this a roundtable meeting? But why don't I see your sincerity at all?"

Hu Fei snorted coldly: "The conference, yes, we are indeed the conference. We are very frank to inform you about the company's reform requirements."

I wiped, Ye Chen was speechless, it turned out that the talk meeting actually meant this.

"What about the purpose of your company? Don't you mean gratitude, understanding, and communication?" said another Didi brother.

Hu Fei sneered: "Grateful, understand, communicate, that's right."

"Without our Didi company, where would you have the opportunity to make money, so you must be grateful for the Didi company."

"Understand? That's right, you should understand the company. Now you know the company's situation. The company's operations, advertising, and other investments are huge, so everyone has to understand the company's reforms. There is nothing we can do. "

"Communication, haven't I already informed you of the reform plan? This should be regarded as communication with everyone."

After hearing Hu Fei's words, Ye Chen was completely confused.

This is how it was explained.

Just now I was full of feelings that the company is very good.

It turned out to be the other way around.

I have to say that Hu Fei is very talented and has the talent for peeling and exploiting long-time workers in the past week.

The most important thing is that what was originally unreasonable made her speak so arrogantly.

"No, it's too much."

"We disagree."

"That's right, we worked hard to make money for the company. You are too exploitative."

Sure enough, those didi brothers were not happy anymore.

Hearing the dissatisfaction of these little brother Didi, Hu Fei snorted: "Everyone, I just tell you, what is the most important thing our Didi company lacks? That is, brother Didi, if you refuse, you can just title it. You don’t make didi, some people want to make didi. There is no room for negotiation on this matter, and it must be done in accordance with the requirements of the company."

There was a dead silence at the scene, and those didi brothers instantly lost their temper.

Indeed, they and Didi Company are basically the relationship between employment and being employed.

Their lives and deaths are all in the hands of others.

Once titled, they face unemployment, which they cannot afford.

After all, every little brother Didi has a family behind him to support.

Seeing Didi's reaction, Hu Fei snorted coldly.

She had long expected that if she used her own assassin, these didi brothers would definitely be persuaded.

A bunch of poor people, and still talk to me about conditions?

Hu Fei sneered and said: "Well, now everyone should have no opinion, then this reform plan has been passed."

Didi little buddies are all pale.


They simply refused.

This is simply an unreasonable reform.

This kind of reform will cause the income of the little friends of Didi to drop sharply. It is not easy for them in the first place, which is equivalent to taking a layer of their skin.

At this moment, a sneer suddenly sounded in the silent conference room.

Hu Fei, who was originally very proud, suddenly sank, and looked at Ye Chen at the end of the seat.

"What are you laughing at?" Hu Fei said coldly.

Ye Chen sneered: "I laughed at you for being too wicked. You only think about making money by yourself. Have you ever thought about the life and death of brother Didi? A company not only needs to make money, but also needs a corporate culture, Warmth, what is the difference between you and those landlords in the old society? Who will work hard for you in a company like yours."

Originally, these little brothers did not dare to speak, Ye Chen's words spoke their hearts.

There was immediate applause in the conference room.

Hu Fei had already controlled the situation of the meeting, but the sudden emergence of the little brother Didi completely ruined her plan.

"Who are you? Who gave you the right to talk nonsense here?"

Ye Chen stood up and looked at Hu Fei jokingly: "I am a little brother Didi, and what I said is what the little brother Didi wants to say. Since it is a conference, then we should talk fairly. And I don’t think the company’s reform is to inform everyone as you said, it should also be soliciting our opinions."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Hu Fei's expression became even more ugly.

That's right, this conference is actually the company soliciting the opinions of Didi brother.

But what Hu Fei thinks is that if it is taken directly, he can show his abilities to the president.

Now Hu Fei is desperately trying to get to the next level, and this conference can be said to be an opportunity for her.

If this reform is implemented, then she can get a promotion and raise her salary.

As for the life and death of these little brothers, what does it have to do with her?

Seeing that it was about to succeed, this Ye Chen spoiled her good deeds, and Hu Fei suddenly became angry.

"What is your work number, I will close your account immediately."

Ye Chen heard a cold snort, "Why are you blocking my account?"

"It's because you don't obey the company's management."

Hu Fei wants to kill the chicken and curse the monkey.

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "Just because you really don't have the right to close my account."

The two were arguing, and Song Tao happened to pass by the conference room.

Hearing the quarrel in the conference room, Song Tao walked in curiously.

As soon as he entered the conference room, he saw Ye Chen confronting Hu Fei.

Seeing this forced king, Song Tao's body trembled slightly.

After returning to the company, he got to know Ye Chen specifically.

The background was amazing, and he was glad that he was so witty that day.

Although pretending to be slapped in the face, he escaped after all.

Hu Fei was arguing with Ye Chen, and she was overjoyed when she saw Song Tao walk in.

"Mr. Song, quickly shut down this little brother Didi's account, how dare he disobey the management of the company?"

Song Tao looked at Ye Chen with a strange expression.

Hu Fei has always been very arrogant in the company, and this time she pretended to be the king.

How could Song Tao miss such a good opportunity to avenge this arrogant woman.

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